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Solomon's folly
#1 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 10:06:43 AM
Rank: Elder

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If Solomon was so wise, why did he worship many gods and tear the Kingdom apart?

Why was God so angry with him? Is God angry with Wisdom? Is God hiding something?

#2 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 1:13:40 PM
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tycho wrote:
If Solomon was so wise, why did he worship many gods and tear the Kingdom apart?

Why was God so angry with him? Is God angry with Wisdom? Is God hiding something?

Is it? I have tried looking for an answer for you but I cannot. Your questions are too open ended. Ask God. Am sure He will give you an appropriate answer.
#3 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 1:29:17 PM
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#4 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 1:48:46 PM
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marko wrote:
tycho wrote:
If Solomon was so wise, why did he worship many gods and tear the Kingdom apart?

Why was God so angry with him? Is God angry with Wisdom? Is God hiding something?

Is it? I have tried looking for an answer for you but I cannot. Your questions are too open ended. Ask God. Am sure He will give you an appropriate answer.

Thank you. But what if I posed the question to God, and he gave me the answer, would I be able to communicate it?
Angelica _ann
#5 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 1:50:42 PM
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washiku wrote:
Sasa kama @Tycho hajui nani anajua?

In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#6 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 2:09:47 PM
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washiku wrote:
Sasa kama @Tycho hajui nani anajua?

A good hint. The people regard Solomon as wise and worship him. But this only breeds discontentment among the people hence dividing the kingdom.

A consequence of wisdom is freedom; and freedom, responsibility. The children of Israel relegated all responsibility to Solomon and yet he could only fulfill a few hundred women.

Wisdom is a ladder, and Solomon had yet to climb to the last rung.

The anger of God came from the groans of men and women, who had not aspired to wisdom and were yet suffering.

But how could Solomon make the people wise, if he himself wasn't God? And how will the people be wise if they don't aspire to God?

Solomon was an emperor, yet his hold was feeble. And folly manifest.
The Clown
#7 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 4:09:25 PM
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tycho wrote:
If Solomon was so wise, why did he worship many gods and tear the Kingdom apart?

Why was God so angry with him? Is God angry with Wisdom? Is God hiding something?

I like to think of wisdom as an advisor given to us by God. Proberbs 1:23 "Come and listen to my (wisdom's) counsel, I'll share my heart with you and make you wise". Words in brackets are mine.

We can listen to what it tells us but ultimately we are the ones who make the decisions and take the actions. That way, we and only we are accountable to God for what we do.

God's anger towards Solomon arose from the fact that he turned away from worshiping Him and became involved with foreign gods.

Yani, even with wisdom, Solomon still had a choice to make and he went with the concubines and other gods.

Proverbs 1:30 "They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes".
#8 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 6:08:52 PM
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tycho wrote:
If Solomon was so wise, why did he worship many gods and tear the Kingdom apart?
Why was God so angry with him? Is God angry with Wisdom? Is God hiding something?

@ Tycho, I will try.
The gifts of God are without repentance-.God does not withdraw a given gift when man turns against Him.
Romans 11.
Look around and see how many 'gifted sinners'we have'.-People calling themselves 'Men of God'.

Now if God doesn't withdraw a gift what happens if man chooses to disobey God like solomon?

We are told that the devil seeks people to devour.He requires a medium to operate, in this case man.Evil comes to corrupt the gift given to man by God for His glory.

There's no worse thing than a smart guy being used of the devil.
So no God doesn't play hide and seek.

#9 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 7:11:07 PM
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The Clown wrote:
tycho wrote:
If Solomon was so wise, why did he worship many gods and tear the Kingdom apart?

Why was God so angry with him? Is God angry with Wisdom? Is God hiding something?

I like to think of wisdom as an advisor given to us by God. Proberbs 1:23 "Come and listen to my (wisdom's) counsel, I'll share my heart with you and make you wise". Words in brackets are mine.

We can listen to what it tells us but ultimately we are the ones who make the decisions and take the actions. That way, we and only we are accountable to God for what we do.

