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5 Images For the Naive African!
Awaiting Suspension
#1 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 11:00:07 AM
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#2 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 11:30:19 AM
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Awaiting Suspension wrote:

ambia akina mcReggae hiyo.... hakuna mtu amewahi jiuliza hii swali... Is there an african company that has ever won a contract outside africa? none to my knowledge - ZINDUKENI!
nyinyi endeleni kusema 'mi casa es su casa' tu! as they answer 'mi casa es mi casa'!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#3 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 11:45:53 AM
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Read for yourself the link below to know who the Naive African is:

#4 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 12:15:25 PM
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masukuma wrote:
Awaiting Suspension wrote:

ambia akina mcReggae hiyo.... hakuna mtu amewahi jiuliza hii swali... Is there an african company that has ever won a contract outside africa? none to my knowledge - ZINDUKENI!
nyinyi endeleni kusema 'mi casa es su casa' tu! as they answer 'mi casa es mi casa'!

The worst is when an African company is overlooked in favour of a western one by africans themselves.

#5 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 7:26:45 PM
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xyzee wrote:
masukuma wrote:
Awaiting Suspension wrote:

ambia akina mcReggae hiyo.... hakuna mtu amewahi jiuliza hii swali... Is there an african company that has ever won a contract outside africa? none to my knowledge - ZINDUKENI!
nyinyi endeleni kusema 'mi casa es su casa' tu! as they answer 'mi casa es mi casa'!

The worst is when an African company is overlooked in favour of a western one by africans themselves.

indeed... its a sorry state of affairs when we pick sides and say.. I love german cars all my cars have to be european or I love American tech, I dispise chinese made things... its a shame when no one can even say... I love Kenyan X... I cannot go without it.
kind reminds me of what salim once wrote
facing favored opponents in their own home-turf, is something we can do little about. We can just sit, admire, smile and wave. Smile and wave. But facing FAVORED opponents, in OUR own turf, is another story.

here are some rantings on the same -http://www.iddsalim.com/blog/2012/09/12/of-greedy-thieving-foreigners-and-sleeping-local-giants/
I have to say he is on the spot!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#6 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 8:30:11 PM
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It all starts with leadership...
possunt quia posse videntur
#7 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 8:35:09 PM
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and worst still those who bragg about western clothes, food, movies etc very naive I have to say.
Obi 1 Kanobi
#8 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 9:33:01 PM
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isuggest we stick to bashing our greedy leaders. the bashing of the mzungu, then american and now china is baseless. its not there work to sought out africas sh*t
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#9 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 9:54:19 PM
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harrydre wrote:
and worst still those who bragg about western clothes, food, movies etc very naive I have to say.

Tell me what african car you want me to drive,we complain yet we arent uping our game?has any mzungu locked our brains so that we cannot think?year after year we are still tackling tu small issues...moving forward at a snails pace...who has prevented engineering students from coming up with a prototype car...I,d never waste my hard earned money to buy anything sub standard we are just sour loosers who make a myriad of excuses when facing the slightest hurdle...
possunt quia posse videntur
#10 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 9:55:32 PM
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Obi 1 Kanobi wrote:
isuggest we stick to bashing our greedy leaders. the bashing of the mzungu, then american and now china is baseless. its not there work to sought out africas sh*t

I don't bash the west for business acumen (yako ni yetu na yangu ni yangu is advantageous to them - i would take it). I blame us africans for being stupid (starting from our leaders). read my lips WE WILL NEVER BUILD WORLD CLASS PRODUCTS RIGHT OF THE BAT! Procurement and Government need to realize that!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#11 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 10:02:23 PM
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maka wrote:
harrydre wrote:
and worst still those who bragg about western clothes, food, movies etc very naive I have to say.

