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A letter to Kenyans Abroad - by bikozulu
#21 Posted : Monday, August 26, 2013 10:11:27 PM
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Joined: 4/26/2011
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masukuma wrote:
Rollout wrote:
Honestly, I liked it, I find it funny...... can anyone write about Kenyans who just arrived at these Western countries and certainly after 1 yr. they don't want to speak in Swahili yet they can barely communicated in English?

What about Nairobi English, where is that accent from? Before I moved to USA I used to think the accent was American but I now know it is not, so where did that accent come from? It is not british either!

Hey, I am guilty about scared to eat in most Kenyan eating places, most of us haven't seen flies in decades! and yes it is uncomfortable when someone is breathing on your neck while lining up in banks and yes alot of Kenyans don't use deodorant and it is annoying when your friend smell so bad and you can't tell them.

about Nairobi english...the accent...well its from Nairobi! leafy green suburbs.
about being scared! you used to eat in those places! the difference between you and those bag packing odieros that eat in cheap places is that while its a new experience for them - wewe uilkuwa unafurahia mbaka unalamba vidole. anyway - utajuaje uko kenya kama hakuna 'flies' or 'people breathing down your neck'?

I used to eat in those places but it if different now, not that I don't want to but if I do I won't sleep in the house that night, it has nothing to do with experience it is the environment.

For someone breathing down your neck, this is actually real, even when there are 3 people on the line, people just like to press their bodies against each other, infact they've place a security guard in some ATM place just to manage the line, if they didn't do that I assume someone would be just right there as you try to do your private transactions..... come on Kenyans do we need a security guard to tell us when to give people their privacy?
#22 Posted : Monday, August 26, 2013 10:37:42 PM
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Rollout wrote:
masukuma wrote:
Rollout wrote:
Honestly, I liked it, I find it funny...... can anyone write about Kenyans who just arrived at these Western countries and certainly after 1 yr. they don't want to speak in Swahili yet they can barely communicated in English?

What about Nairobi English, where is that accent from? Before I moved to USA I used to think the accent was American but I now know it is not, so where did that accent come from? It is not british either!

Hey, I am guilty about scared to eat in most Kenyan eating places, most of us haven't seen flies in decades! and yes it is uncomfortable when someone is breathing on your neck while lining up in banks and yes alot of Kenyans don't use deodorant and it is annoying when your friend smell so bad and you can't tell them.

about Nairobi english...the accent...well its from Nairobi! leafy green suburbs.
about being scared! you used to eat in those places! the difference between you and those bag packing odieros that eat in cheap places is that while its a new experience for them - wewe uilkuwa unafurahia mbaka unalamba vidole. anyway - utajuaje uko kenya kama hakuna 'flies' or 'people breathing down your neck'?

I used to eat in those places but it if different now, not that I don't want to but if I do I won't sleep in the house that night, it has nothing to do with experience it is the environment.

For someone breathing down your neck, this is actually real, even when there are 3 people on the line, people just like to press their bodies against each other, infact they've place a security guard in some ATM place just to manage the line, if they didn't do that I assume someone would be just right there as you try to do your private transactions..... come on Kenyans do we need a security guard to tell us when to give people their privacy?
this is racist!!! Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#23 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 5:42:20 AM
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Iko majibu from a Kenyan dame fulani mdavida in the diaspora.

letter from Kenian in the diaspora - mwakasi Mcharo

Its getting interesting - heck this should be on its own thread!

P.s. Naomba muwe wapole the writer is a sista /yaani audrey/socketLaughing out loudly Pray Pray

for the record it is not me who said eti she went majuu courtesy of the old mzungu she caught in MtwapaSad Sad Sad

that is mberrow but what did she expect when she starts lecturing us about perfume and equating us to he-goats

does she know african taught wazungu about bathing? halafu eti we stink ! nugu ino
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#24 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:18:19 AM
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Siringi wrote:
Iko majibu from a Kenyan dame fulani mdavida in the diaspora.

letter from Kenian in the diaspora - mwakasi Mcharo

Its getting interesting - heck this should be on its own thread!

P.s. Naomba muwe wapole the writer is a sista /yaani audrey/socketLaughing out loudly Pray Pray

for the record it is not me who said eti she went majuu courtesy of the old mzungu she caught in MtwapaSad Sad Sad

that is mberrow but what did she expect when she starts lecturing us about perfume and equating us to he-goats
does she know african taught wazungu about bathing?

