Club SK
I wonder where the parent/parents went wrong?
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2012 Posts: 3,855 Location: Othumo
rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. Thieves
Rank: Veteran Joined: 3/26/2012 Posts: 1,182
kysse wrote:mnjoro wrote:Idleness too siku hizi hakuna mashamba ya kulima like we used to do when growing up.Domestic work, parents wanaachia house-helps even while the children are teenagers.Its really annoying queing in a butchery cause each customer lazima akatiwe meat ata sukuma jameni. Meat is fine,but some have taken things a bit too far. A grown up lady cannot even cut her cabbage/sukuma/onion not cz she doesn't have the time,she just hates the work which will mess up her pedicure. The only thing she does is oil the pan. I pity sons. Pedicure is to toe nails, manicure is to finger nails. Mambo ya wanawake magumu haya.
Rank: Member Joined: 11/7/2011 Posts: 410
King G wrote:rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. King G, from which Kingdom do u hail from? 
Rank: Member Joined: 5/19/2012 Posts: 552
King G wrote:rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. So which generation are we complaining about, those with rights or those who were chapwad?? Ebu enda na hizo rights zako. Mine even keeps her cane. When it necessitates, she goes gets it na anachapwa kweli kweli. Kwani ni serkal italia mtoto akiaribika ama ni mimi??? Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.... Leo Buscaglia
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
rryyzz wrote:King G wrote:rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. So which generation are we complaining about, those with rights or those who were chapwad?? Ebu enda na hizo rights zako. Mine even keeps her cane. When it necessitates, she goes gets it na anachapwa kweli kweli. Kwani ni serkal italia mtoto akiaribika ama ni mimi???  A child keeping its own cain!? Poor kid. However, you should question its intelligence, or lack of, if (s)he hasn't tried to make it 'softer'
Rank: New-farer Joined: 6/19/2013 Posts: 18
During our parent's generation, a child was for the whole community thus were disciplined if found on the wrong whenever...wherever. Today you can't warn a friend's kid..leave alone that.. your own kid. The will start screaming that they have their own rights and should not be told a thing. Another thing...western lifestyle had also degraded our African morals..music, movies name them..starting with the parents themselves who display bad habits in front of their own kids. I wonder how we will bring up our own generation of children No matter how great the talents or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in 1 day by making 9 women pregnant- Warren Buffet
Rank: Chief Joined: 5/9/2007 Posts: 13,095
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2012 Posts: 3,855 Location: Othumo
Mukiri wrote:rryyzz wrote:King G wrote:rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. So which generation are we complaining about, those with rights or those who were chapwad?? Ebu enda na hizo rights zako. Mine even keeps her cane. When it necessitates, she goes gets it na anachapwa kweli kweli. Kwani ni serkal italia mtoto akiaribika ama ni mimi???  A child keeping its own cain!? Poor kid. However, you should question its intelligence, or lack of, if (s)he hasn't tried to make it 'softer' Poor kid. will be traumatized and after secondary /college days, you wont manage them. mototo siku hizi ni kubonga na yeye na kubembeleza (mama, daddy, pole, its ok etc vitu kama hizo)! Thieves
Rank: Elder Joined: 4/22/2010 Posts: 11,522 Location: Nairobi
King G wrote:Mukiri wrote:rryyzz wrote:King G wrote:rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. So which generation are we complaining about, those with rights or those who were chapwad?? Ebu enda na hizo rights zako. Mine even keeps her cane. When it necessitates, she goes gets it na anachapwa kweli kweli. Kwani ni serkal italia mtoto akiaribika ama ni mimi???  A child keeping its own cain!? Poor kid. However, you should question its intelligence, or lack of, if (s)he hasn't tried to make it 'softer' Poor kid. will be traumatized and after secondary /college days, you wont manage them. mototo siku hizi ni kubonga na yeye na kubembeleza (mama, daddy, pole, its ok etc vitu kama hizo)! Aiiih du...tandika mtoto proper hii kubembeleza haisaidii ati daddy/mummy...hadi siku gani... possunt quia posse videntur
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
mimi nishaanza ku-invest in viboko... nimeona pembe zikimea kwa ka-junior kangu. All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2012 Posts: 3,855 Location: Othumo
We are in jubilee year and jubilee government. this are done differently; dot com and digitally. Dictator was Moi and your parents, an era long gone. Thieves
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
maka wrote:King G wrote:Mukiri wrote:rryyzz wrote:King G wrote:rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. So which generation are we complaining about, those with rights or those who were chapwad?? Ebu enda na hizo rights zako. Mine even keeps her cane. When it necessitates, she goes gets it na anachapwa kweli kweli. Kwani ni serkal italia mtoto akiaribika ama ni mimi???  A child keeping its own cain!? Poor kid. However, you should question its intelligence, or lack of, if (s)he hasn't tried to make it 'softer' Poor kid. will be traumatized and after secondary /college days, you wont manage them. mototo siku hizi ni kubonga na yeye na kubembeleza (mama, daddy, pole, its ok etc vitu kama hizo)! Aiiih du...tandika mtoto proper hii kubembeleza haisaidii ati daddy/mummy...hadi siku gani... Yes, spare the rod spoil the child.. But don't just tandika idiotically/lazily without going to leangths to explain, what they did wrong, why you are doing what you are doing and what they should do in future. In our day and age a child has to feel safe and loved or utashangaa!
