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bad marriage
#1 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:30:00 AM
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Joined: 3/28/2009
Posts: 13
hi.new to the site.have an issue i need some advice.hav been married for 3 years with a 2yr old son.lovely boy.bibi ndio shida.she puts her relatives ahead of me and always wants to spend time at her parents in nakuru.she even wanted her sister to accompany us to the damn honeymoon!i have,with time,come to know my position in this so salled marriage and resolved to be a great father and a husband by my mere presence.i stay out late drinkin and even have affairs with other women.it amazes me how i do these things and don't feel a thing about it.i wish my son had a different mother.i don't want a separation or divorce for the sake of junior.i don't love her anymore,if i ever did.am of to the pub.what would u do?ps,we got married coz she got pregnant
#2 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:40:00 AM
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...asi !!!
#3 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:45:00 AM
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yeah.u hav no idea how miserable i am.damn!
#4 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:01:00 AM
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Pole mkubwa... gosh,just what happened to marriages?

Some deals are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
#5 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:07:00 AM
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pole,many are going through similar situation,the most important thing is for you to pursue happines,if the wife is an hindrance to this then let it go,get another one

#6 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:18:00 AM
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polygamy may not be a bad thing for some people.most of our grandparents had more than one wife.one woman cannot have all the qualities a man may want,and probably that's why they were polygamous.and hav u noticed many rich old guards have >1 wife or a mistress kando?king solomon had 300 and am sure he went to heaven-maybe another 70 virgins were waiting for him.anyway,pavlov,hang in there,at least for ur son.unkunywa wapi nikununulie summit?
#7 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:19:00 AM
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how many of u have had affairs like our friend pavlov?i personally can count the handfull of married men who are faithful in this city in the sun;even goin to brothels and whores.what don't women/wives give or not give to their men to dive them to do such things?
#8 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:34:00 AM
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Pole Boss,there is no love in that arrangement,get a divorce and move on with your life remember you only have one and there are no examples. Heard of the term irreconcilable diffirences?.

#9 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:47:00 AM
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u know mariage in an african/kikuyu setting is more than a union between man n woman.it also involves extended families,the church,society.it's not that easy to just get a divorce as much as i may want.in fact people will think i hav gone mad.and i get along very well with my in laws and nodody suspects we have a lousy marriage or my infidelity.children r truly a blessing and my son helps with the misery coz he is the source of my happiness,pamoja na pombe!he cushions the bad feelings and tension in the house (not home).by the way,we have sex about 3 to 4 times a month,purely for therapeutic purposes.even the doggin is more for companionship than sex
Much Know
#10 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:59:00 AM
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Joined: 12/6/2008
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Men are from Mars Women from Venus

This whining and surprises over women/men are usually from inexperienced folk who marry for 'love' whilst young or similar blunders. Women are wired genetically to 'self preserve' or somewhat 'self absorbed',being mothers. That's why we do not use them in war,the notion of anything bigger than her is non-existent. If your wife has a heart problem and yours matches hers,she will expect you to surrender yours,if you don't she will say you don't 'love' her,or you would at least have offered. If you 'at least offer',she will accept the offer,if you recant the offer she will sue you. Its a no win situation,so dont let her know the entire truth.

It is today the trend to marry out of compatibility with sufficient supporting attributes. It is not uncommon to marry a matching well established partner,at least both over 35 years and use logic and mature conversation to plan family needs and chart your future together. Let the love come later. Someone here is quoting their grandparents and parents!! eish!!!

If you forgo the aforesaid,take the following route remembering women and men are wired in different ways. As a man,marry someone you can support in every way. In any case your finances will be too complicated for her to try to understand and keep it that way. When she inquires about you income,feign fear and talk of complex financial maneuvering like pending 'bankruptcy' issues,'loans','foreclosure','audit reports','my accountant lied to me','NSE meltdown' ask her to pray then later 'i have been bailed out by the plot i bought' all the while keeping the family comfortable. Keep her confused,and primarily a housewife,urge her on when she ventures into pyramid schemes so she learns to fear business,mislead carefully whilst continually giving the family what it needs,and developing. Let her focus on your children and house. She will adore you.

Ninajua Yote!
A New Kenya
#11 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:22:00 PM
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Joined: 5/8/2007
Posts: 885
pole sana boss. you sound learned enough. why havent you considered seeking professional help from a qualified marriage counsellor? 2. quit drinking 'to reduce stress ya home'....for soon you shall be drinking to 'reduce stress ya DRINKING ......all on account of your wife. dude,you will self destruct. pombe has brought down so many homes....its the silent killer of many kenyan families. am sure everyone on SK knows a family that was brought down na hio pombe. 3,if you and wifey cant resolve issues,and seeing a counsellor/parents/church/best man and best woman cant resolve your issues,its best you just consider divorce. in the long run the interests of the kid are best served when you and wifey are happy...whether together or living apart ... you can come up with an arrangement whereby one of you lives with the kid,and the other party can visit. note even we men are perfectly capable and able to bring up good kids.

He who laughs last thinks slowest..
#12 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2009 5:25:00 PM
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Joined: 3/26/2009
Posts: 15
sorry man. But this aint good enough reason to separate with her unless she's moving around. Could your extra affairs be reason why love is lost? Think about it. could she be bringing in her relatives to compensate for something? If so,give it to her.

The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty,but those of everyone who is hasty,surely to poverty.
#13 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:07:00 AM
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Joined: 6/19/2008
Posts: 4,268
@pavlov.... might work...... I dint write them,someone thought they might be useful.....

