@ pinkpanther
You can buy a site here: Flippa
Read about it here:
@ Obi 1
Is it better to buy,or build your first website? I dare say it is better to buy one. For people who are very very new to websites,building one may take forever and finally getting to focus on profit and making even your first shilling may be even more difficult. Don't you agree? Just think about al those things you need to learn to maeke it,then how much more do you need to learn to popularise it? Monetise it? Not something advisable to the new unless you have time. But probably the best learning process.
An easier (just a little bit) is to buy a site that already makes money. And not in just any way but PASSIVE income (meaning you can just leave the site alone and it earns). This way,you can get a site up and running in no time (or however long the sale takes),you don't need to learn akina html na sijui nini,and you are diving head first into internet business. The passive income will give you some chapaa as you familiarise yourself with things. Provided you put in the energy to learn and you don't do anythng not smart,you should be okay in a few months. And all along you'll have been making some nice,even if small,money.
The best part? You can sell the same site later on for profit. I think this beats making your own site for new people who want fast results....though I admit I do make my own sites.
The key thing here is to be
b) ready to learn A LOT in a short time
c) incredibly hard working