@TruthOpiner; You make very serious accusations without giving any facts to back them.
'The only winners from this bond will be the brokers who have already collected their fee's and transcentury,which will eat most of the public's money.'
I can see how brokers will make money from commissions,but hows does Transcentury enter into the equation? And how will it 'eat most of the public's money'?
On the plus side; there is a shortage of elec in Kenya and KenGen has raised more than enough to meet that shortage in the next two years...this will mean more income for the company.
On the minus side; this bond is quite expensive for Kengen. But it has two advantages: (1) It is shilling denominated thus shielded from FX swings; (2) It has an option for early redemption....a good plan,just in case interest rates go down in future...
Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow)
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.