Tell me what african car you want me to drive,we complain yet we arent uping our game?has any mzungu locked our brains so that we cannot think?year after year we are still tackling tu small issues...moving forward at a snails pace...who has prevented engineering students from coming up with a prototype car...I,d never waste my hard earned money to buy anything sub standard we are just sour loosers who make a myriad of excuses when facing the slightest hurdle...

you should be sad... sad that you are lumped together with all the people who you accuse of all the things above. Wewe hauna tofauti! until a fellow african does exploits in whatever area you accuse us (you included) of lagging behind - your image will not change! Germans will be laughing behind your back when you shout- I LOVE GERMAN TECHNOLOGY - PRECISION ENGINEERING! yenu ni primitive energy!
Listen - this will require a paradigm shift in the way we think - without changing the way we view the world WE SHALL NOT DEVELOP!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#12 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 10:18:48 PM
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ps I had hinted on how to get back and cover the distance we have lost
i.e. never agree to any intellectual property rights laws that you don't strive to benefit from (i.e. those that protect others ) http://www.wazua.co.ke/f...&m=319418#post319418
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#13 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 11:34:34 PM
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This everlasting topic.
We produce abundant resources,sell/export raw material to west and end up buying/importing the finished products at high prices.
Is it because we lack skilled labour or plants to manufacture Quality goods?
Someone behind the curtains signed an agreement contract-rub my back and I rub yours.
We both 'benefit', but the association ends up becoming parasitic instead of mutual.
We need the west as much as they need us but we still have a slave mentality to shed off.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#14 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 11:41:34 PM
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essyk wrote:
This everlasting topic.
We produce abundant resources,sell/export raw material to west and end up buying/importing the finished products at high prices.
Is it because we lack skilled labour or plants to manufacture Quality goods?
Someone behind the curtains signed an agreement contract-rub my back and I rub yours.
We both 'benefit', but the association ends up becoming parasitic instead of mutual.
We need the west as much as they need us but we still have a slave mentality to shed off.

its not coz of lack of manpower...i think we are just....(dont have any word to use)...tell me why we are importing even matchboxes from China,toothpicks etc...we will go back to sijui electricity costs are prohibitive etc excuses galore...mediocrity
possunt quia posse videntur
#15 Posted : Monday, June 03, 2013 11:50:49 PM
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maka wrote:
essyk wrote:
This everlasting topic.
We produce abundant resources,sell/export raw material to west and end up buying/importing the finished products at high prices.
Is it because we lack skilled labour or plants to manufacture Quality goods?
Someone behind the curtains signed an agreement contract-rub my back and I rub yours.
We both 'benefit', but the association ends up becoming parasitic instead of mutual.
We need the west as much as they need us but we still have a slave mentality to shed off.

its not coz of lack of manpower...i think we are just....(dont have any word to use)...tell me why we are importing even matchboxes from China,toothpicks etc...we will go back to sijui electricity costs are prohibitive etc excuses galore...mediocrity

because of guys like you who never in 100 years believe we can do it. as Essyk has put it, shed off the slave mentality.
#16 Posted : Tuesday, June 04, 2013 12:05:40 AM
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harrydre wrote:
maka wrote:
essyk wrote:
This everlasting topic.
We produce abundant resources,sell/export raw material to west and end up buying/importing the finished products at high prices.
Is it because we lack skilled labour or plants to manufacture Quality goods?
Someone behind the curtains signed an agreement contract-rub my back and I rub yours.
We both 'benefit', but the association ends up becoming parasitic instead of mutual.
We need the west as much as they need us but we still have a slave mentality to shed off.

its not coz of lack of manpower...i think we are just....(dont have any word to use)...tell me why we are importing even matchboxes from China,toothpicks etc...we will go back to sijui electricity costs are prohibitive etc excuses galore...mediocrity

because of guys like you who never in 100 years believe we can do it. as Essyk has put it, shed off the slave mentality.

