kysse wrote:I never knew how organized and structured the Asian Community was until saturday.
I am amazed to learn that they operate like a small 'goverment with different groups assigned to perform different jobs ranging from security/education/medical/social events etc.
The Shas-
The Patels-
The Ismailis-
all perform diff funtions under their 'goverment'
They have members blood groups,food stores goodness they have everything!! to keep them safe in times of calamity.
The westgate was frequently patrolled by the 'security arm' of the asian community,most wearing civilian.
We all saw how they came out in large numbers to perform the jobs each has been assigned to do in their community.
I must say that they are the most organised and worthwhile group and their contribution to the society cannot be overlooked.
Kudos to you all for coming out to help.
I am humbled.
They cant mix that homogeneously, Some are gujarati, others punjabi. Ismaili are even Moslem and not Hindi, most Patels are Jain i believe, Sikhs as well. some Pakistani, others from India (and they fight each other back in Asia like nobodies business)
Not to mention the castes within the close homogeneous ones.
They may be organised yes. but not in that mixture.
Say its a tight neighborhood watch.. but not the entire Asian Community