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Passion fruit export biz
#1 Posted : Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:16:00 AM
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How is this business?Anyone with experience?
#2 Posted : Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:08:00 PM
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...anyone?Interested too.

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#3 Posted : Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:18:00 PM
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From what i have heard,it is very profitable.....go to FPEAK (Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya),they will give you details....all the best.......

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#4 Posted : Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:49:00 PM
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Thanks.Will check that out.

#5 Posted : Wednesday, June 24, 2009 5:34:00 PM
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@ all

Last time I checked in the food store,a single passion fruit was going for $1.99 each! Which means that there is potential for making money even if one can export to the US at cost of $1.00 per fruit.

The challenge I guess is meeting the standards of environmental management,product food safety,quality,etc as outlined on FPEAK website..................
#6 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:57:00 AM
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Single fruit @ $1.99 equivalent 150 kenya shillings ama its 1kg?Thanks for your input.Am getting more inspired here.
#7 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 6:37:00 PM
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That's right,$1.99 for a single fruit. That's the price at Cub Foods,the food store chain in Minneapolis. The fruits are imported from South America.
#8 Posted : Friday, June 26, 2009 10:37:00 AM
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I just recently planted Passion Fruits,Tree Tomatoes and Avacados.......i however caution against getting too excited about those dollar prices. The ordinary farmer like me is getting sort of ripped off by the exporters since they are the ones liscensed to export and will more or less dictate the price to buy from you and the standards you should meet. They then hike up the prices when the fruits get to the foreign markets.....was hearing an Avacado in states can even go for up to 400sh.....lakini ain't sure.

But all in all,if done well I think there is some good money even for the small farmers like me.

The course of the world is changed by those who dare dream!
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#9 Posted : Saturday, June 27, 2009 8:31:00 AM
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Thanks for your input.But got some few queries since you have some experience as a farmer.

1.What size (at minimum ) is required to do the passion fruits for fair returns
2.How long do they take to grow
3.any challenges as a farmer?Do you need to be at the farm like everyday or you can do weekend visits.
4.For the minimum piece of land as per query one,what level of investment are we looking at?

What you are saying i cannot do direct export by myself.I have to go through licenced exporters.If thats the case then they can practically rip you off.
Will appreciate your feedback.
#10 Posted : Sunday, June 28, 2009 9:33:00 AM
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Hi Giddy,

I'm really a starter at this. We are on a 50/50 partnership with my dad who does most of the ground work. Myself,I provide funds most of the time. I planted the Avacadoes this year.....then the others came as an after thought since the Avacadoes take around 2Yrs....so we figured we could do something in the meanwhile.

As for your question on fair returns and land size...this is all relative. Our kashamba is just like 3 acres in Nyeri. Passion fruits are not the main fruit tree.....we are doing it to utilize the land while Avacadoes grow.We planted around 400 passion tree seedlings last month. The major challenge is availability of water,getting grafted seedlings ( a variety that will be resistant to fungus while young) and also getting reliable info since we are starting as well.

The passions should flower and produce fruit kitu 9months from now. Now to the best of my knowledge ( I stand to be corrected)....individuals are not really allowed to export fruit without going through the liscensed exporters. This is supposedly to ensure that there is a form of quality control for fresh export produce in Kenya. The companies here are mostly owned by Indians and big connected Kenyans.

I once watched a documentary on TV on a farmer in Embu who was doing this passion fruit thing on a very big scale....very inspirational. He said that he was getting around 50kg of fruit/tree/year. He would sell each Kg at 50sh. He had really really invested in it though......and it needs constant care and supervision....weekend visits might not be enough unless you have a manager.

The course of the world is changed by those who dare dream!
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#11 Posted : Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:32:00 AM
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@ Bird_man,
Thanks very much for the info.Even me i confirmed as you mentioned that you cant export on your own.But kudos to you for starting up with you dad and wish you all the best.am sure i will be following you foot steps very soon.you can also reach me on <sentiltd@gmail.com>.Do you know any of the indians or connected kenyans who are in this business.It could be wise to approach them and know how the game is played at the export level?
If i stumble on any info will let you know.
#12 Posted : Wednesday, January 19, 2011 5:04:05 AM
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So 18 months on, how are the fruits doing and is business good?
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#13 Posted : Wednesday, January 19, 2011 10:22:25 AM
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I hear the real money is in the pulp, forget exporting the fruit.
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Pastor M
#14 Posted : Wednesday, January 19, 2011 10:41:15 AM
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[quote=bird_man]Hi Giddy,

I'm really a starter at this. We are on a 50/50 partnership with my dad who does most of the ground work. Myself,I provide funds most of the time. I planted the Avacadoes this year.....then the others came as an after thought since the Avacadoes take around 2Yrs....so we figured we could do something in the meanwhile.

As for your question on fair returns and land size...this is all relative. Our kashamba is just like 3 acres in Nyeri. Passion fruits are not the main fruit tree.....we are doing it to utilize the land while Avacadoes grow.We planted around 400 passion tree seedlings last month. The major challenge is availability of water,getting grafted seedlings ( a variety that will be resistant to fungus while young) and also getting reliable info since we are starting as well.

I m looking for the grafted seedlings please assist...where can I get them ?
#15 Posted : Wednesday, January 19, 2011 11:47:44 AM
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The ones we initially planted mostly dried due to lack of water & a very serious network of moles (rodents).We started watering & are even thinking of drip irrigation.Moles were dealt with.We planted others late 2009 for replacement and they are starting to fruit and ripen now.We have started looking for market around Nyeri since they are not too many and we are just getting started.The main idea here is to learn.Maybe I can post my conclusive results 2months from now.

@Pastor M.That's the greatest challenge.We got the grafted seedlings from a mzee in a place called Giakanja.We can also do the grafts but depends on the number needed.

On passion fruit other very informative clips can be viewed on:



However,from what I have seen....the real gem is Avocado farming.If you can,that's where you should invest more in.
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#16 Posted : Thursday, January 20, 2011 2:41:07 AM
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Thanks for the info bird_man. I want to do passion on 0.5 acres to start with and wanted any tips you had, thanks for the videos. Looking forward to your update.
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