Club SK
In defence of Mbuzi
Rank: Veteran Joined: 2/21/2012 Posts: 1,739
Amores wrote:Am wrote:mkenyan wrote:Am wrote:Lolest! wrote:@impunity, you may need to recheck how and what you post. Heshimu watu bana! I remember that time you told someone that you can't belive a grown up man drives the car that wazuan has. The poor guy's mistake was posting a querry about a vitz! You are right @Lolest, but we need to look at the other side of the Coin and stop only demonizing @Impunity. I agree that the Guy has in one or two occasions gone a bit far. But do you remember a Certain Post where someone asked him whether ameona, na kama bibi iko Depression already. Then the poster goes ahead to say that even if she does not have it she will soon. Do you remember that? Sasa wewe Niambie, Hiyo Ni mzuri kweli? Hiyo Ni uungwana kweli? Then @Maichblack asks him what he smokes yesterday. Simply because @Impunity suggested for gas cylinder to be disposed. Yes I agree @Impunity can be rather harsh at times but even my twin sister and I are too too different, in soo so many ways.Yet, we are one. The Problem with the masses is that truth is not appreciated. People hate those who go straight to the point.People want to stay on googles, ladies especially want them in the darkest form Possible,Like charcoal. I do not even know where they source them. We can never be the same good people. Let correct, and us agree to be corrected, as @Impunity does all the time. seems that impunity is being accused of not lying but saying what others may agree with but feel should not be said - some, am sure, even talked about the same things on other wazuans behind their backs after the mbuzi. at least impunity does not hide it. and as mcreggae says above what about other public figures being talked of here (at least the wazuans are here to defend themselves if necessary)? Diana Kethi Nduku Kilonzo Now, I can Copy and Paste several Comments here, made about the above girl, by a google wearer, who is Complaining now - that are worse than @Impunity's 5 Year long "Dirty Posts" If man is without a stand, Msimamo, Mambo Kwisha. Yes please ,post.The way you are out defending him,we might kuta you were helping him to talk about kichwa kubwa.I remember very well that many people told him to stop it. Dear @Amores. Dear sir/madam. Lest You Misunderstand. I have not seen anyone encourage Matusi. I have not seen anyone encourage @Impunity to Disrespect People.In Person,I hate It and always feel bad everytime I see comment that falls short of respect,Derogatory words and people's lack of decorum. And I have not seen anyone cheer on @Impunity when he is wrong. I was on record telling him that he was unnecessarily hard on @Maichblack Jana. Donge? Read the Posts vizuri. I think that every one has a stand, you Included but Just like in Politics, all parties want to win. Lets Observe respect though. Finally, We must Preach water and drink water, sio Karubu. Talking of which, what is this Profile that you have, ati "@Impunity lacks Decorum"Your Googles are Darker than night. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God..
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/25/2011 Posts: 2,103 Location: Nrb
@Am,i am not sure that i understood your post,but I have picked only one thing "lets respect one another" next time,wewe utachambuliwa and you will realise that it actually does not earn you anything by insulting others.My tag line is just meant to awaken him na wengine walio na hiyo tabia,lakini kama unaona ni mbaya,mimi nitaitoa,I am also very quick as saying sorry,there is no point justifying primitive behaviour by digging old threads and yada yada. I am happy
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/31/2008 Posts: 7,081 Location: Kenya
butterflyke wrote:This thread is not about saving the lives of goats cos mbuzi tutakula Lately, the reputation of Wazua Club SK's Mbuzi tradition has been besmirched by some unfortunate posts and comments leading some members to say they have been put off coming to Mbuzi. I think it is fair to say that if you have a sack of potatoes and you find a few bad ones, you don't throw away the whole sack and decide you will eat not chips or mokimo or whatever tickles your tastebuds. There are a lot of positive things that come out of the Mbuzi tradition; yes, it is not perfect but let's be objective about it. Na ule aligonga gari ya Magigi bado hajajitokeza Thanks @Butterfly for reminding them...Spent 15k for repair. I am still waiting for this criminal to kujitokeza...Otherwise in a weeks time i will be heading to Kitui (it is ripe there!!!) where I will have the dude's very important exit locked for good...  Still reachable at magigistock@gmail.com...Na mbuzi lazima nikuje...hata kama kofia ni moja!!!
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
I can't believe people here are defending the right to tell the truth irresponsibly. It is good to tell the truth, but responsibly. You see a lot of people who are not visually apppealing but you do not go telling them 'haki you're ugly! How do you feel when you check yourself on the mirror? Poor thing. I hope none of my children turns out as ugly as you'...isn't this childish/stupid?