Here are true marriage advice tips will help you answer that very question! These secrets to a happy marriage come straight from the horse's mouth those who are happily married!
1. Never assume.
2. Compliment more than you criticize.
3. For each time you vent about your husband/wife to your friends,tell three positive stories.
4. Remember that it is ok to do things differently (e.g. there is more than one way to peel a potato or fold the laundry).
5. Always make time for the two of you.
6. Marry someone that you enjoy listening and talking to.
7. Remember that marriage is sometimes a bed of roses and sometimes there are thorns.
8. Remember that the best gift that you can give your children is to love their mother/father.
9. Be fair! Split the housework,spending money,etc evenly. This way you are never resentful of your partners contributions (or lack of) or expenditures.
10. Never go to bed angry. (Unless it's 3a.m. and you're exhausted,angry,and not thinking straight.)
11. Remember that people do fight. It's how you do it that matters.
12. Before starting an argument,consider if it's really worth it.
13. Fight naked. ;)
14. Agree to disagree.
15. Never,ever mention the 'D' word (divorce).
16. Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?
17. Respect each other's privacy.
18. Remember that 'love is like childhood. You need to learn to share.'
19. Marriage is not 50/50,it's two people giving 100/100 all of the time.
20. Surprise each other now and then.
21. The secret to a happy marriage is two TV's!
22. Have date night!
23. Never pass up an opportunity to say 'I love you'.
24. Hold hands.
25. Hug & kiss every day (several times a day actually!).
26. Always believe that you got better than you deserved.
27. Be quick to say 'I'm sorry'.
28. Choose the one you love,then love the one you choose.
29. Keep the in-laws out of your marriage!
30. Love isn't always a feeling,it's a decision.
31. Hang in there. It's worth it.
32. Play nice,play often,love much.
33. Never air your dirty laundry as a couple in public.
34. Never keep secrets from each other.
35. Be each other's champion. No matter what,take your husband or wife's side first!
36. Communication is the key!
37. Always respect each other.
38. Never underestimate the power of a good belly-laugh and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.
39. It's the little things that matter most.
40. Never use the words 'Always' and 'Never' in a fight.
41. It's ok to argue,but never use curse words to express your anger.
42. Never compare your marriage to others. What you see on the outside is not always what it is on the inside.
43.Don't make love in the same place/position everytime. Variety is the spice of LIFE

Some deals are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
#14 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:20:00 AM
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Joined: 4/27/2008
Posts: 150
@ wendz,very nice and practical. The point of 50 50 sharing of work or chores may not always work especially with our traditional Kenyan men

#15 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:27:00 AM
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Posts: 219
@ Much Know

That's a bad thought.Controlling behaviour and manipulation does not go far.
#16 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:29:00 AM
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@pavlov.......we are all married coz some dudettes got pregnant....at least 95% of us.....@wendz..that is non-implementable,but thanks to whomever wrote it!!

If you have money that you expect to start using in five years,it now belongs in stocks.
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
The Real Shaft
#17 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:36:00 AM
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Joined: 11/19/2008
Posts: 839
tell me .... good people...

is marriage about.... do's and dont's...

or is it about enjoying life.....???

making the most of what we have...???

I'm the real Massey F.....shut your mouth
I'm the real Massey Fergu...... Shut your mouth....
#18 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:20:00 PM
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All.. God hates divorce!!!

kingfisher,Wendz,Pondi,are all right,and cant add anything on top of what they've said
take their advice try make the best out of marriage,marriage entails sacrifices and lots of it,im sure there was some 'love' before,and guess what you can rekindle that ka-love,
do try talking to her not neccesarily anything constructive just talk and talk you'll realise where the problem is,including somethings bout her,her family,her friends that you didnt know, you'll kind of form an alliance with her against those who want to break your marriage.

i believe in communication.

Pombe si ya companionship,

Usichoke kutafuta salary
Burning Spear
#19 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:25:00 PM
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Joined: 7/22/2008
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Pole sana,
I feel you coz ave seen the same scenario with my neighbour.

dont tell me that you live like my neighbour who normally come at nite only for the wife to refuse to open for him.She normally molests the husband infront of all people and the damn man has never slapped the wife.
The wife is a housewife and a lazy idiot who spends the day planning on how she will teach the husband a lesson.
the guy literally sleeps outside...and th damn wife is always to the mother on weekends getting some more advise.

Before marriage people should look out for these prospective mother inlaws who approaches you with fake smiles,people who are doing things in exceeding ahould be suspicious.

Never and I mean Never marry a lady who hates her father whatsoever.
Never and I repeat,you shall never marry a lady who seeks advices from her mother.


"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it". Malcolm X
#20 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:26:00 PM
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Joined: 9/25/2008
Posts: 52
Thanks Wendz. Thats so real.

Men should understand that spending overtime in a club is not the solution. The problem with men nowardays is that they've become 'saints' or 'wazee alright'. You are the head and the priest in that family. your presence must be felt. Everybody should respect you na mwenye anajiskia otherwise ahame,Kwani nini? WAKE UP FUNDAHHH NYINYI!!!!!!!! Mimi ndio nimeoa ama nimeolewa? How come that the wife you married now determines starehe za kwako nyumbani?

Can men behave like men. Stop giving God a difficult time. You have been given authority and you must put it in action otherwise you will answer to the almighty and explain what you deed with the authority he gave you.

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