kindly re read what I wrote...actually what I have achieved in terms of education is a personal statement and committment that any African can be the best at any given field given the chance and opportunity...I have several friends at the University of London and they perform extremely well on a head to head basis compared to their wazungu classmates...when it comes to our products its something else we like cutting corners a lot being the profit/greed seekers most of us are...I know we can do it but we simply dont want to...do you think the perfection in your german/japanese engine is coz some guy wasnt keen enough to do everything right,use the right tools and parts...there was an article Sunny Bindra wrote some time back he was spot on about the mediocrity that surrounds us...its not slave mentality we just dont give it our best...and then goes the question why should i waste my hard earned money to support a fellow african who produces substandard goods not because he/she has no capacity to produce excellent products but because he/she doesnt want to put a little more effort,a little more thought...we are our own worst enemies...
possunt quia posse videntur
#17 Posted : Tuesday, June 04, 2013 12:10:55 AM
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Saidia mentality.
Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you.” ― Rashi

#18 Posted : Tuesday, June 04, 2013 12:13:59 AM
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Btw lets be honest with ourselves...how many of us when we go shopping we pick stuff that are made in africa...
possunt quia posse videntur
#19 Posted : Tuesday, June 04, 2013 12:26:43 AM
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harrydre wrote:

because of guys like you who never in 100 years believe we can do it. as Essyk has put it, shed off the slave mentality.

Who's has made it possible for wanjiku to bring in substandard goods when we have local industries producing quality goods fit for export?

I also think that the ordinary fellow can only go as far as the law allows him to
We don't encourage innovation,growth and development/expansion- all 3 together.
I see ideas stagnate at innovation and die off cz of socio-economic challenges.
It's one thing to want to create, but a different ball game trying to make it work in a corrupt and greedy society where hands must be greased before doors can open-this is the mentality affecting us.

Africans can't even support trade amongst themselves.
A farmer grows cocoa yet he can't afford to buy a tin of the same,same to coffee,sugarcane farmers,etc etc

We'd rather import shoes/clothes from shina than Ethiopia.ok they are cheap and who doesn't want to make money.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#20 Posted : Tuesday, June 04, 2013 12:38:58 AM
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maka wrote:
harrydre wrote:
maka wrote:
essyk wrote:
This everlasting topic.
We produce abundant resources,sell/export raw material to west and end up buying/importing the finished products at high prices.
Is it because we lack skilled labour or plants to manufacture Quality goods?
Someone behind the curtains signed an agreement contract-rub my back and I rub yours.
We both 'benefit', but the association ends up becoming parasitic instead of mutual.
We need the west as much as they need us but we still have a slave mentality to shed off.

its not coz of lack of manpower...i think we are just....(dont have any word to use)...tell me why we are importing even matchboxes from China,toothpicks etc...we will go back to sijui electricity costs are prohibitive etc excuses galore...mediocrity

because of guys like you who never in 100 years believe we can do it. as Essyk has put it, shed off the slave mentality.

kindly re read what I wrote...actually what I have achieved in terms of education is a personal statement and committment that any African can be the best at any given field given the chance and opportunity...I have several friends at the University of London and they perform extremely well on a head to head basis compared to their wazungu classmates...when it comes to our products its something else we like cutting corners a lot being the profit/greed seekers most of us are...I know we can do it but we simply dont want to...do you think the perfection in your german/japanese engine is coz some guy wasnt keen enough to do everything right,use the right tools and parts...there was an article Sunny Bindra wrote some time back he was spot on about the mediocrity that surrounds us...its not slave mentality we just dont give it our best...and then goes the question why should i waste my hard earned money to support a fellow african who produces substandard goods not because he/she has no capacity to produce excellent products but because he/she doesnt want to put a little more effort,a little more thought...we are our own worst enemies...

true boss but don't look at what the rest are doing, it has to start with you! Refuse to pay that cop a bribe so as to let you off a traffic offense. pay the fine, feel the pain and tomorrow you will be careful when driving. That fine will probably fix a road which will create a job for someone and so on and so forth. give it your best at work no matter what you do. don't leave early coz your boss ain't in and the rest are doing it...if half of us did that, we would be very far.

I do agree with you iko chida na mwafrika anyway and ooh we are very short sighted and don't care for our future generations.
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