Rank: Member Joined: 8/11/2009 Posts: 481
McReggae wrote:carygoh wrote:famooz wrote:@tycho and @mkenya ,there are people who introduce themselves by their screen name,this has nothing to do with self esteem but what is acceptable behaviour,we do not attend mbuzi so that we can turn around and analyse others @nostop,sasa ulitaka ashangiliwe when he was praising those ladies ama what kind of reaction were you expecting? Hehehe If you remember,he went all out on carygoh a while back and he was told off,but as CLK said,@impunity has his supporters,people who actually cheer him on and in my view hakuna ungwana hapo. mimi ata nikiitwa gani ...mbuzi nitakuja tu... @carygoh, that is the spirit!!!!  Kayamba kwa Carygoh (OGC)!!. Tell them we should be discussing how many ngots we will demolish in Mbuzi 8 and how the Gonads will be shared between one @Imp and @Magigi.  "The longer the fuse the mightier the blast!"
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
famooz wrote:McReggae wrote:What about what we normally post about public and non public figures who are not members of wazua perse'?
.......tutoe googles....not forgetting the rebuttal some members have thrown Impunity's way!!! @MC,i think it does not help to try and justify @impunity's comments;you do not wine and dine with a man or woman and then turn around and post stuff about them.and i like the comment that said to think twice before posting stuff. exactly @famooz! I dare say that a backbiter is better than someone who sees you and shouts. There's a reason why our parents warned us not to laugh at adults. The hurt is bigger. Go laugh in the inner room away from him
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/31/2008 Posts: 7,081 Location: Kenya
Lolest! wrote:I can't believe people here are defending the right to tell the truth irresponsibly. It is good to tell the truth, but responsibly. You see a lot of people who are not visually apppealing but you do not go telling them 'haki you're ugly! How do you feel when you check yourself on the mirror? Poor thing. I hope none of my children turns up as ugly as you'...isn't this childish/stupid? Well spoken...mbloo... 
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/17/2013 Posts: 4,693 Location: Earth
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
ggghhhhhrrrrh.......guys are going overboard for nothing really, two weeks ago about that KTN 'Tujuane' lady......I remember what some of the complainants posted, c'mon guys, this is social media, I have told Impunity off before but this vitroil is uncalled for.....you abuse non wazuans but want to be treated with kid's gloves.....SMH!!!!.......people forget that the complainants have abused Impunity in equal measure if not more.......the man being defended in this case have posted crazy things about people some of us interact with at a personal level!!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/26/2008 Posts: 4,449
Did the Mbuzi change? I thought the modus operandi was what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. In the event things have evolved, as an attendee, it may be advisable that you do not disclose your screen name. The crowd may praise or critic without one catching feelings.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
McReggae wrote:ggghhhhhrrrrh.......guys are going overboard for nothing really, two weeks ago about that KTN 'Tujuane' lady......I remember what some of the complainants posted, c'mon guys, this is social media, I have told Impunity off before but this vitroil is uncalled for.....you abuse non wazuans but want to be treated with kid's gloves.....SMH!!!!.......people forget that the complainants have abused Impunity in equal measure if not more.......the man being defended in this case have posted crazy things about people some of us interact with at a personal level!!!! ......and for the record this is not a defence for any unbecoming behaviour from any member, just a call for us to think beyond 'Me' 'I' and 'Myself'......funny nobody wanna hit back at those who 'abuse' @Impunity back.......the other time when I did something similar (hitting back) they were all in arms calling for me to be usered.......let's be sober (i'm not sure I am) na tutoe googles!!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/24/2009 Posts: 5,909 Location: Nairobi
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/17/2013 Posts: 4,693 Location: Earth
nostoppingthis wrote:Hii sasa ni kelele!!! THE UNSPOKEN,Wazua edition. People often criticize others for selfish reasons. The purpose is usually to create a negative impression of them in the mind of others, so they can end up thinking and talking like them. It doesn't even matter if the critic has ever laid eyes on the person being criticized or engaged them in conversation.The purpose is 'destroy'. It works among insecure fellows with egos up to the sky but hurting deep inside.The bully thus becomes the hero. Bullies go for the weakest,vulnerable individual esp if the individual fails to give them the recognition they so much crave. Make peace with people.Respect them regardless of their looks,size,financial status,marital staus,religion,siasa,It's all vanity. Don't let God teach you how to be humble.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 759
