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Bye to legend le Signeur Tabu Ley, RIP
#21 Posted : Sunday, December 01, 2013 8:59:43 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/8/2013
Posts: 2,517
@alma mad respect I salut
thanks for the tribute am rearranging my collections
now this bizna of you quitting wazua no good

@alba that link http://www.kenyapage.net/tabuley

I tell people the trouble with the current generation is failure to acknowldge that music art and sport are a love, a passion a lifestyle. most of these guys have no talent, they cant play a single instrument or sing real vocals and create something original. evertything is digitized in the studio very Chinese

look at our footballers always watching European league no time to go out in the rain and practice

what a shame..Pray
"😖😡KQ makes money for everyone except the shareholder 😏😏 " overheard in Wazua
#22 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 6:24:31 AM
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Posts: 2,517
you left some spaces
then one of the links is repeated
alma wrote:
RIP young man

It reminds me of good music. Not size8, or the current lot of stupid, computer musicians.

Here's a breakdown of what I used to listen to.

Asumani by probably the best vocal line up by TPOK Jazz in 1975
(fltr) Michèl Boyibanda, Youlou , Wuta Mayi (best dancer in the world) and last but not least Lola Djangi Chécain

Then we move on to the best vocal musician in Africa Ever Ndjo Mpoi

For my Jubilee fellows. You are not new, we have seen you before ask Sam Mangwana

Now for the youngan's I don't care who you think you are but there is no Kenyan musician who can still dance and sing like these guys.

Tell the guy next to you to dance with you with some respect. By Ntesa Dalienst you can't touch.

I pray for this generation, all they know is bendover and believe some of this suckers who come to Kenya play reggea.

RIP, the best musicians Africa ever had. And Tabu Ley, you have finished good music in Africa. Now lets have some popcorn music.

RIP and peace to wazua. It's been a nice place but now have to go.

"😖😡KQ makes money for everyone except the shareholder 😏😏 " overheard in Wazua
#23 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 9:01:27 AM
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Joined: 11/12/2007
Posts: 391
alma wrote:
And if you want to make love to your woman. There's nothing better than these harmonies. Harmonies? I know the dot coms don't know what those are!

Good night with Simaro Lutumba's song. Suuun by the big 4.

Surely I'll miss this place.

We shall greatly miss this rhumba LEGEND.RIP
Age is transforming me into an Elder;becoz Admin hasn't made me one.
#24 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 9:08:47 AM
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Joined: 11/12/2007
Posts: 391
RIP rhumba Legend. Your legacy will live on
Age is transforming me into an Elder;becoz Admin hasn't made me one.
#25 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 9:18:24 AM
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Joined: 3/2/2009
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Location: Masada
RIP Pascal Tabou.
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#26 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 9:50:07 AM
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Joined: 4/9/2008
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see the best of Djo Mpoyi Kaninda on this link.

forward to 10.02 all the way to 19.24 where he is doing the song Kadima composed by the poet Lutumba Simaru Masya

The were performing in Kinshasa.
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
#27 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 10:45:30 AM
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Ati savomo song is an advert for omo detergent soap.! Lola salama... mokolo nakokufa..
#28 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 12:18:34 PM
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How many sons and daughter did he leave behind?
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#29 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 1:18:03 PM
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Impunity wrote:
How many sons and daughter did he leave behind?

The known ones are 89 children from 83 different mothers.
#30 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 1:26:51 PM
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Location: Kenya
mawinder wrote:
Impunity wrote:
How many sons and daughter did he leave behind?

The known ones are 89 children from 83 different mothers.

...sema kutunga na kudunga!!!
#31 Posted : Monday, December 02, 2013 4:22:26 PM
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To me the best vocal frontline ever was TPOK Jazz around 1981 ; Josky, Dalienst, Ndombe Opetum, Wuta Mayi, Djo Mpoy.

Tabu Ley was every bit as good as Franco, maybe even better. he just never had the personel to compete with Franco.
#32 Posted : Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:33:29 PM
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Alba wrote:
To me the best vocal frontline ever was TPOK Jazz around 1981 ; Josky, Dalienst, Ndombe Opetum, Wuta Mayi, Djo Mpoy.

Tabu Ley was every bit as good as Franco, maybe even better. he just never had the personel to compete with Franco.

I beg to disagree. TPOK Jazz best can be traced 1079- 82

But vocals were during the time of Sam Mangwana. It took Djo Mpoy to remind people what suuunging a song was all about. See Kingfisher's post.

Dalienst, Josky could sing

but suuuunging

Michèl Boyibanda, Youlou , Wuta Mayi,Lola Djangi Chécain

Djo Mpoyi was toooooo mussssshh.

@Siringi I'm shocked that you can edit my post so confirms my worst fears about wazua....Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

but kingfisher my brother brought me back. So I'll stick to the these kind of posts from now onwards

The repeat was supposed to be


but I fear for the youth these days. for them success means singing one song with some nondescript american.

These motherf***ers used to have 5 albums a year.

Kingfisher, I'm open for business

forget the wazua IPO nonsence. Setup an oldies pub. Oldies have the money, can bring gashungwas and will never meander.

Who's for Kingfisher Oldies Pub?

Mr. King, unakumbuka wimbo huu?

Or do you remember this lady that Franco brought to our eyes


I puke when I hear the so called Kenyan musicians coz they died with Les Wanyika
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#33 Posted : Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:39:40 PM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
But let's not forget Tabu Ley

If only he had business scence like Franco. That was a man who could suuuuung too. All he needed were 40 band members. Jaribu hiyo sahii with these dot coms.

