My goodness. So sorry, wazua doesn't have a subscribe feature so never saw the queries above
seppuku wrote:@alma, I will take you up on the offer. Just started my first blog this afternoon. Of course I know (and agree with) the popular phrase that "content is king", and quality content is what I will be looking to provide. In what other ways can I get my blog "out there"? I have already linked it to my Twitter, Linkedin and Google accounts. I don't have a Facebook account because I think it is evil.

Nothing is evil. You may not like them but if they have traffic, you go where they are.
For example, you are selling penis enlargement pills but hate porn. You do have to advertise on porn sites so that you can sell to that particular market.
What you should be asking yourself is, where does my target market go to.
If they are on facebook, you go to facebook.
You are more likely to sell ladies shoes on facebook than tractors.
So only use social media accounts that mean something to your business. Not for fun.
More questions please.
Moving a site from 0 to 100 visitors a day is not as difficult as you may think. but need your questions to keep this going
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.