Am wrote:Amores wrote:Am wrote:mkenyan wrote:Am wrote:Lolest! wrote:@impunity, you may need to recheck how and what you post. Heshimu watu bana! I remember that time you told someone that you can't belive a grown up man drives the car that wazuan has. The poor guy's mistake was posting a querry about a vitz! You are right @Lolest, but we need to look at the other side of the Coin and stop only demonizing @Impunity. I agree that the Guy has in one or two occasions gone a bit far. But do you remember a Certain Post where someone asked him whether ameona, na kama bibi iko Depression already. Then the poster goes ahead to say that even if she does not have it she will soon. Do you remember that? Sasa wewe Niambie, Hiyo Ni mzuri kweli? Hiyo Ni uungwana kweli? Then @Maichblack asks him what he smokes yesterday. Simply because @Impunity suggested for gas cylinder to be disposed. Yes I agree @Impunity can be rather harsh at times but even my twin sister and I are too too different, in soo so many ways.Yet, we are one. The Problem with the masses is that truth is not appreciated. People hate those who go straight to the point.People want to stay on googles, ladies especially want them in the darkest form Possible,Like charcoal. I do not even know where they source them. We can never be the same good people. Let correct, and us agree to be corrected, as @Impunity does all the time. seems that impunity is being accused of not lying but saying what others may agree with but feel should not be said - some, am sure, even talked about the same things on other wazuans behind their backs after the mbuzi. at least impunity does not hide it. and as mcreggae says above what about other public figures being talked of here (at least the wazuans are here to defend themselves if necessary)? Diana Kethi Nduku Kilonzo Now, I can Copy and Paste several Comments here, made about the above girl, by a google wearer, who is Complaining now - that are worse than @Impunity's 5 Year long "Dirty Posts" If man is without a stand, Msimamo, Mambo Kwisha. Yes please ,post.The way you are out defending him,we might kuta you were helping him to talk about kichwa kubwa.I remember very well that many people told him to stop it. Dear @Amores. Dear sir/madam. Lest You Misunderstand. I have not seen anyone encourage Matusi. I have not seen anyone encourage @Impunity to Disrespect People.In Person,I hate It and always feel bad everytime I see comment that falls short of respect,Derogatory words and people's lack of decorum. And I have not seen anyone cheer on @Impunity when he is wrong. I was on record telling him that he was unnecessarily hard on @Maichblack Jana. Donge? Read the Posts vizuri. I think that every one has a stand, you Included but Just like in Politics, all parties want to win. Lets Observe respect though. Finally, We must Preach water and drink water, sio Karubu. Talking of which, what is this Profile that you have, ati "@Impunity lacks Decorum"Your Googles are Darker than night. @Everyone, I have never been to Mbuzi but I am afraid alot of people seem to think it is ok for Impunity to be "honest" and othet justify Impunity's behaviour by pointing out other comments made about other public figures or those who appears on TV. First, Impunity is not been honest, he is been stupid or childish.... it is a norm in sociEty to complIment people you meet regardless, reasonable people tend to want to make other feel better and comfortable at all time, thats why people try to say good things about people they meet. Secondly, public figures are public figure, you don't know them and they don't know you, for that reason, any inappropriate comment you make about them do not get to them or even if they do, they don't have as much impact as someone you've met and knows you. Thirdly, all guys will make comments about women, in office, markets, shambas or even school, but the man's rule is, you don't let the woman know. So for Impunity to talk about these ladies in public forum violate every man's rules I know of and therefore Impunity is not a man enough and should never hang out with MEN!
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2007 Posts: 8,776 Location: Cameroon
lol! The Impunity cheering team. As far as I know, the damage is already done. TULIA.........UFUNZWE!
Rank: Veteran Joined: 2/3/2010 Posts: 1,797 Location: Kenya
@impunity change your signature from -You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht. to You know you've made it when you become a trending topic on wazua I may be wrong..but then I could be right
Rank: Member Joined: 4/1/2009 Posts: 846
Am wrote:Lolest! wrote:@impunity, you may need to recheck how and what you post. Heshimu watu bana! I remember that time you told someone that you can't belive a grown up man drives the car that wazuan has. The poor guy's mistake was posting a querry about a vitz! You are right @Lolest, but we need to look at the other side of the Coin and stop only demonizing @Impunity. I agree that the Guy has in one or two occasions gone a bit far. But do you remember a Certain Post where someone asked him whether ameona, na kama bibi iko Depression already. Then the poster goes ahead to say that even if she does not have it she will soon. Do you remember that? Sasa wewe Niambie, Hiyo Ni mzuri kweli? Hiyo Ni uungwana kweli? Then @Maichblack asks him what he smokes yesterday. Simply because @Impunity suggested for gas cylinder to be disposed. Yes I agree @Impunity can be rather harsh at times but even my twin sister and I are too too different, in soo so many ways.Yet, we are one. The Problem with the masses is that truth is not appreciated. People hate those who go straight to the point.People want to stay on googles, ladies especially want them in the darkest form Possible,Like charcoal. I do not even know where they source them. We can never be the same good people. Let correct, and us agree to be corrected, as @Impunity does all the time. People hiding behind this word 'truth', yes someone has a small behind, which is true, the person cannot do much about it, right? just the same way you cant do much about your height, donge? problem comes in when @Impunity's statements are aimed at making those that have not so big or very big bums, hips or not hips, cups size A and tripple D feel inferior or substandard, he even makes very irritating and unfortunate statements about the disabled/sick, NKT!!
