Kusadikika wrote:Prime wrote:Now just picture this scenario... the next time you go to the gym, at the exact point,the same thing happens. same cat, same stare...
Wee @Prime hebu tema hiyo mate.....well well wipe hiyo keyboard. I will just go back into the house and forget that shughuli.
"Black cat", "tema mate"???
@Kusadikika, let me tell you more... Please read the whole of it.
These are mythsThey come under the subject of superstition and are forbidden in Islam.
Fortunately for us, Islam has no place for black cats and those others like
broken mirrors,
owl etc
I'm sure you know that there is no limit...to such myths among the people.
Some people regard seeing some things as bad omen, which inlcude seeing a black cat.
Number 13 is regarded as unlucky number...like the Americans!! Did you know they don't have floor 13th in their tall buildings!!!
There is an hadith in Islam...narrated from Anas bin Maalik that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Quote:"There is no transmission of infectious disease without the permission of Allaah and no superstitious belief in bird omens, but I like optimism."
The people who were with him asked, "
What is optimism?". He answered, "
A good word."
If a person starts believing in superstitionthe world will become a hard place for him and he will imagine that everything is a bad omen.
There are even some people who, if they get up in the morning and go out and meet a black cat, they will regard it as a bad omen and say: "
Today is a bad day".
That person will cancel his journey. Allah forbids!
So my bro Sadiq, what matters is that no one should pay attention to superstition.
This is because it will spoil his life.
If you were Muslim, you would follow the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who liked optimism.
We should be optimistic, not pessimistic...like some people who try something time after time, then they become pessimistic
and think that they will never succeed in it, so they give it up.
This is wrong, because if you think that something is good, you should not give it up at the first attempt.
try again and again until Allah makes it easy for you.
So the issue of the black cat is superstitionIt is an issue that is rooted in myth and passed on, down through out the generation
So black cat is a victim of smear campaigns!!! Poor cat!!