Rank: New-farer Joined: 7/30/2013 Posts: 28
theking wrote:peappeng wrote:Impunity wrote:Ngong wrote:For those of us who are slow,I go withdraw cash at the ATM,the bank charges me Kshs. 30. Now from Aug this will be Kshs. 33? ama? Ditto and including Mpesa transactions!!! Out of curiosity will the charges also include the banks agencies since their charges are already higher than withdrawing at the banks ATMS? ALL bank charges, even the fees agents charge will be affected. FYI Safaricom already effected the 10% tax way back, that's y their charges are 33,55,66,110 etc That's too bad for the agents especially once the customers learn of the charges they'll prefer to queue in the banks ATMS than to pay KSH 5-20 more. Plus those charges will be alittle bit higher for the common mwananchi. However, at the end of the day, we'll get used to it and move on as if it never happened.