hisah wrote:The gap filling between 4600 & 4700 is almost complete. If the index can dip towards 4580 even better for support to kick in on the discounts.
Coop flushed down to 14.50. Was very tempted to pick some yesterday but that would be too many banks in my portfolio.
CFCI nosedive was expected. l warned about it back in April. It vaulted too fast from 7 to 11 and I jumped out at 11.40 but it kept stretching to crazy highs towards 14. Getting in above 10 the party was too high...
Some wondered why I sold out. Hope they have learned never to get roped in by euphoria. During euphoria sell the mad rallies or lighten your holdings. Always watch those gap ups when mad rallies check in. Gaps are bad for bull rally support.
On the flip side gap downs are targets for rebounds in strong bear markets until the bear market trend completes.
As for kk & kq the bulls vs bear fight continues. Bears favoured for now.
Kenya RE is now forcing me to be torn between britam and it... Dilemma.
@aguy - time for cash pile to come in.
as much as u are a trader, u are fundie.
when i sold my cfci and watched it go to 14, it didn't feel very wise, but i knew it was fairly valued. and couldnt buy or hold more at that level. seen sub 10 print today, however shocking was not unexpected.
as for ken re vs britam. which one is undervalued?
but i see britam allure coz of not being gava heavy and a corporate darling. infact today a 14.30 order for ken re got filled. yay!
next im eyeing cfc holdings at 60.00, today 62.50 printed. i wanted to buy last month but when i saw the appetite to 70.00 i let it fly. now its back.
im also seeing scope of IM at 80.00, if this bleeding continues.
I've used cash pile well, but more needed to buy ze sweet bargains....
The investor's chief problem - and even his worst enemy - is likely to be himself