God's anger towards Solomon arose from the fact that he turned away from worshiping Him and became involved with foreign gods.

Yani, even with wisdom, Solomon still had a choice to make and he went with the concubines and other gods.

Proverbs 1:30 "They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes".

'Wisdom' is the ability to choose what is right. To say that he was wise but couldn't choose rightly then implies he had no wisdom from the beginning.
#10 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 7:16:26 PM
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kysse wrote:
tycho wrote:
If Solomon was so wise, why did he worship many gods and tear the Kingdom apart?
Why was God so angry with him? Is God angry with Wisdom? Is God hiding something?

@ Tycho, I will try.
The gifts of God are without repentance-.God does not withdraw a given gift when man turns against Him.
Romans 11.
Look around and see how many 'gifted sinners'we have'.-People calling themselves 'Men of God'.

Now if God doesn't withdraw a gift what happens if man chooses to disobey God like solomon?

We are told that the devil seeks people to devour.He requires a medium to operate, in this case man.Evil comes to corrupt the gift given to man by God for His glory.

There's no worse thing than a smart guy being used of the devil.
So no God doesn't play hide and seek.

Let's agree that God doesn't withdraw his gifts to Man, and despite Solomon's waywardness he could still choose the right thing. But didn't choose. Should he still qualify as 'wise'?
#11 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 7:50:24 PM
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tycho wrote:

Let's agree that God doesn't withdraw his gifts to Man, and despite Solomon's waywardness he could still choose the right thing. But didn't choose. Should he still qualify as 'wise'?

Yes,but Wise for the World.There is such a thing as worldly wisdom which your friend solomon was exhibiting and it worked.

By the way do you know that it was Solomon whom God chose to build the Temple because David's hands were full of blood? He wasn't sooo bad after all.
#12 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 8:03:16 PM
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kysse wrote:
tycho wrote:

Let's agree that God doesn't withdraw his gifts to Man, and despite Solomon's waywardness he could still choose the right thing. But didn't choose. Should he still qualify as 'wise'?

Yes,but Wise for the World.There is such a thing as worldly wisdom which your friend solomon was exhibiting and it worked.

By the way do you know that it was Solomon whom God chose to build the Temple because David's hands were full of blood? He wasn't sooo bad after all.

That would mean that God deliberately denied Solomon the best form of Wisdom.

But now that he was allowed to build the temple was the wisdom worldly? A temple built on worldly foundations?
#13 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 8:45:14 PM
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Shida ni... kuengage tycho smile

tycho wrote:

That would mean that God deliberately denied Solomon the best form of Wisdom.

But now that he was allowed to build the temple was the wisdom worldly? A temple built on worldly foundations?

No, He did not deny him anything.God doesn't dish out half-baked gifts.
The temple wasn't build on worldly foundation because God was the chief Architect.He gave strict instructions on how it should be built,In other words it was built on God's own foundation.

Solomon built the temple not because he had wisdom but because God had prophesied it long ago through his Father David.
Rem that God's word will not return to Him void,It must accomplish what it is sent to do.

Tycho God cannot be fooled either.Solomon was punished by God.

Even though the Lord, the God of Israel, had appeared to Solomon twice and had commanded him not to worship foreign gods, Solomon did not obey the Lord but turned away from him. So the Lord was angry with Solomon 11 and said to him, “Because you have deliberately broken your covenant with me and disobeyed my commands, I promise that I will take the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your officials. 12 However, for the sake of your father David I will not do this in your lifetime, but during the reign of your son. 13 And I will not take the whole kingdom away from him; instead, I will leave him one tribe for the sake of my servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city I have made my own.”

#14 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 9:06:05 PM
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Your argument runs like this:

Solomon knew how to choose what is right because God gave him the ability to do so. But Solomon deliberately chose not choose rightly. Or, went against wisdom.

Therefore Solomon had no wisdom to start with, or there's something better than wisdom that other gods could provide. And therefore the gods were better than Yahweh.
#15 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 9:14:24 PM
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tycho wrote:
Your argument runs like this:

Solomon knew how to choose what is right because God gave him the ability to do so. But Solomon deliberately chose not choose rightly. Or, went against wisdom.

