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How do you imagine an SKerian looks like?
#21 Posted : Friday, April 17, 2009 5:12:00 PM
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wow SK.. i really cant write my imagination..depending on which head i use..you are all really special pple.


muthomi mugi aiikagia maitho kabere...
#22 Posted : Friday, April 17, 2009 5:54:00 PM
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Posts: 39
One of sk members I know is an Mpig,he is not aware that anyone has leart about it.

Ukiung'wafua mnofu,ujue kuna na kuguguna mfupa.
#23 Posted : Friday, April 17, 2009 9:02:00 PM
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Joined: 2/20/2008
Posts: 84
(i'd thought about this a while back,thanks impunity for starting it)

I've been watching you guys keenly for a while and i believe it's time i made my intro

Njunge - Age (over 40)
obviously sounds like the chairman of this group. typical kikuyu guy who maybe runs his own small biz (somewhere around riverroad/kirinyaga road - i'm thinking car spare parts). The guy is above average on income but one might hardly notice with the way he behaves. he drinks a lot but prefers to do so in the dingy places on kirinyaga road which actually have the best beer at the best price(fact). he obviously owns at least 3 parcels of land 1 of which he plans to sell and invest the money back to EABL (and not the stocks if you know what i mean) he is the well protected by sk members and any newbie who tries to pick a fight with him sooner or later shuts up and finds his place on the lower rungs ( just ask the real shaft)

mlefu - (over 35)
same x-ter like njunge. kikuyu as well and proud of it. i'm betting he'll beat njunge in a drinking contest cos he's got more energy. he likes women (which man doesn't anyway) a lot and hangs out at the same 'dingy drinking dens' and it's at this places that he makes decisions on what counters to invest in. he also might be seen at some high class pub having his drink but he's probably wa you will never know his true job cos he seems to be a broker of almost everything _ he can get u a mlolongo plot in one day just as much as he can his biz deals are not all legal but he doesn't really care so long as he earns his living.

jammo (early 30's)
the brain of the group. he does his analysis well and only invests on counters after great brainstorming with himself. he seems sober although i believe he might have tried alcohol and the situation didn't go down well so he knew it wasn't meant for him. judging by his signature he does know his bible well. i remember he was trying to propose to some girl don't recall whether he actually went thru with it or not.

eli (mid 30s)
he's an IT guy with a company called doxa or sth else. he is the helper of the group and anyone with a question be it a 'newbie' or an 'oldie' eli is always there ready to lend a helping hand. might attend same church as jammo but i believe he would make a better preacher.

mainat (mid 40s)
i believe he lives abroad UK/US. keen investor and also does his research well based on technical analysis. he tries to repatriate the money he earns to his family back home occasionaly enjoys his beer (must be imported tusker) and reminisces of the days he was back home. can't wait to come back home but he knows he needs to make enough money to live a good life once he's back.

you don't wanna mess with her. she can quote a whole chapter off the bible for each sin you may have comitted. must be in the women's group in church but cannot find any other female member in that group who's got passion for stocks like her so she moved to stocks kenya. her decisions are made by her financial advisor and she constantly prays to God to make sure her stocks don't go any lower.

young (no idea)
he lives in nigeria (my broda fame) lagos maybe. won't admit to it but he actually loves nollywood films and watches them in private. i'm thinking he's also into some small juju stuff with his stocks (hopefully this has been working out for you). he also does his analysis well most of the time (75%) with the rest taken care of by juju stuff.

real shaft (under 20)
was there ever a fake one? the nuisance of the group. never has any fundamental thing on stocks to comment about and just has some stupid but funny quotes. he picked a fight with njunge the first time he came on board (by the way who actually won this fight) and realized never to mess with the guy. i thought he was supposed to be chased back to facebook or wherever the hell he came from. some say he's just an alias for njunge who seems bored and creates various aliases to keep sk interesting (i really don't know about that_who knows it may be true)

kamurigo (late 20s)
career girl who loves hanging out with men more than women. she can actually give mlefu a run for his money when it comes to beer (mlefu will eventually win) but she won't do this cos she likes to think she's still a lady (who am i to judge). i believe she would actually make a good couple with njunge as they seem to have common interests (maybe they once were)

loves his stocks and cmc must be the best for him. he has a steady job but still wishes he were his own employer setting his own times like njunge does and being able to wake up at 11:00am to go to work instead of the usual 6:00am just to beat the nairobi traffic.

still to come gordon gekko; extasy; thingira; leona; tuskerbaridi,eddiemundu

It's amazing what you can achieve if you don't care who gets the credit.
Life and beer are very similar........chill for best results.