Rank: Member Joined: 2/7/2013 Posts: 447 Location: Nairobi
urstill wrote:Meduza wrote:washiku wrote:I am told these days they dont fear the pregnancy, that can be "sorted in 10 mins over lunch time and u get back to the office in time". They are afraid of HIV/AIDS. Wait until it gets a cure...I wonder what they shall be afraid of!!! its the opp they fear getting paged to HIV...Imagine that. And when Caroline Mutoko tries to put sense in them, they open a page to exterminate her..LOL. Parents need to put things right, spare the rod spoil the child...hii maneno ya kiss kiss baby...bla bla(I dont mean you dont give you baby affection), and you never tell your kid that what is wrong is wrong, then you cannot make the tree upright if the roots are not strong. No, let's not get there. Mutoko is importing the western ideology into our culture. Ans, I don't support that. How can you explain a woman at that age with no serious partner!! Leave alone being married! I think it would be wrong to dismiss her based on her marital status yet she has made a name to herself. She is a figure young girls need to emulate in terms of achievements. She is forcused, I don't know know why she doesn't hv a partner so I wouldn't go there. I am looking at her in terms of what she has achieved, and how it can be positive to the youth. You cant win, unless you first begin....
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/17/2013 Posts: 4,693 Location: Earth
There is an age to use rod, but once adolescent kicks in,please learn to communicate firmly with actions. They get embarrassed and bitter if beaten at this age cz hormones go haywire. IMHO beating is for under 12.
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/11/2007 Posts: 1,680 Location: nairobi
The last time my mother beat me was just before I joined form one, out of boredom, I prepared a beautiful flower bed at our home entrance,my siblings were exited at the new beautiful landscape when they got home that evening , next morning I requested my small sister to water it before going to school but she refused, as a payback I uprooted them..she got home and they were not there..she started wailing...just then our mother got home..anyway after two slaps I learnt to respect women and flowers..understanding them is out of my league.
Rank: Member Joined: 5/19/2012 Posts: 552
Mukiri wrote:maka wrote:King G wrote:Mukiri wrote:rryyzz wrote:King G wrote:rryyzz wrote:matata wrote:What happened to the beatings our parents gave us? nobody died of being whipped. siku hizi ukichapa mtoto ur not a good parent en the kid myt commit suicide cz of stress nkt!!! We need to get back to the old days where even a neighbour could discipline ur kid. Otherwise we may not have generations to come.  Parents of today are so wrong as far as being role models is concerned; the way they dress, the way they talk,all housework being left to the househelp. How do you expect the children to turn out. Kitambo, we had chores to perform, respect for the elders and we knew the kiboko was not far off if we erred. you were being abused without your knowledge. things have changed and rights are in place. you need to claim payments from your parents for all the wrongs they did to you and your generation. So which generation are we complaining about, those with rights or those who were chapwad?? Ebu enda na hizo rights zako. Mine even keeps her cane. When it necessitates, she goes gets it na anachapwa kweli kweli. Kwani ni serkal italia mtoto akiaribika ama ni mimi???  A child keeping its own cain!? Poor kid. However, you should question its intelligence, or lack of, if (s)he hasn't tried to make it 'softer' Poor kid. will be traumatized and after secondary /college days, you wont manage them. mototo siku hizi ni kubonga na yeye na kubembeleza (mama, daddy, pole, its ok etc vitu kama hizo)! Aiiih du...tandika mtoto proper hii kubembeleza haisaidii ati daddy/mummy...hadi siku gani... Yes, spare the rod spoil the child.. But don't just tandika idiotically/lazily without going to leangths to explain, what they did wrong, why you are doing what you are doing and what they should do in future. In our day and age a child has to feel safe and loved or utashangaa! Agreed with you. We have to talk with our children and discuss issues. When it is necessary then the cane has to be used. In the same breath, be loving and ready to listen to them. At least they should be comfortable to come to you with their issues.Thats my approach. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.... Leo Buscaglia
Rank: Member Joined: 2/27/2011 Posts: 518
masukuma wrote:mimi nishaanza ku-invest in viboko... nimeona pembe zikimea kwa ka-junior kangu. Out of curiousity, at what age should one start using the cane?
Club SK
I wonder where the parent/parents went wrong?
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