Expecting a full online flame war ...Kenyans attacking other Kenyans,...or 'Kenyans' Laughing out loudly....should be interesting
#25 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:25:33 AM
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Bashing of diaspora Kenyans by that "journalist " is empty , old and tired. Maybe low season in politics that politicians aren't dishing enough bribes to be quoted in his reporting. But shouldn't be taken seriously. He is representing top 1%. His choir group well reprinted locally
work to prosper
#26 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:52:55 AM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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Tokyo wrote:
Bashing of diaspora Kenyans by that "journalist " is empty , old and tired. Maybe low season in politics that politicians aren't dishing enough bribes to be quoted in his reporting. But shouldn't be taken seriously. He is representing top 1%. His choir group well reprinted locally

That was just mare fact and truth @Nabwire....I see u
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#27 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:56:18 AM
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Joined: 7/22/2011
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This is so petty, who is this Biko guy? I honestly read it and felt sorry for him. First of all not all Kenyans abroad are the same, there are those who go home and love every minute of it, and there are those who go back and hate every minute of it, then there are those who dont see any need to go home. So this guy trying to lump us all is just nonsensical. Secondly, who is he to tell us what we can and cant do? Ni kazi amekosa? I'm sorry, I will not start saying boot instead of trunk, or bonnet instead of hood and pronouncing "tomahto" instead of "tomayto" just to make this Biko guy comfortable. So he wants me to change the way I have been speaking for over 10 years, just so he can feel comfortable and appreciated? And he calls diasporans arrogant? Note to self,dont comment about anything, good or bad while in Kenya, NKT!!!
#28 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:01:57 AM
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Joined: 8/16/2012
Posts: 660
wazuaguest wrote:
masukuma wrote:
Rollout wrote:
Honestly, I liked it, I find it funny...... can anyone write about Kenyans who just arrived at these Western countries and certainly after 1 yr. they don't want to speak in Swahili yet they can barely communicated in English?

What about Nairobi English, where is that accent from? Before I moved to USA I used to think the accent was American but I now know it is not, so where did that accent come from? It is not british either!

Hey, I am guilty about scared to eat in most Kenyan eating places, most of us haven't seen flies in decades! and yes it is uncomfortable when someone is breathing on your neck while lining up in banks and yes alot of Kenyans don't use deodorant and it is annoying when your friend smell so bad and you can't tell them.

about Nairobi english...the accent...well its from Nairobi! leafy green suburbs.
about being scared! you used to eat in those places! the difference between you and those bag packing odieros that eat in cheap places is that while its a new experience for them - wewe uilkuwa unafurahia mbaka unalamba vidole. anyway - utajuaje uko kenya kama hakuna 'flies' or 'people breathing down your neck'?

for someone who started using deodorant at age 30 can claim here that tunanuka wewe ni kumbafu tu kaa huko na usiwahi Rudi otherwise utapta kufa juu ya hewa mbaya.

@Roll-on .... sorry ... @Rollout hapa hujaambiwa vizuri... Laughing out loudly
Live and learn; and don’t forget, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
#29 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:12:04 AM
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Joined: 10/9/2006
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murchr wrote:
Tokyo wrote:
Bashing of diaspora Kenyans by that "journalist " is empty , old and tired. Maybe low season in politics that politicians aren't dishing enough bribes to be quoted in his reporting. But shouldn't be taken seriously. He is representing top 1%. His choir group well reprinted locally

That was just mare fact and truth @Nabwire....I see u

Which facts? That if you live in China don't try to learn Chinese ? Or while in Kenya concern and attention towards your security is like abomination just because you are a diaspora. aiiii Jameni!! This BikoZulu guy.
work to prosper
#30 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:14:46 AM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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Tokyo wrote:
murchr wrote:
Tokyo wrote:
Bashing of diaspora Kenyans by that "journalist " is empty , old and tired. Maybe low season in politics that politicians aren't dishing enough bribes to be quoted in his reporting. But shouldn't be taken seriously. He is representing top 1%. His choir group well reprinted locally

That was just mare fact and truth @Nabwire....I see u

Which facts? That if you live in China don't try to learn Chinese ? Or while in Kenya concern and attention towards your security is like abomination just because you are a diaspora. aiiii Jameni!! This BikoZulu guy.

