To everyone on wazua, happy new year. There's always one thing that I pray for. That the people I knew before are still around. At my age, I've noticed we are decreasing in number, year after year. So its a good idea to be grateful when a year passes and your friends.....and enemies are still around.
I want to wish each and every wazuan a happy new year and please do stay safe.
To all my personal friends who I met on wazua, please my number changed. Used to go in and out so much but now I'm settled. McReaggea, Kingfisher, sasa niko na number ya forever. I'm now here to stay. So somehow I'll get you.
To the people we've done business with on wazua...please don't be silly thinking that people don't do business on wazua even with divergent political views, yes we do! Let's continue vile vile and see what we can milk from m/s guru. For the fools who only come to sk, get a life and always visit the investment section on wazua. You will be shocked!
For the sharp ones on this forum. Tycho, Magigi, Muhenia, Nandwa, Alphdoti, Mukiri....honestly what simonkabz told you about keeping things simple is important. Seriously. but we accept you with your flaws.
For my political nemesis....loleest, githundi, gathige, ...You will be shocked to learn that I love you guys. You make me think. I hate communities that conform to the stories of the day. Push the envelope please and we shall make this country better. Especially masukuma. He's lost but he's the future of this country. And don't make his future too far coz he's not in the "mboys crub".
As for bwana impunity. May I suggest some helpful medication. Chlorpromazine, Haloperidol, Pimozide, Trifluoperazine, Sulpiride. They have been proven to work effectively for weird behaviour.
I have a special one for bwana murchr. Arguing with you is the most challenging thing that someone can ever do. There are many times that I agree with you, but my ego...my ego....my ego...But yes I do love arguing with you. I always, learn something knew.
Life my friends is good. At my age you learn, you aren't fallible. Shit happens. There can be no worse shit than taking things too seriously on wazua and losing out on friends.
This is a wonderful forum so lets make use of it.
As for Kratos on the other hand. Grow up! Hii inaitwa forum. No one is serious here.
As for bwana Dennis Itumbi. I actually like you, but honestly, I tell you again, propaganda only goes so far. The rest is reality. Keep your gang on a leash. hehe!
As for Moses Kuria, Mzeeeya.....hehe.
As for the guests. Oh upus! The law changed in Kenya. Hizi sio siku za Moi. Some fool actually called me..seriously. Use the forum to gather information. Not intimidate.
For miss beautiful wazua admin.
"These people" have not noticed that I lasted a whole year without being usered. In fact, since 2007, I've never been usered. Why? Kwa sababu hao ni kubafu tu!
Keep up the best fourm in Kenya.
To everyone on wazua, happy new year and do keep safe. Nothing is worse than an asshole who dies on the last week of the year.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.