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otonglo: who owns the piece?
#21 Posted : Saturday, May 04, 2013 12:48:14 PM
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#22 Posted : Saturday, May 04, 2013 1:36:44 PM
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Location: Masada

And the Naivas advert was worth a meager KES. 200,000...the boy has been shafted, why lie!
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#23 Posted : Saturday, May 04, 2013 1:45:05 PM
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Impunity wrote:

And the Naivas advert was worth a meager KES. 200,000...the boy has been shafted, why lie!

True true, tena big time.Is this what akina Kingangi are paid ama amedhulumiwa juu he is poor?

I pray for normalcy to come back to his life and he gets backs to school.Its already May and The President has to see his report card end of term two.

Man Tycho hope you understand now what I meant by guidance and counselling and mentorship for the boy.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#24 Posted : Saturday, May 04, 2013 2:52:41 PM
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Art is owned by everyone.

So how should an artist be rewarded? An artists reward, is a statement of commitment to safeguard the works through history. The price offered is the sign of commitment by the person.

The price need not be measured in monetary terms. Understanding alone is enough, and the sustainance of hope, and love.

So, has Owira been underpaid? It depends. But some of us will compare Owira to other artists and cry foul.

This is because we have ceased to care about art, and life in general.

@Bigchick, Owira has been in need of counseling all along. But apparently, we have not played our part because we too are lost.

Notice why you think Owira was probably 'short changed' - he is poor. Now the poor fellow needs wealthy and strong defenders.

I believe there are many students of his age who don't take their report forms home. He could be one of them.

#25 Posted : Saturday, May 04, 2013 6:39:06 PM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
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someone tell the young man that fame is fickle. Extremely fickle especially when you forget that a week ago, Larry Madowo would not have looked twice at you.

Oiii, Pesa jamaa. Next play MacMuga
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#26 Posted : Saturday, May 04, 2013 9:16:47 PM
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The boy should go back to class and concentrate. The scholarship is worth far much more than this acting jobs.

He should focus on being the lawyer he has always wanted to be.
#27 Posted : Sunday, May 05, 2013 8:31:03 AM
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Uhuru did the best thing for him - Scholarship and lazima aone report card! this will sober up the guy... wanafungua lini? kesho?
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#28 Posted : Sunday, May 05, 2013 8:55:01 AM
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Are guys paid to star at churchil live?
His manager refused him(sic.) to star in a show last thursday.
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

Jus Blazin
#29 Posted : Sunday, May 05, 2013 11:33:24 AM
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Joined: 10/23/2008
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Do you know how much 200k is to a school boy? Look at it for its value. You may not do too much with 200k because of your lifestyle, but 200k to him may mean 1m to you. So he wasn't shortchanged, if you look at it from his point of view.
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#30 Posted : Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:40:46 PM
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Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

P.O BOX private bag,


Dear baba,

His Exalensy the commander in chief of the defens foses, CBS, EGH, TWEET, REPORT CARD, KUSEMA NA KUTENDA, STATE HOUSE, GRASS TO GRACER, MUMBASA, DIGITAL...i hope you are doing orait. baba, i am okey. my parents are also orait in Nyamthoi village. but father i have a few issus.

One, larry madowo is now my self appointed aid de camp following me like inzi yawa! i go for preps he is there sleeping on the desk for me-i sleep he drools, i go to the dining hall he is there i chew and he swallows, i go to the dorm he is there sleeping for me, i go to the field he is there kicking the ball for me, i go to the library he is there reading the river between for me, i go for assembly he is there singing the national and school anthem for me, i go to the toilet he is there flashing the water for me! yawa, is larry madowo a pregnant woman and me odowa
??? fadhe, should i ask kimemia or karangi to tell him to take me slowly??

Two, imagine naivas supermarket gave me 200,000 sillings only, to do an advert, which was the budget allocated for bamba tuenti of safaricom. i told them to sambaza me so that i could now have 400,000 sillings credit on my phone-they refused, saying they were giving me cheque! he he he 2 andred thausan sillings only somebody is writing on a cheque yawa he he he analogueeee!

Three, baba, halafu imagine inspector mwala hired me at kona mbaya police steson as a messenger, a messenger! somebody who transits parcels in and out of a police steson yawa! how, the son of the landlord of kenya! the son of the founding fathers and mothers and uncles and aunties and sisters and cousins of kenya!! demoson nyasachiel!! inspekta mwala, save your reputeson, donge??

Four, fadhe, the class teacher gave me homework, i didnt do it because he did not say statework. you cannot give the son of a presdent homework, you give him state duty kata state function and i attend to it donge? i told them to go to hague with their assignments nkt, hoooow?? halafu ati they wanted to punish me eeh, i told the if they mishandled a state property like me KDF will deal with them.

Finally fadhe, there is this girl in highway girls school, or sister school who i saw and fell in love with. can i borrow one of your range rover sports, which you are not using anymore to take her round during outing this saturday?? and ngina said se wants to check check, se is exiting monthly haemoglobin from her reproductive. se wants you to send her money for that. asante.
c/c secretary to the cabinet
c/c state house comptroller
c/c larry madowo
c/c cabinet secretary for youth affairs

Yours adopted son
dot otonglo dot owira
tweet me mr. president tweet me!

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