Mokolo Nako Kufa is probably the best lamenting song in any language.

He stole it, but tell me which is better. Tabu Ley or Sam Mangwana

Mokolo nako Kufa

The day I will day
The day of my death

The other day I was wondering
I dreamt as I was sleeping
Ah mother, the day of my death
The day I day, who will weep for me?
I don't know
Let me weep for myself
Death in the forest or in water?
Death by witchcraft or of illness
The day of my death, Mother

I love Sam Mangwana but for me Tabu Ley Wins

Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#34 Posted : Tuesday, December 03, 2013 11:03:15 PM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
Here's Sam Mangwana's version

I wonder, if our life in Kenya is all about Size8, namelees and his chick, sijui huddaa, mara octopussie, mara fimbo chapaa, why do you think we have suspects as presidents?

Our standards died.

If music and art dies, so does the society.

I will still remind you of this song next coz posting here is a problem
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#35 Posted : Tuesday, December 03, 2013 11:08:04 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
Toyeba Yo would be apt for Jubilee psychophants

We know you,all you do is reporting people.We know you all you do is take advantage of people maamaaa!!

Sung before most were born on this forum. I was so there and nimeona mengi and can still type faster than you.

You must love your country and Sam Mangwana, TPOK Jazz, Tabu Ley were all about ART. And art has no sacred cows.

I suuuung this song every day. Just to remind me as Magigi has found out with psychopant simonkabz, we aren't there yet.

Lady admin watch that song. You weren't even an egg or the liquid, but life is repeating itself.

RIP the best musicians and artists in the world. Washana na hawa nameless na taka taka ingine.

Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#36 Posted : Wednesday, December 04, 2013 12:10:37 AM
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Location: Kenya
alma wrote:
Toyeba Yo would be apt for Jubilee psychophants

We know you,all you do is reporting people.We know you all you do is take advantage of people maamaaa!!

Sung before most were born on this forum. I was so there and nimeona mengi and can still type faster than you.

You must love your country and Sam Mangwana, TPOK Jazz, Tabu Ley were all about ART. And art has no sacred cows.

I suuuung this song every day. Just to remind me as Magigi has found out with psychopant simonkabz, we aren't there yet.

Lady admin watch that song. You weren't even an egg or the liquid, but life is repeating itself.

RIP the best musicians and artists in the world. Washana na hawa nameless na taka taka ingine.

#37 Posted : Wednesday, December 04, 2013 12:20:39 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
Tyco njoo hapa. For the yappies and the dot coms. This was 1966. I was 10 yrs old then.

Mokolo nakokufa, ngai moto ya mbongo

The day I will die, I the rich man

Nakanisa nini kaka mosolo o?

What will I think of, but my property?

Nakanisa lopango na bakaminyo

I'll think of my houses and lorries

Nakanisa bana ngai natinda kelasi koyekola

I'll think of the children I sent to school

Mokolo ya liwa, mama

The day of my death, mother

Mokolo nakokufa, ngai moto ya pauvre

The day I die, I the poor man

Nakanisa nini kaka bana na ngai?

What will I think of but my children?

Nakanisa kaka mpasi ya mokili ezali kotikala

I'll only think of the problems of the world that will be left

Mokolo Nakokufa

The day I die

Mokolo nakokufa ngai moto ya kwiti

The day I die, I the drunkard

Nakanisa kopo ya masanga na ngai

I'll only think of my glass of beer

Nakanisa nini kaka suka ya sanza

What will I think of but the end of the month

Tango namelaka ngai na baninga

When I used to drink with my friends

Sorry but sometimes we do have to thing about some shit.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#38 Posted : Wednesday, December 04, 2013 3:53:25 AM
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Joined: 6/8/2013
Posts: 2,517
@alma stop being analogue mtunguyaz Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

of course in any of the many proboards I know when you quote a post, it becomes available for editing vile nimefanya hapa chini

alma wrote:

@Siringi I'm shocked that you can edit my post so confirms my worst fears about wazua....Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

but kingfisher my brother brought me back. So I'll stick to the these kind of posts from now onwards

The repeat was supposed to be

[YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fht6fhKeQ6[/YOUTUBE] ===>please repost link haifunguki shows error

but I fear for the youth these days. for them success means singing one song with some nondescript american.
Tell me of one of these 'celebs' who can play a musical instrument or sing at a live performance without lib synching its a lost generation I tell you absolutely no talent

These motherf***ers used to have 5 albums a year.

Kingfisher, I'm open for business

forget the wazua IPO nonsence. Setup an oldies pub. Oldies have the money, can bring gashungwas and will never meander.

Who's for Kingfisher Oldies Pub? I, ll come buy you guiness kubwa na birika ya maji moto

Mr. King, unakumbuka wimbo huu?...

Or do you remember this lady that Franco brought to our eyes

[YOUTUBE]http://youtu.be/2bnCqxAYf1s[/YOUTUBE] = please repost the link hii iko incomplete na hiyo . kwa youtu.be angalia tena

I puke when I hear the so called Kenyan musicians coz they died with Les Wanyika

"😖😡KQ makes money for everyone except the shareholder 😏😏 " overheard in Wazua
#39 Posted : Wednesday, December 04, 2013 8:27:09 AM
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Location: Masada
mawinder wrote:
Impunity wrote:
How many sons and daughter did he leave behind?

The known ones are 89 children from 83 different mothers.

Rink? Coz I know of two only, one dota with M'Bilia Bell.
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#40 Posted : Wednesday, December 04, 2013 10:07:49 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/29/2008
Posts: 1,566

A favourite of mine - by Tabu and Pompon!


Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
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