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the ‘Save David Campaign’
#1 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 7:44:34 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
Eish, are some of these things for real? What happened to the Wazee sittings? anyway, here you go. Author - Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta:

My husband called me yesterday. I do not pick his calls. I do not speak to him. I stopped speaking to him because he does not listen to me. He does not listen to anything I say.

Since I discovered about his infidelity, I came to realize that everything I ever said to him was stored in a folder in his mind for future use.

At one time, he told me that someone called him a ‘gold-digger’. He then said that I was going around telling people that I am the one who supports our family and not him. He reached this conclusion because according to him, I always told people about the things that I had done like when I paid for the new sofas in our home. This is when he was telling me what was wrong with me. He said I was boastful.

At another time, he reminded me that I once compared him to one of his relatives and told him that he was refusing to think and with that I meant that he and his relatives are fools; so I look down on them.

I am unable to explain myself to my husband and he is unable to hear me let alone understand me. I also do not want to get into any argument with him. The image of me that he has concocted in his mind is a lie. I am not who he thinks I am.

I was told that he was calling me because he is afraid of my speaking at the Ignite Summit.

My husband’s greatest fear is for people to know who he really is.

I on the other hand find great joy in revealing my true self to the whole world.

In order to get saved, God made me face my greatest fear which was being rejected by a man that I loved. It is true that I was proud. I believed that I was all that and my husband was lucky to have me as his wife. The realization of just how little my husband valued my love for him tormented me and almost killed me.

Now it is my husband’s turn to get saved. We are saved by the grace of God. I believe that my husband can get saved because God is using me to make my husband face his greatest fear. God never fails and cannot be defeated. My husband will get saved. You wait and see.

We are married. We are one. So the same rules apply to my husband as they applied to me. I got saved, so will he.

Anything I ever said or did ended up in the folder in my husband’s mind from which he extracted all manner of accusations against me to tell his girlfriends what was wrong with me. In the same way, anything my husband says or does will end up on this blog.

The difference here is motive. My husband’s motive was to demean me; my motive is to save my husband. There is a very important point to gather here. What my husband did showed me what was wrong with me and when I realized what was wrong with me, I changed and got saved. I am doing the same for my husband.

My husband’s number is 0722523443. He also has a celtel number 0733523443. (The last five digits of his current receptionist/girlfriend’s number are 23443).

At this stage, I would like to make a special request to you, my readers.

Any of you who is determined to see my husband get saved, please call him for me and give him the following message:

Tell him that because he is the father of my children, I love him and what I am doing writing this blog and speaking at the ignite summit and appearing on television where I am telling, and will tell the whole world about what he did to me, is motivated by that love. He should therefore just relax and not fear anything. Tell him that I want him to get saved so that he can be able to hear me when I talk to him and it is only when he gets saved that I will start talking to him again. For now, he will have to talk to me through others. Ask him whether he has any message for me and listen to the message. Whatever happens when you call, post it as a comment to this lesson.

The ‘Save David Campaign’ is not a one woman show. I cannot save him alone. You guys have to help me.

David has to come to a realization that the real him is as wonderful a sight to behold as the real me is. He should remember just how young, slim and beautiful I became once I faced my greatest fear and let God help me overcome it.

Come to the Ignite Summit on Tuesday 17th September 2013 and watch me on K24 on Friday 20th September 2013 at 8.30pm and come to the GSAS on 28th September 2013 from 3.30pm to 5.30pm and see for yourself.

Summary for This Lesson:-

The real you is a wonderful sight to behold."
Ref - http://njerimucheru.com/lesson-twenty-seven/
#2 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 7:58:25 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 2/21/2012
Posts: 1,739
The lady is My hero. Hats off. I salute Her. My heart goes out. And I pray though, that the Husband does not have a firearm. Praying for you
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God..
#3 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 8:26:09 PM
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Joined: 3/19/2013
Posts: 344
I think she needs help.
#4 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 8:43:23 PM
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Ni kubaya...
#5 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 8:47:39 PM
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Location: Enk are Nyirobi
Another Kingwa Kamencu!
Life is short. Live passionately.
#6 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 8:49:27 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 3/29/2011
Posts: 2,242
Sounds like @Chepkel when starved.
"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." Goethe
#7 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 8:50:46 PM
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Joined: 7/11/2012
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Being a Christian doesn't necessarily make one 'intelligent/wise' much the same way as, not every Muslim is a terrorist.

A foolish woman destroys her home.. I hope that guys phone battery is origino sio shaina.

Proverbs 19:21
#8 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 8:51:23 PM
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Isn't this "mass action" on a guy? #MarriageOnTrial
#9 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 9:06:06 PM
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sparkly wrote:
Another Kingwa Kamencu!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God..
Mr. Sulu
#10 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 9:17:30 PM
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Posts: 91
To quote WSR 'This story sounds like it is only possible in a movie'.
#11 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 9:30:18 PM
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I thought David was a needy case

#12 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 9:30:54 PM
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Whatever had remained of that marriage is finally gone.

Not sure its the best way to deal with the issue.

Wish her well though.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#13 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 9:36:25 PM
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I thought all those who had escaped from Mathare had gone back. Apparently not, this one here is still on the loose. David should start a blog to seek help to put her back and start treatment.
#14 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 11:47:30 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/15/2006
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I have read the blog. So naked, so brutal, so unashamed, heart wrenching - only one word captures it all - TRUTH!

A saintly effort by flawed spirit. But good has come from the grotesque macabre play.

"Grace is treating others, not as they deserve, but as God wishes them to be treated with loving-kindness and mercy."
#15 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 11:56:56 PM
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Sio karata watu wanachezewa!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Angelica _ann
#16 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 11:57:50 PM
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Joined: 12/7/2012
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Gathige wrote:
Sounds like @Chepkel when starved.

@chepkel is at the hague
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#17 Posted : Tuesday, September 17, 2013 6:53:33 AM
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Am wrote:
sparkly wrote:
Another Kingwa Kamencu!


On the madness side. She needs help.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#18 Posted : Tuesday, September 17, 2013 6:58:53 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2012
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Aaah.....women,...huyu amevuka mipaka...he's now gone. Shame on you
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#19 Posted : Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:08:57 AM
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What David needs now is cash donations to take his wife to hospital.If i were him,i would start a parallel campaign and name it,"Save Njeri"
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#20 Posted : Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:17:48 AM
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McReggae wrote:
Sio karata wata wanachezewa!!!

sio karata. know the couple. Pray Sad Pray
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