#24 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:41:00 AM
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kamurigo-a kiambu gal,tomboy type,probably finishd colle recently,a sanguine hu hang with men mo than ladies,go-geter &with jeans eva. njunge
a ril kyuk self employed &a broker of anythin,eva on jeans&leather jacket preferably yelow,5'9 tal,neva@hme &drinks alot.
jammo eva serious,saved,not marid(mid thirty) gd in stocks-gues is is the most loaded in stocks.wil b a very strick father.
mlefu.-a kiambu mafia,joker,a mkulima with plenty of funda

if u resign in realizing ur dream u cease to live.
never outshine your master......robert green
#25 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 7:34:00 AM
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Joined: 2/7/2007
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Location: Nairobi
Hahahah.....You guys are very interesting.....

Colours.....Yellow is a no no.....Jungle green and Burgundy blue.

Age........mmmmmmHHh......hehehe....Keep guessing but let's say i was around the day TJ was shot outside Channis pharmacy on Moi avenue...

Casual wear.....No funny jeans........Ralph Lauren and Pierre Cardin casual...No suits...No leather jackets.......No Safari Mbuts..!!!..........!!!...Loafers,moccassins (It used to be stilletos during my younger days) and simple sports shoes.......

Humour......Wacha tuu...!!!...I want to die with an ear to ear smile....

Enufffffff..!!!!!....Keep guessing............Am yet to make up whom to pick.......

Guka wa bijuti...
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#26 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 9:26:00 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 9/5/2007
Posts: 627
What I think:

leona: Confident, young girl! You are hot and you know it!

Wendz! Mature, no nonsense but outgoing!

Njung'e: I honestly cannot place this one! He's not young probably in his early 40s, likes to joke but in real life, a serious dude! You owe me some waragi btw!

mlefu: Tall people don't call themselves mlefu! He's a short dude, not married, probably in his mid 20s! Can't decide who he wants! Wendz, sista Wendz, leona, lovely, kamurigo, danny6!

brav: Outgoing! Likes to be in a crowd! So probably a very loud character!

Pondi: Controversial! Likes to put in his word! Thinks he's very hot! Probably is!

Kamurigo: See pondi above!

Thimioni: You'll never get bored around this dude! Habari ya Nanyuki?

Kaigangio: No nonsense chap! Likes his drink! Like all teachers!

danny6: Confused, early 20s, tries to be controversial but fails, confused!

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
#27 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:44:00 AM
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Joined: 9/11/2007
Posts: 816
@ iMANI - top stuff! .... impressive (as in well written) ... True or not? I don't know

... but you could do well (financially) writing the horoscopes.

#28 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 12:48:00 PM
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Location: nairobi
Guka is a 40 something bald headed kikuyu. The kipara is centrally placed occupying 75% of his head with proposed extensions to both ears. He wears broken suits,checked coats and spects to correct myopia. He is arguementative to a fault,rowdy type that dominates group discussions probably to compensate for his 4 feet 6 inches height. He once owned a peugeot 404 pick up that is currently grounded. He has been in the teaching profession at primary education level. His christian name is NOT sam.....

The cunning of the Buffalo
Obi 1 Kanobi
#29 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 1:23:00 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/23/2008
Posts: 3,017
Let me have a go

Njung'e - I 'd place him at 50 yrs +-5,with the energy he must be lean and fit for his age esp. for an african. I would picture him looking like Dr. Achieng' Ong'ong'a (Former Tourist board MD). The heights a coin toss,from 5-7 to 6.

Mlefu - Over 40 and will be very anonymous in a crowd. I always almost never read his posts so I have never tried to visualise him. But definitely Kiuk.

Wendz - Must look like Ngilu only 10-15 years younger. Obviously very confident and polite and will always have some presence in a room.

Mukiha - Smart dresser,probably wears specs,35-40 age group. A kyuk also but not the obvious ones.

Jammo - 30-35,small/medium sized guy,offcourse saved and a member of one of those new age saved people (roughtone style) who go out for worship and discos at the same time all night. A kamba I may presume.

The Realshaft - Quite intelligent and I am betting you are a lawyer. You must have gone to Bush,Changes or the likes. Age around 30?

Eli - I can almost read your jeng' accent when you post. I think you have intimated to being under 30,you must be dark skinned,slight frame.

Simonkabz - Definitely okuyo. I would bet you look like Mwangi Kiunjuri,and could be of same age

Leona/Sasha - I would place you in the 30-35 age group,single and with fairly okay careers. Will be in one group or another of mama's who hang out together and are in chama's with alot of joint cash.