Rank: Member Joined: 4/1/2009 Posts: 846
McReggae wrote:What about what we normally post about public and non public figures who are not members of wazua perse'?
.......tutoe googles....not forgetting the rebuttal some members have thrown Impunity's way!!! Title to this thread would answer your question very well and put our sentiments about @Impunity and other wazuans who misbehave based on what they see or hear at the Mbuzi fests into context. Dos and donts before and after Mbuzi and anything that would encourage more wazuans to come for the mbuzis...
Rank: Member Joined: 4/1/2009 Posts: 846
Rollout wrote:Am wrote:Amores wrote:Am wrote:mkenyan wrote:Am wrote:Lolest! wrote:@impunity, you may need to recheck how and what you post. Heshimu watu bana! I remember that time you told someone that you can't belive a grown up man drives the car that wazuan has. The poor guy's mistake was posting a querry about a vitz! You are right @Lolest, but we need to look at the other side of the Coin and stop only demonizing @Impunity. I agree that the Guy has in one or two occasions gone a bit far. But do you remember a Certain Post where someone asked him whether ameona, na kama bibi iko Depression already. Then the poster goes ahead to say that even if she does not have it she will soon. Do you remember that? Sasa wewe Niambie, Hiyo Ni mzuri kweli? Hiyo Ni uungwana kweli? Then @Maichblack asks him what he smokes yesterday. Simply because @Impunity suggested for gas cylinder to be disposed. Yes I agree @Impunity can be rather harsh at times but even my twin sister and I are too too different, in soo so many ways.Yet, we are one. The Problem with the masses is that truth is not appreciated. People hate those who go straight to the point.People want to stay on googles, ladies especially want them in the darkest form Possible,Like charcoal. I do not even know where they source them. We can never be the same good people. Let correct, and us agree to be corrected, as @Impunity does all the time. seems that impunity is being accused of not lying but saying what others may agree with but feel should not be said - some, am sure, even talked about the same things on other wazuans behind their backs after the mbuzi. at least impunity does not hide it. and as mcreggae says above what about other public figures being talked of here (at least the wazuans are here to defend themselves if necessary)? Diana Kethi Nduku Kilonzo Now, I can Copy and Paste several Comments here, made about the above girl, by a google wearer, who is Complaining now - that are worse than @Impunity's 5 Year long "Dirty Posts" If man is without a stand, Msimamo, Mambo Kwisha. Yes please ,post.The way you are out defending him,we might kuta you were helping him to talk about kichwa kubwa.I remember very well that many people told him to stop it. Dear @Amores. Dear sir/madam. Lest You Misunderstand. I have not seen anyone encourage Matusi. I have not seen anyone encourage @Impunity to Disrespect People.In Person,I hate It and always feel bad everytime I see comment that falls short of respect,Derogatory words and people's lack of decorum. And I have not seen anyone cheer on @Impunity when he is wrong. I was on record telling him that he was unnecessarily hard on @Maichblack Jana. Donge? Read the Posts vizuri. I think that every one has a stand, you Included but Just like in Politics, all parties want to win. Lets Observe respect though. Finally, We must Preach water and drink water, sio Karubu. Talking of which, what is this Profile that you have, ati "@Impunity lacks Decorum"Your Googles are Darker than night. @Everyone, I have never been to Mbuzi but I am afraid alot of people seem to think it is ok for Impunity to be "honest" and othet justify Impunity's behaviour by pointing out other comments made about other public figures or those who appears on TV. First, Impunity is not been honest, he is been stupid or childish.... it is a norm in sociEty to complIment people you meet regardless, reasonable people tend to want to make other feel better and comfortable at all time, thats why people try to say good things about people they meet. Secondly, public figures are public figure, you don't know them and they don't know you, for that reason, any inappropriate comment you make about them do not get to them or even if they do, they don't have as much impact as someone you've met and knows you. Thirdly, all guys will make comments about women, in office, markets, shambas or even school, but the man's rule is, you don't let the woman know. So for Impunity to talk about these ladies in public forum violate every man's rules I know of and therefore Impunity is not a man enough and should never hang out with MEN! Well said
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2009 Posts: 26,328 Location: Masada
famooz wrote:@impunity,the point is not to engage you and this has nothing to do with femininity,this thread i believe was occassioned by your comment about mawinder,and then a number of ladies said they had rather not attend the mbuzi if it is about analysing people. Thing is,you cannot justify making derogatory comments,by just saying it is about femininity,some things fall squarely on decency and social skills. Because you know me well I will not comment, you know I cant even harm a mosquito's shaod. Thanks. Portfolio: Sold You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.
Club SK
In defence of Mbuzi
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