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Living within the fence
#61 Posted : Monday, July 15, 2013 6:12:04 PM
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tycho wrote:
InnovateGuy wrote:
tycho wrote:

I will let my claims about misanthropy wait and tackle your other points.

What's the fence; and whose standards am I using? The fence, is the construction of my ego.

Good. A construction of your own ego. I will read this sentence along with your last statement.
tycho wrote:
So the question is, do I see the world as 'good'? I do. How? By going beyond the 'fence'.
What makes you think that going beyond the fence is the best thing? Why should "we" strive to go beyond the fence? Will we enjoy the same privileges you purport to enjoy? Is it the only thing that matters in life?
The standards are both Man's and God's. The two must always go together. And the ultimate act is the reconciliation of these standards. I am aware of God's standards. Lol.

I will not even tackle the standards.

What does living in an 'imperfect world' mean? It means that you look at the world and you see that it's not 'good'. You even point out the fact of 'subjectivity'. So the question is, do I see the world as 'good'? I do. How? By going beyond the 'fence'.

A 'perfect' way to beyond the fence exists. It is the way of the cross.

Back to the question of going beyond the fence, I will tackle the motivation. It's good that you brought up the word ego. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, personality has three components: ego, the id and superego. The ego component expresses rationality. It tries to make sense of the id component which is in charge of desires and wants. Your desire to go beyond the fence is to achieve satisfaction. Is the satisfaction a good thing? Yes it is. If fulfills the wishes of your superego. In this case, your superego is telling that going beyond the fence is the best thing. Well, no qualms about that. The big question is: is your definition of the fence universal? I don't think so. Therefore, the real driving force behind your thoughts is not achieve satisfaction. It is an attempt to be a cut above the rest. As a consequence, you seek to dominate and convince us that we need to go beyond the fence. We will be super-humans. Well, nothing is entirely wrong with that. But there's a problem, isn't the wholesome acceptance of other people's ideas without carrying out a background check on how it fits in well with our wishes slavery? Slavery that you wish to end!

I wonder how many feel dominated.

But, it's not about 'we'. It's about 'I'. Domination is in those who have a 'we'. 'Freud-sons'.

What is the 'Super ego'? What is the 'ego'? The 'id'? They are all one thing. That's why the psychoanalytic 'process' is 'valid'.

I believe you can now see what being beyond the fence is. It is going beyond Freud and discovering that All are one.

Are these values universal? Of course! Look at the myths of the world- the 'Super egos'.

Tycho,you will have done justice to yourself and fellow bloggers on this forum if you provided a good rebuttal of the points I raised.

Again, it will be to the benefit of "philosophers" if you provided a clear thesis of your argument, and good points to support it.

Otherwise, I will assume that you do not know what it is that you assert, and therefore cannot stand your ground when confronted with divergent reasoning. Stop the escapism and man up!
Live Full Die Empty - Les Brown.
#62 Posted : Monday, July 15, 2013 7:11:16 PM
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infinitely whole or wholly infinite?
#63 Posted : Monday, July 15, 2013 8:07:27 PM
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Haiya! Man up tena.
#64 Posted : Monday, July 15, 2013 9:45:01 PM
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Ngong wrote:
Haiya! Man up tena.

I don't know what it is that you are thinking, but I used Man up in this sense: Be brave enough to come out and give a counterargument.
Live Full Die Empty - Les Brown.
#65 Posted : Monday, July 15, 2013 9:54:33 PM
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how do these guys communicate with their wives/gf?
#66 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 7:59:32 AM
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Ngong wrote:
zero has value; a computer stores data in binary digits of 1 and 0.

So what was your question about zero again?
The presence and absence of,digitally speaking

First the assertion 'zero is a number, also the number that is no number', mara 'zero is a number - a zero number'....

Then the mighty 180 degree turn around 'zero isn't about absence' ...... escapism as InnovateGuy aptly puts it.

Both of you must have hoped that zero has no value. So that you could say it cannot be defined. So that you could say it has no boundary, no fence.

What you earlier thought had no fence turns out to have one. It can be defined, delineated.

You took a leap of faith, without making sure of the landing first.

What else have you thought needs no fence that has turned out has one? And there is nothing you can do about it.

If the final concession is still hard to come by after this, I understand. I wont push for it.

