FRM2011 wrote:Pole @alma you have invited their wrath. They can't see the commercial angle. All they see is an unholy trinity working against their beloved govt.
Now to you all jubilant youth wingers. Stop watching KTN,NTV and citizen. Stick with k24. All the three stations are commercial entities and they have made a decision with commercial repurcusions.
The only time you have a right to complain is if you are a shareholder of NMG or SG. And even then you go rant during the AGM not here. As a viewer simply vote with your remote.
Now let me put my helmet on.
Usijali nimezoea hawa watoto. As long as you ain't seeing the njumbiree side, you aren't ndingital and hate Kenya.
They remind me so much of Kanu and home guards. I don't know why.
If the media feels like being on strike, let them be. They are the ones who know what's going to hurt their shareholders.
Only Bitange Ndemo and pan-africanist can explain to us why they hand over broadcasting rights to Chinese companies. We are sovereign you know.
I'm sure it was because of the stellar human rights and freedom of expression record that comes from facing shina.
Ata boy.
Now go buy the setup box from the other shainis company and carry 3k plus VAT. It's free to air you know.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.