Therefore Solomon had no wisdom to start with, or there's something better than wisdom that other gods could provide. And therefore the gods were better than Yahweh.

What is wisdom to you?
#16 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 9:20:53 PM
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kysse wrote:
tycho wrote:
Your argument runs like this:

Solomon knew how to choose what is right because God gave him the ability to do so. But Solomon deliberately chose not choose rightly. Or, went against wisdom.

Therefore Solomon had no wisdom to start with, or there's something better than wisdom that other gods could provide. And therefore the gods were better than Yahweh.

What is wisdom to you?

Wisdom, is the ability to make true, and 'balanced' choices with an aim of living and sharing the 'best' life possible.
#17 Posted : Sunday, October 20, 2013 9:44:15 PM
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tycho wrote:

Wisdom, is the ability to make true, and 'balanced' choices with an aim of living and sharing the 'best' life possible.

I think it's having the ability to apply acquired knowledge. Most people are knowledgeable but
wisdom is elusive.
Now back to your question,Solomon had knowledge throughout but he lacked wisdom.
Wisdom imo best applies in situations where judgement is needed.
But knowledge applies where accuracy is required.

Building the temple didn't require his wisdom but knowledge.
The Clown
#18 Posted : Monday, October 21, 2013 4:29:50 PM
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kysse wrote:
tycho wrote:

Wisdom, is the ability to make true, and 'balanced' choices with an aim of living and sharing the 'best' life possible.

I think it's having the ability to apply acquired knowledge. Most people are knowledgeable but
wisdom is elusive.
Now back to your question,Solomon had knowledge throughout but he lacked wisdom.
Wisdom imo best applies in situations where judgement is needed.
But knowledge applies where accuracy is required.

Building the temple didn't require his wisdom but knowledge.

Well put @kysse.
#19 Posted : Monday, October 21, 2013 9:27:28 PM
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The Clown wrote:
kysse wrote:
tycho wrote:

Wisdom, is the ability to make true, and 'balanced' choices with an aim of living and sharing the 'best' life possible.

I think it's having the ability to apply acquired knowledge. Most people are knowledgeable but
wisdom is elusive.
Now back to your question,Solomon had knowledge throughout but he lacked wisdom.
Wisdom imo best applies in situations where judgement is needed.
But knowledge applies where accuracy is required.

Building the temple didn't require his wisdom but knowledge.

Well put @kysse.

I find it strange that judgement and accuracy can be separated. Or even knowledge separated from wisdom.
#20 Posted : Monday, October 21, 2013 9:54:36 PM
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tycho wrote:
The Clown wrote:
kysse wrote:
tycho wrote:

Wisdom, is the ability to make true, and 'balanced' choices with an aim of living and sharing the 'best' life possible.

I think it's having the ability to apply acquired knowledge. Most people are knowledgeable but
wisdom is elusive.
Now back to your question,Solomon had knowledge throughout but he lacked wisdom.
Wisdom imo best applies in situations where judgement is needed.
But knowledge applies where accuracy is required.

Building the temple didn't require his wisdom but knowledge.

Well put @kysse.

I find it strange that judgement and accuracy can be separated. Or even knowledge separated from wisdom.

well let me give a practical eg

A girl is involved in an accident and is rushed to the hospital by his dad who happens to be suffering from a heart condition and prone to heart attack.
The doctor being a family doc knows the father's condition.

On arrival the girl passes on, as the dad waits for news of her progress.

Now a knowledgeable doctor lacking in wisdom will break the sad news to the father killing him on the spot.

But a knowledgeable, yet full of wisdom doctor will not do such.He will seek to re-assure the father and look for ways of breaking the news to his family.The initial heavy shock will be absorbed by the family.

Wisdom can also seen in offices among bosses eg when breaking news of job dismisal to a needy employee. If the boss doesn't apply wisdom the guy may end up taking his life and that of his family.

Old wazees in the village may lack knowledge, They are not always accurate in their judgments
but their wisdom sustains the community.

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