InnovateGuy is asking for a clear thesis. I just want a demonstration. I am sure it will speak for itself to me better than you can ever explain.
#67 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 8:08:24 AM
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@Symbols come in,help a brother the long knives are drawn
#68 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:36:56 PM
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InnovateGuy wrote:
tycho wrote:
InnovateGuy wrote:
tycho wrote:

I will let my claims about misanthropy wait and tackle your other points.

What's the fence; and whose standards am I using? The fence, is the construction of my ego.

Good. A construction of your own ego. I will read this sentence along with your last statement.
tycho wrote:
So the question is, do I see the world as 'good'? I do. How? By going beyond the 'fence'.
What makes you think that going beyond the fence is the best thing? Why should "we" strive to go beyond the fence? Will we enjoy the same privileges you purport to enjoy? Is it the only thing that matters in life?
The standards are both Man's and God's. The two must always go together. And the ultimate act is the reconciliation of these standards. I am aware of God's standards. Lol.

I will not even tackle the standards.

What does living in an 'imperfect world' mean? It means that you look at the world and you see that it's not 'good'. You even point out the fact of 'subjectivity'. So the question is, do I see the world as 'good'? I do. How? By going beyond the 'fence'.

A 'perfect' way to beyond the fence exists. It is the way of the cross.

Back to the question of going beyond the fence, I will tackle the motivation. It's good that you brought up the word ego. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, personality has three components: ego, the id and superego. The ego component expresses rationality. It tries to make sense of the id component which is in charge of desires and wants. Your desire to go beyond the fence is to achieve satisfaction. Is the satisfaction a good thing? Yes it is. If fulfills the wishes of your superego. In this case, your superego is telling that going beyond the fence is the best thing. Well, no qualms about that. The big question is: is your definition of the fence universal? I don't think so. Therefore, the real driving force behind your thoughts is not achieve satisfaction. It is an attempt to be a cut above the rest. As a consequence, you seek to dominate and convince us that we need to go beyond the fence. We will be super-humans. Well, nothing is entirely wrong with that. But there's a problem, isn't the wholesome acceptance of other people's ideas without carrying out a background check on how it fits in well with our wishes slavery? Slavery that you wish to end!

I wonder how many feel dominated.

But, it's not about 'we'. It's about 'I'. Domination is in those who have a 'we'. 'Freud-sons'.

What is the 'Super ego'? What is the 'ego'? The 'id'? They are all one thing. That's why the psychoanalytic 'process' is 'valid'.

I believe you can now see what being beyond the fence is. It is going beyond Freud and discovering that All are one.

Are these values universal? Of course! Look at the myths of the world- the 'Super egos'.

Tycho,you will have done justice to yourself and fellow bloggers on this forum if you provided a good rebuttal of the points I raised.

Again, it will be to the benefit of "philosophers" if you provided a clear thesis of your argument, and good points to support it.

Otherwise, I will assume that you do not know what it is that you assert, and therefore cannot stand your ground when confronted with divergent reasoning. Stop the escapism and man up!

I see your point. Most sincere apologies.

Let's start with what 'Freud says'. There's a 'personality'. Personality implies 'being'. And 'being' has three 'parts'. The 'id', the 'ego', and 'Super ego'.

Now step back and see that Freud is giving us a 'metaphor' that 'dis-integrates' being into three.

By Freud asserting that 'Where id is, ego must be' he is asking us to 'integrate' ourselves.

Question; what are we to do with the 'Super ego'? Freud was simply asserting that one needed to use the light of the 'Super ego', via the ego, to 'reconcile' the 'id'.

Being entails a struggle against the 'dark forces' of the 'Id'.

When one 'overcomes' the 'id' with the 'light', then he/she is made 'whole'.

The ego looks 'up' to the 'super ego' for 'help' on this 'task'.

But the ego is always under the influence of the id. How can one succeed in the task? Through sacrificing the ego.

The id is 'defeated'. Now there's freedom. No fence.

The 'Psychoanalytic process' must be transcended.

Is this a 'universal truth'? Look at the myths of the world, they resemble each other in above respect.

Is this about 'domination' and 'Superiority'? No. It's about dancing with God. Being the wind.

#69 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:51:35 PM
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Ante_Christa wrote:
Ngong wrote:
zero has value; a computer stores data in binary digits of 1 and 0.

