vivakinuthia wrote:I am in my late 20's with acne problem. Anyone who have had success in fighting acne? Please suggest products I may try.
Hoping my response isn't too late.
Are you taking at least 8 glasses of water a day
Are you having a balanced diet?
Make sure ur diet contains enough fibre; whole wheat, brown rice, whole meal bread(don't confuse wth brown bread)Have at least 5 fruit servings every day.
when was the last time you detoxed ur body? By this am trying to show you there are several causes of acne. AS such, you cannot expect one product to work for everyone. Also, with real beauty, always start from inside.
If you need me to recommend a detox for you, email. I recommend you get a PH balanced soap and aloe vera gel to use on ur face. Remember a good sunscreen is useful for protection against the elements of weather.
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