I know of this great website, It’s a great file sharing site where I obtain a lot of business and related books,audio and video materials.
I also use the opera browser,checkout the website You can download it for free. It’s the best web browser I have seen,yet. For SKerians using mobile devices,visit and download it to your phone. With it,you can save in your phone the pages you are browsing; it’s fast and very easy on your airtime.
Where I work,this Barracuda filter denies me access to better known sites,namely rapidshare,youtube and some few more that I Google in search of e-books,movies and audio materials on areas of personal development and business.
Could you be knowledgeable of any website that has very good content,downloadable or otherwise?
Please share with me. My passion lies in business and I need information for growth and development,any business information.
N/B- I’m not advertising any website,just sharing my two centsworth.
Asanteni,Mandugu na Madada.
Opera browser 9.6