So what was your question about zero again?
The presence and absence of,digitally speaking

First the assertion 'zero is a number, also the number that is no number', mara 'zero is a number - a zero number'....

Then the mighty 180 degree turn around 'zero isn't about absence' ...... escapism as InnovateGuy aptly puts it.

Both of you must have hoped that zero has no value. So that you could say it cannot be defined. So that you could say it has no boundary, no fence.

What you earlier thought had no fence turns out to have one. It can be defined, delineated.

You took a leap of faith, without making sure of the landing first.

What else have you thought needs no fence that has turned out has one? And there is nothing you can do about it.

If the final concession is still hard to come by after this, I understand. I wont push for it.

InnovateGuy is asking for a clear thesis. I just want a demonstration. I am sure it will speak for itself to me better than you can ever explain.

I see no 'turn around'. I'm on record as having said 'zero is a number', and numbers imply 'value'. And the value on focus is that of 'nothingness'. Zero, provides us with an analogy of what nothingness is. It has all the values for it is the 'origin'. When the value is too large, it approaches 'zero'. Why? Because of 'Operabilty'. 'Zero' is the inoperable that 'operates'.

This is an analogy for all 'being'. And being the origin is at once being the fence, and 'no fence'.

#70 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:56:02 PM
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Ngong wrote:
@Symbols come in,help a brother the long knives are drawn

Long knives indeed. Interesting.
#71 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:00:14 PM
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symbols wrote:
infinitely whole or wholly infinite?

Why 'or' not, 'and'? 'Maybe "sometimes"?'
Mtu Biz
#72 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:32:47 PM
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Sola Scriptura

#73 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:50:45 PM
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I am enjoying this!
#74 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 3:05:42 PM
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#75 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 3:09:13 PM
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Mtu Biz wrote:

Indeed! CAUTION.
#76 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 3:13:05 PM
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Ngong wrote:
I am enjoying this!

Hello. What's happening here? Si shiki! Lol.
#77 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:02:25 PM
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tycho wrote:
I see your point. Most sincere apologies.

Let's start with what 'Freud says'. There's a 'personality'. Personality implies 'being'. And 'being' has three 'parts'. The 'id', the 'ego', and 'Super ego'.

Now step back and see that Freud is giving us a 'metaphor' that 'dis-integrates' being into three.

Freud is explaining the processes that take place within the individual. It is not breaking down the being into three distinct parts and consolidating them together. With your indulgence, let me give you an analogy. We all know that the body is one. But the body has various parts which perform different functions. All these body parts work in harmony for the well-being of the individual. If someone explains the activities of the digestive system, the activities of the nervous system, and how they interact with one another, it does not mean that the person is breaking the body into independent parts, rather it is explaining how interdependent the various body systems are. This is what Freud is doing.

By Freud asserting that 'Where id is, ego must be' he is asking us to 'integrate' ourselves.

Read my points above.

Question; what are we to do with the 'Super ego'? Freud was simply asserting that one needed to use the light of the 'Super ego', via the ego, to 'reconcile' the 'id'.

Being entails a struggle against the 'dark forces' of the 'Id'.

When one 'overcomes' the 'id' with the 'light', then he/she is made 'whole'.

The ego looks 'up' to the 'super ego' for 'help' on this 'task'.

But the ego is always under the influence of the id. How can one succeed in the task? Through sacrificing the ego.

The id is 'defeated'. Now there's freedom. No fence.

The 'Psychoanalytic process' must be transcended.

If I got you right, the ultimate aim is to gain freedom. Well, nothing wrong with this. But I don't agree with your process. Is it possible to shut down the id and the super ego and remain completely oblivious to them? I don't think so. On one part, the brain is faced with aggressive desires (the id), and the other part is faced with the ideals (super-ego). The most sane thing to do is to reconcile the "wishes/desires" of the id with the "ideal" probabilities of the super-ego. There comes in the rationality (ego).

Again, how do you transcend? Is it important? Is it a one-off thing?

Is this a 'universal truth'? Look at the myths of the world, they resemble each other in above respect.

With respect to Freud and other scholars, look at them as sources of knowledge. You may agree or disagree with their "explanations." Nevertheless, you'll gain an insight into something that you could not see before.

Is this about 'domination' and 'Superiority'? No. It's about dancing with God. Being the wind.