McRaggae - Obviously from Western,Works for an NGO or UN,I am going to place your age bracket very wide say 30-40 coz I can't tell.

Ceaser - Any chance you could be a som,or African Arab. Young under 30,you must also have been to one of the national schools

I guess if you can't win with facts,you can always pen bile-laced,xenophobic rants to distract everyone.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
tony stark
#30 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:12:00 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 7/8/2008
Posts: 947
This is too funny! Here is my try.
Mainat. Smart dude in banking or some finance firm. Is in a chama with 4-5 pals of his. Was in the diaspora. Easy guy one on one but wants to be seen and taken seriously professionally. Has a wife and one kid.

Ecstasy also in finance or banking. early 30. Has high hope for his career and life. Probably dating but not so smooth doesnt know if the chics like him for his cash. Taken seriously at jobo! Ambitous guy.

Jammo. Young fire brand. Either a stock broker or an agent. Making some good colour. Very ambitious. Struggled through high school and campo .... very average student. Wants to be recognized cause sasa amefika. Has a deep kao accent but tries to hide it. Looks down on people who have not found God.

Muhika. 40 turning 50 dude. Is a consultant of sorts. Was in the goverment but was seconded to a world bank sort of organization where he moonlighted as a consultant. Earned good money. Contract ended couldnt go back to gover and is now on full time consultancy. Has good contacts. Strict displinarian.

Cindano/real shaft. Lawyer. Know it all type. Works for a big law firm is still an associate wants to be a partner but feels he is not appreciated. Has dreams to start on his own but cant. Started a firm on SK sometime back ..... his commitment faded. Is never able to follow through on his plans ambitions,started doing med then law now wants to go into finance and biashara. Young early mid 30s. Doesnt do to bad but he believes he should be doing better. Married with 1 kid.

Kularaha. Genius. Is well liked by everyone. Works in finance. Has more contacts than muhika. Easy guy puts people at ease hence go out of there way to please him. Doing very well but doesnt show it. Lives in karengata and tees off with the who is who of kenya. Is married with 2 kids. Drives a shinde.

Mcreggae. Mshamba. Campo was the highlight of his life. Was in the in crowd while in campo after being chanuliwad in 2 year. Did bcom or something of the sort. Now is a manager of sorts probably operations manager at a firm in inda. Hooks up with his former campo mates all the time and the sit and reminisce about the good all days at THE. Not married not even in a steady relationship. Has some fine chics though. Has come a long way. Lives in buru,south C or B.

Pondi. Average looking guy. Very funny. Will coax a snake out of a hole and probably stick his in. Early 30s. Drives a nice moti. Smart has okay contacts. Easily makes friends. Has many many sisters thats why he has an easy time with women. Knows the difference between retouch and treatment. Has a good job. Travels alot probably NGO. He knows his future wife but she is in a relationship with some one else. Is waiting for her to break it off so that he can stop manga mangaing about.

Wendz==sanny. Enough said. well rounded late thirtish early 40 mama. Has 2 kids. Happily married but enjoys attention at SK. Husband is trying to find out her profile name cause she once told him she visits this site alot. Works as a marketer. Is in a kiama. Has various faces. Her real life personality is very different from her SK personality.

Obi-wan kenobi. Diaspora. Works for some NGO like wild life fund etc. Has not emigrated cause he would have taken his family with him so its strictly a jobo contract. Looking for avenues to stay in the west...... still looking but would love to stay in kenya. In his mid 30. Family guy. Secretly addicted to star wars series .... including clone wars the cartoon.

3balls you just dont get it. Serious pesa guy. Wears a black suit all the time. Works for an internatitional financial firm or is in transcentury. Single. Stocky looking dude. From a well off family has always been in the monies. Made it on his own.

Njunge- Cant read this guy. Is definately around 40ish. Lives in meru/ maua,thats why he is learning somali. NOT A NAIROBIAN( which every one in sk think) Travels alot in and around kenya. Works with a multinational. Has a contract with the multinational to supply them or something or works with a tea/ coffee sacco and buys and sells coffee and tea from other saccos in and around kenya and exports it. Family man.

Ikonini. Young turk. Former chair of SK investments. Has changed his SK user name. Dark average height with specs. Ordinary chap. Ish ish with the mamas. Wants more mamas. Mid level manager. Not ready to settle. Goes to church on and off when not to high from previous day activities.