Fact that many are tired of all the whining
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#31 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:25:11 AM
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......and they are fighting back!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#32 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:27:42 AM
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Joined: 3/26/2012
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Nabwire wrote:
This is so petty, who is this Biko guy? I honestly read it and felt sorry for him. First of all not all Kenyans abroad are the same, there are those who go home and love every minute of it, and there are those who go back and hate every minute of it, then there are those who dont see any need to go home. So this guy trying to lump us all is just nonsensical. Secondly, who is he to tell us what we can and cant do? Ni kazi amekosa? I'm sorry, I will not start saying boot instead of trunk, or bonnet instead of hood and pronouncing "tomahto" instead of "tomayto" just to make this Biko guy comfortable. So he wants me to change the way I have been speaking for over 10 years, just so he can feel comfortable and appreciated? And he calls diasporans arrogant? Note to self,dont comment about anything, good or bad while in Kenya, NKT!!!

In defense of our brothers and sisters in the diaspora, those accents don't come coz they want to, but because if you use our Kenyan accent[s], all you get are pardons,i'm sorry, say what? etc.
Majority of Kenyans are blessed with good tongues, we got no heavy accents.
Nigerians can't hack it,it has nothing to do with their love for their mother land. That's a plus for us Kenyans, somethin to be proud of,having easy tongues.

So when Kenyans come back home with accents from whatever region, accept and move on. If you are to speak English,and you manage to speak it well,what's wrong with that?
It's like speaking swahili in a French accent, how is that right?

Word, wad, ward or

Whack, walk, work, are pronounced differently and their sounds should be distinct. In our Kenyan accent they sound more or less, the same.

Thing is, when you guys in diaspora come home, behave like you are back home and don't lecture us.
Atleast we haven't burned down your motherland, not yet.
#33 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:33:35 AM
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McReggae wrote:
......and they are fighting back!!!!

No one is fighting back, everyone has a prerogative to live their life the way they want. I refuse to be told how I can live by some online journalist I have never heard of before. Kwani he's the standard unit of how to be Kenyan? Believe it or not, there are people who just want to be left alone and enjoy their stay. Funny enough,when I speak Swahili,most people at home are "shocked" that you still understand Swahili. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. All I know is I will not go out of my way just so I fit some journalist's stereotype.
#34 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:37:15 AM
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bkismat wrote:
Another one


The first thing visitors notice when they land in a Banana Republic is the stench. It is pervasive and overpowering, and the cause soon becomes clear — mountain upon mountain of putrid, rotting garbage, mostly strewn by the roadside. Scrawny cows belonging to one or other pastoralist, nomadic tribe — unwilling or unable to make the break into the 20th century, let alone the 21st — graze forlornly on the garbage. They eat everything from plastic bags to moulding scraps of discarded human food. The cows are not alone. Feral goats and mangy dogs are everywhere, and scavenging crows strut about on the garbage as if it is their own territory.


The garbage mounts and roads that are only so called for lack of a better word accompany herds of animals. In Banana republics, priorities are usually upside down. The roads leading from airports and other entry points are usually under the custody of the local transportation authority. Transportation authorities are lucrative things; one can smuggle so much stuff in and out of the country without having to pay taxes, if one knows the right people. As a result, transportation authorities and related bodies in Banana republics are always under the custody of someone from the president’s tribe. This helps to ensure total loyalty, so much the better to sneak stuff in — from illegal weapons to drugs, and out — from wildlife trophies to poached ivory.

With the transport authority being run by people appointed not on merit but because of their tribes, neglect is everywhere. The road leading from the airport or port is in tatters. “Road” is a misnomer — it is more of a cattle track. But the visitor remembers that this is, in fact, an improvement on the airport itself, which — for lack of a better word — is essentially a disaster zone. The visitor will be reminded of this chaotic facility when leaving Banana Republic for home. This is after a short while holidaying in “paradise”, a universal Western term used to refer to places that are too primitive to be rustic and too chaotic to be normal. As the visitor arrives at the departure terminal, the airport abandons all pretenses at civility.


The policemen manning the security doors openly solicit bribes. After paying them off, the visitor is confronted by the astonishing sight that is the departures terminal at the main airport of Banana Republic.

The fire exit has stern “keep clear” warning, but this is ignored; cardboard boxes and old canvas advertising hoardings lean nonchalantly against the fire exit doors. At the documents check desk, the lady in charge is asleep, snoring loudly — maybe because its 3am, anyway. At the departure desks, check-in clerks eat snacks. The airport is shockingly dirty — but this is little surprise, for Banana Republics are not too big on cleanliness, anyway!

Worry not, this scene is the same in all Banana Republics — they are all made in the image of incompetence and uselessness!

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly my friend Peter Wanyonyi
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#35 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:48:25 AM
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Joined: 3/26/2012
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Nabwire wrote:
McReggae wrote:
......and they are fighting back!!!!