I won't blame you. I'll seek to understand the motivation.

Live Full Die Empty - Les Brown.
#78 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:21:19 PM
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InnovateGuy wrote:
tycho wrote:
I see your point. Most sincere apologies.

Let's start with what 'Freud says'. There's a 'personality'. Personality implies 'being'. And 'being' has three 'parts'. The 'id', the 'ego', and 'Super ego'.

Now step back and see that Freud is giving us a 'metaphor' that 'dis-integrates' being into three.

Freud is explaining the processes that take place within the individual. It is not breaking down the being into three distinct parts and consolidating them together. With your indulgence, let me give you an analogy. We all know that the body is one. But the body has various parts which perform different functions. All these body parts work in harmony for the well-being of the individual. If someone explains the activities of the digestive system, the activities of the nervous system, and how they interact with one another, it does not mean that the person is breaking the body into independent parts, rather it is explaining how interdependent the various body systems are. This is what Freud is doing.

By Freud asserting that 'Where id is, ego must be' he is asking us to 'integrate' ourselves.

Read my points above.

Question; what are we to do with the 'Super ego'? Freud was simply asserting that one needed to use the light of the 'Super ego', via the ego, to 'reconcile' the 'id'.

Being entails a struggle against the 'dark forces' of the 'Id'.

When one 'overcomes' the 'id' with the 'light', then he/she is made 'whole'.

The ego looks 'up' to the 'super ego' for 'help' on this 'task'.

But the ego is always under the influence of the id. How can one succeed in the task? Through sacrificing the ego.

The id is 'defeated'. Now there's freedom. No fence.

The 'Psychoanalytic process' must be transcended.

If I got you right, the ultimate aim is to gain freedom. Well, nothing wrong with this. But I don't agree with your process. Is it possible to shut down the id and the super ego and remain completely oblivious to them? I don't think so. On one part, the brain is faced with aggressive desires (the id), and the other part is faced with the ideals (super-ego). The most sane thing to do is to reconcile the "wishes/desires" of the id with the "ideal" probabilities of the super-ego. There comes in the rationality (ego).

Again, how do you transcend? Is it important? Is it a one-off thing?

Is this a 'universal truth'? Look at the myths of the world, they resemble each other in above respect.

With respect to Freud and other scholars, look at them as sources of knowledge. You may agree or disagree with their "explanations." Nevertheless, you'll gain an insight into something that you could not see before.

Is this about 'domination' and 'Superiority'? No. It's about dancing with God. Being the wind.

I won't blame you. I'll seek to understand the motivation.

The ideals of the super ego, are linked to the id.

All analysis is breaking down.

A good way of looking at the ultimate objective is to consider 'entropy'. Everything is from it, and going to it. 'It', is the 'id'.

So we are looking at an inevitable process. All history is heading there.

The only way is to be 'it'. This is life.

Eternal life.
#79 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:35:27 PM
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@Innovate, Freud's work, and any other endeavor of those who care about humanity, and science, is about raising human consciousness.

The philosopher builds up, and we'd be irresponsible if we rested at Freud.

To understand 'transcendence' you need to look at how psychoanalysis is a form of therapy. 'Healing' is an instance of 'transcendance'.
#80 Posted : Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:48:33 PM
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The body is one but the mind is fragmented.This is a central theme from various religions and mythical stories.The id is the default 'program',the ego the audience/actor and the super-ego consciousness.Take the example of a child,a child operates mostly on the id but the nature of an operator is awareness thus it is inevitably drawn into consciousness.After which it begins to subdue the ids 'operating system'.Transcendence is the ego being conscious of the id and itself and not necessarily reconciliation of the fragments.The best example of this is individuals who take control of functions allocated to the unconscious,like controlling one's heart rate.

Assuming that existence progresses from nothingness to infinity,where infinity plays out in a series of nows,we are living in infinity.Progress then can be identified within the nows as changes in perception,religion,society,science,politics...As I see it the ideals in the 'different' nows are the fences where individuals subscribe to live within.Now the question is,if God is infinitely whole and wholly infinite,where does that leave us.I ask because if He is complete in infinity and infinitely complete,doesn't it seem we are irrevocably converging to the Alpha and Omega?

Matt 5:48 wrote:
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Romans 12:2 wrote:
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
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