The last time I checked Safaricom gets approx 37% from Mpesa profits now since Mshwari use the Mpesa platform will the % increase or how do Safaricom benefit from this arrangement.
H1 result will greatly depend with how the Mshwari revenue share is structured.If safaricom gets a small % from the interest then it might improve its profit margin...but if the winnings are shared btwn CBA & Mpesa H1 results will not be that impressive.
Last year Safaricom Increased their Voice & Mpesa rates which greatly improved their performance this year it is different...sections of the press quoted the CEO complaining about the drop in mobile money transfers due to the New tax.
IMO I think H1 results will not be that Impressive.
' the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3