No one is fighting back, everyone has a prerogative to live their life the way they want. I refuse to be told how I can live by some online journalist I have never heard of before. Kwani he's the standard unit of how to be Kenyan? Believe it or not, there are people who just want to be left alone and enjoy their stay. Funny enough,when I speak Swahili,most people at home are "shocked" that you still understand Swahili. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. All I know is I will not go out of my way just so I fit some journalist's stereotype.


Could it be resentment? Us the locals feeling guys from Diaspora are having it easy? Not having to deal with all the vices in our country every single day?

The sort of resentment i get from slum guys when i tell them to move their wares from the parking lot and they hit back saying "unaringa na gari ya mamako"?

Being resentful won't help anyone.
Being responsible and a tad civil will.

We are all Kenyans, whether in the diaspora or here.
Every criticism should be POSITIVE and APPROPRIATE!
#36 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:50:57 AM
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Nabwire wrote:
McReggae wrote:
......and they are fighting back!!!!

No one is fighting back, everyone has a prerogative to live their life the way they want. I refuse to be told how I can live by some online journalist I have never heard of before. Kwani he's the standard unit of how to be Kenyan? Believe it or not, there are people who just want to be left alone and enjoy their stay. Funny enough,when I speak Swahili,most people at home are "shocked" that you still understand Swahili. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. All I know is I will not go out of my way just so I fit some journalist's stereotype.

Not only are you fighting back, but it appears this Bikozulu fellow really stung diasporas smile...can't blame you though,..it was a very sharp, witty article Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Relax and appreciate good writing when you see it
#37 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:52:26 AM
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mkeiyd wrote:
Nabwire wrote:
McReggae wrote:
......and they are fighting back!!!!

No one is fighting back, everyone has a prerogative to live their life the way they want. I refuse to be told how I can live by some online journalist I have never heard of before. Kwani he's the standard unit of how to be Kenyan? Believe it or not, there are people who just want to be left alone and enjoy their stay. Funny enough,when I speak Swahili,most people at home are "shocked" that you still understand Swahili. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. All I know is I will not go out of my way just so I fit some journalist's stereotype.


Could it be resentment? Us the locals feeling guys from Diaspora are having it easy? Not having to deal with all the vices in our country every single day?

The sort of resentment i get from slum guys when i tell them to move their wares from the parking lot and they hit back saying "unaringa na gari ya mamako"?

Being resentful won't help anyone.
Being responsible and a tad civil will.

We are all Kenyans, whether in the diaspora or here.
Every criticism should be POSITIVE and APPROPRIATE!

...the problem oc cause is that the 'good' diasporians have refused to accepts that there are many useless diasporians that Biko is talking about and we see them everyday when they return!!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#38 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:52:27 AM
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Joined: 10/23/2009
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What is shocking me most in the is this idea that Africans stink. First it was our very own Drunkard aka Rollout, then the diasporan who replied to Bikozulu. So I would like to ask Nabwire. Do Africans stink. And what is this nice smell we are supposed to have. I think showering every morning before leaving your house should be adequate.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
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#39 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:54:00 AM
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quicksand wrote:
Nabwire wrote:
McReggae wrote:
......and they are fighting back!!!!

No one is fighting back, everyone has a prerogative to live their life the way they want. I refuse to be told how I can live by some online journalist I have never heard of before. Kwani he's the standard unit of how to be Kenyan? Believe it or not, there are people who just want to be left alone and enjoy their stay. Funny enough,when I speak Swahili,most people at home are "shocked" that you still understand Swahili. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. All I know is I will not go out of my way just so I fit some journalist's stereotype.

Not only are you fighting back, but it appears this Bikozulu fellow really stung diasporas smile...can't blame you though,..it was a very sharp, witty article Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Relax and appreciate good writing when you see it

...and the writing was really flowing and artistic, sio hio ingine nashangaa anasema nini!!!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#40 Posted : Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:39:33 AM
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murchr wrote:
Tokyo wrote:
murchr wrote:
[quote=Tokyo]Bashing of diaspora Kenyans by that "journalist " is empty , old and tired. Maybe low season in politics that politicians aren't dishing enough bribes to be quoted in his reporting. But shouldn't be taken seriously. He is representing top 1%. His choir group well reprinted locally

That was just mare fact and truth @Nabwire....I see u

Which facts? That if you live in China don't try to learn Chinese ? Or while in Kenya concern and attention towards your security is like abomination just because you are a diaspora. aiiii Jameni!! This BikoZulu guy.

Fact that many are tired of all the whining [/

We appreciate our roots but we shall be unapologetic while analyzing , commending, criticizing occurrences and performance as enshrined in Kenya's constitution.
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