Albertross. Tall dark dude with a full anyang nyongo beard. Smiles alot and listens to people. Is a team building coach of sorts or upper management so has to look like a guru hence the full beard.Always in church. Has a family wife 3 kids planning for the fourth.

SK A.L.U.M.N.I (Alcoholic Liason and Undergarments Manager of Nakedness Internationally)
Mbuga Man
#31 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:16:00 PM
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Joined: 11/21/2008
Posts: 42
Personally i feel they are all likely to be young extra beautiful ladies in high profile jobs (like the one i see in television talking about being in top of her career on fair & lovely). All SK members are very mature and very learned (am told a girl of 5 years is 24times more intelligent/innovative than a boy at the same age,Hence SK members ). Exception to them are elderly men who can counsel anyone in any issue in life i.e. Eli,Shaft,vituvingi among some few others.

'A newspaper has three things to do. One is to amuse,another is to entertain and the rest is to mislead.' Ernest Bevin
#32 Posted : Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:46:00 PM
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A good part of active SK members are on facebook and what a good way of knowing the faces behind the names.
The following facebook groups are the most rewarding

stocks kenya addicts ( you can see photos of some individuals described below)
ndi mugikuyu
we are happily single,stable and searching!!!

@all,some of the descriptions of the characters are as accurate as it can get.
#33 Posted : Sunday, April 19, 2009 7:11:00 AM
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hahahahahah....!!!!....Mama Mburu must read this....Too hilarious........Anyway,nobody seems to come close.....but let's say i would give,


Tony Stark........17%

Imani...............14 %



and finally,that quack Murenj gets 1% ya kalamu...Bure kabisa...!!.....hehehehe....!!

Guka wa bijuti...
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#34 Posted : Sunday, April 19, 2009 7:33:00 AM
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@ Guka. It is your turn. Bring it on.

The cunning of the Buffalo
#35 Posted : Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:46:00 PM
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Joined: 4/9/2009
Posts: 54
@Obi 1 Kanobi

Youve made my day laughter is had to come by in the Uk.by the way are by anychance related to kajwanj because there seems to be alot of resemble ie name and sence of humour?

Obi 1 Kanobi
#36 Posted : Sunday, April 19, 2009 2:36:00 PM
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Joined: 7/23/2008
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Mine is a Jedi name,how can it resemble Kajwang's

I guess if you can't win with facts,you can always pen bile-laced,xenophobic rants to distract everyone.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#37 Posted : Sunday, April 19, 2009 6:43:00 PM
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Joined: 4/9/2009
Posts: 54
@ Obi 1 Kanobi,

Infact i was also doughting.You r one type of person i whould love to meet.

tony stark
#38 Posted : Sunday, April 19, 2009 7:15:00 PM
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Joined: 7/8/2008
Posts: 947
@ Obi-wan kenobi
Kajwang is a JEDI. LOL!
or is he a padawan ...... so who is the master.

SK A.L.U.M.N.I (Alcoholic Liason and Undergarments Manager of Nakedness Internationally)
#39 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 5:35:00 AM
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Joined: 3/23/2009
Posts: 17
I read SK religiously almost every day and I've always conjured up images of different SK members. . .i find @tony stark's post most interesting. He's also probably a peeper like me . . . probably in a profession that requires lots of analytical thinking and less talk . . .probably IT or engineering judging by the talk about Jedi's (geeky). I've always thought @Jammo to be a Jang and not Kao,late 20s (27-29),quite active in his church (leader of sorts or conspicuos pianists,guitarist etc.) hmmmm. . .
#40 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 6:47:00 AM
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Joined: 6/27/2008
Posts: 4,114
Not much guessing required! Some of the info will be found in old threads like 'how old are you' 'what do skerians do for a living' etc
Ob1 Kanobi..reminds me of lost former colleague...an extremely funny guy..but very mature chronologically and psychologically!!

jammo we all know for a fact that he is a twenty-something (declared in earlier thread) Kamba (see his email musyajm@....),but I imagine HIM to be about 5ft-10in,70kg,dark brown complexion,smart dresser but hardly wears suits - prefers short slieved shirts.

mainat...mid-thirties,keeps 3-day beared,his size 42 waist is alittle too large for his 6ft height. Wears formal jackets and ties....not quite sure why he does so...

wendz...late thirties woman,but wouldn't be shocked if he turned out to be a man (life has taught me not to judge books by their cover - wendz sounds like wendy,thus everybody assumes you are a woman!!!).

If you check the archives,you will findout a lot about me,thus it is interesting,nay,shocking when some one gets my age,residence,occupation and tribe wrong

Best score so far is the entry from tony stark
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
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