tycho wrote:Shak wrote:It just dawned on me why so many marriages today are falling apart. It has to do with the way girls are raised today. Girls are today raised to aspire to excel in their careers. They are told they can do anything a man can. Little emphasis is placed on roles in marriage. For boys the message has not changed. They are taught that they are the heads of their homes. So girls having been pampered, well educated and treated well at home expect the same treatment from their husbands only to be net with expectations that are not in tune with their upbringing. They wonder why they should serve the man yet they were taught that men and women are equals. Power plays are the end result along with broken marriages
It's not about how girls are brought up. It's about how we are generally miseducated and how ignorance reigns in our cultures and institutions.
The headship of the male isn't about barking orders and dominating economically, and the submissiveness of the woman doesn't preclude her excellence and freedom. An arrow cannot be head only, or shaft and tail only.
We are too engrossed with symbols that we have become ignorant of the laws and nature hidden deep within. It all started with the neolithic revolution 10,000 years ago. The shift to domestication of animals and plants created property systems, a false social construct (monogamy) and the paternal inheritance of property.
All this skewed the roles of females both in society and in relationships, and created competition and sexual tension amongst males, which ultimately leads to war.
Earlier in history, in hunter/gatherer or foraging societies, human societies had open sexual relations amongst all group members, and a lack of sex-based male aggression (which nowadays is REQUIRED for group survival).