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why beat your girlfriend??
Rank: Member Joined: 6/25/2010 Posts: 415
Jus Blazin wrote:gesowan wrote:how i wish it was made up ...she has no issue with money ...she works as a branch manager in one of the leading banks.... Why would an intelligent bank manager allow someone to beat her? Beats me (sic). Low self esteem and the craving for attention..doesn't matter if you are branch manager or whatever..the gal won't leave that man till she becomes a cripple or a statistic.. @gesowan, you need to talk sense into your friend ASAP..I also have never understood how guys beat up their girlfriends or wives.. It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
Rank: Chief Joined: 3/24/2010 Posts: 6,779 Location: Black Africa
Does she have brothers/father around? These people can tengeneza that jamaa! GOD BLESS YOUR LIFE
Rank: Member Joined: 8/27/2012 Posts: 320
muganda wrote:Does my post 7 ring untrue? Annti_Christy wrote: Some stories are just too good to be true, like buying a plane. leta evidence, names, locations, places, photos whatever.
No, sir. Your post sounds believable unlike that one of gesowan that reads like a script in which twists of bank jobs have to be added to make us go 'oh my gosh!'. See the reaction to gesowans story and compare with yours, yours has had no response from 'well meaning & thoughtful' readers. That is the reality. Light Bearer
Rank: Member Joined: 4/6/2010 Posts: 741 Location: Nairobi
unfortunately we often watch and ignore halafu tunaenda kulia kwa funeral
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2009 Posts: 26,329 Location: Masada
youcan'tstopusnow wrote:Impunity wrote:gesowan wrote:can someone out there explain to me why a man should beat a girlfriend so bad that she is hospitalised for a week.what advise do i give to my girlfriend who is being beaten by the boyfie...she loves him so much to let go...and the landing is great after the beating...as a woman i would not allow it to happen... What other explanation do yu need? Case closed, petitioners and respondents to meet their own costs.    You mean to say, gesowan should accept and move on?  Yes, life is bigger than the beatings. Beatings are just clerical mistakes. Portfolio: Sold You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/15/2006 Posts: 3,906
story teller wrote: I also have never understood how guys beat up their girlfriends or wives.. Excellent point, we almost let the bully go scott free. An insecure or lady victim with low self esteem is attracted to an insecure ego centric brute. The bully is a coward and uses anger and brute force to hide his fears. Hence Yoda in Star Wars warns the Jedi… Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
Anger, fear, aggression... the dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.Man's greatest fears:Fear ... 1. of Failure 2. of Death 3. of Rejection 4. of Ridicule 5. of Loneliness 6. of Poverty 7. of Disappointment 8. of the Unknown 9. of Pain 10. of Loss of Freedom
Rank: New-farer Joined: 1/4/2013 Posts: 35
FRM2011 wrote:Kusadikika wrote:Kitanda usichokilalia hujui kunguni wake. I decided sometime ago never to have an opinion on relationship matters after hearing only one side of a story and even if I heard from both people I would still be reluctant to form an opinion because in relationships people remember things differently in different states of passion............ I guess what I am saying is I can never tell whether the beating was justified or not unless I was a witness to it and all that happened before the beating from the moment they first met.
Achana na nyumba za watu. This is the best approach. One day we decided to talk to a friend about the wifey's MWK, thinking we were helping a brother. They actually separated for a while then they came back together. The guy stopped talking to us, then the wife came visiting my office in town. Sema kusomewa kama mtoto. She vented for about 15 minutes telling me to mind my marriage and leave hers alone. You should have seen me tail between the legs nodding like a zombie to avoid creating a scene in the office. From that day, even if i found my best friend's wife in a compromising situation, i mind my own business. I think keeping quiet is the wrong approach; I am for women empowerment on matters husbands...Three approaches; Leave him because if you don't he will kill you and when he does after I have warned you i will not even come to your foolish funeral....you will be hospitalised and i will not come visiting,If he beats you onece he will beat you next time... Gal you are in charge of all the safe fire in your house,boiling water,electricity etc no man should beat you up....instead of making ugali today make a man. And finaly at a small cost you can get a few bones filed and a nice dental job never hurt anyone....make it a obvious that the encounter with the rulers of the night only happens after he beats you he will start to think and associate the missing teeth with beating you. Finaly some dogs only learn through pain and when they can't learn stay put,till he is rich enough get some Pollonium 210,cyanide from a university student and you are good to go....off he goes.
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/9/2009 Posts: 6,592 Location: Nairobi
Only insecure men beat their women. I just don't get why ladies don't see that. If a man beats you it's because he's afraid of losing you or threatened by you discovering/exploring your potential which are much greater than his. BBI will solve it :)
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/19/2008 Posts: 4,268
girlfriend???.... beaten????.... bank manager???..... hospitalized???..... good sex after coming from hospital????..... Jesus Holy Christ! what crap is that?
@gesowan, that woman cant be helped. Unless she feels she is tired of being treated the way she's being treated, no amount of telling her will change her, unfortunately. It has to come from within the woman. Self esteem, self respect, self love. SELF LOVE.
The best you can tell her is to make sure she has a will done because her boyfriend will kill her one of these days, and you'll try to be sad at her burial. In fact, remind her, that "David"(lets call the boyfriend that), could be taking some other woman who he treats like a raw egg out for dinner while she is nursing some ugly wounds in hospital. When you pass by some nice flower shop, stop purposefully and look at the flowers, then ask her which ones she likes. Then tell her, "When David kills you, which he might with the beating he gives you, I'll buy you those ones for your wreath". It might wake her up.
if she justifies that the sex is good after the beating, then, we can safely say that she provokes the guy so that she is beaten so that she can enjoy some good sex. if she was my daughter, I'd give her some thorough whacking for being stupid!!!
There's something my mom always told us "mutumia ahuragwo wihurite"... someone translate for my brother @Mcrg.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/1/2008 Posts: 834
FRM2011 wrote:Kusadikika wrote:Kitanda usichokilalia hujui kunguni wake. I decided sometime ago never to have an opinion on relationship matters after hearing only one side of a story and even if I heard from both people I would still be reluctant to form an opinion because in relationships people remember things differently in different states of passion............ I guess what I am saying is I can never tell whether the beating was justified or not unless I was a witness to it and all that happened before the beating from the moment they first met.
Achana na nyumba za watu. This is the best approach. One day we decided to talk to a friend about the wifey's MWK, thinking we were helping a brother. They actually separated for a while then they came back together. The guy stopped talking to us, then the wife came visiting my office in town. Sema kusomewa kama mtoto. She vented for about 15 minutes telling me to mind my marriage and leave hers alone. You should have seen me tail between the legs nodding like a zombie to avoid creating a scene in the office. From that day, even if i found my best friend's wife in a compromising situation, i mind my own business. well said!! i practice that myself.... If you are going to be thinking only one thing, you might as well be thinking big. -Donald J . Trump
Rank: Member Joined: 5/8/2007 Posts: 709
Watu wachapwe na fimbo ya pili pekee yake!
Rank: New-farer Joined: 3/22/2013 Posts: 20
AlphDoti wrote:innairobi wrote:Washa nichokoze nyuki kidogo. While I have never ever chapad my woman and never ever will, with SOME women it is a really delicate balance. Treat her too well and she thinks you are soft. Treat her too hard and she thinks you are inhuman. I could be wrong but I see this type of thinking plague mainly rural and/or barely educated women. On another note and to jog our memory a little, who remembers that thread on Wazua where members were claiming how a certain woman would not dare do what she was doing if her husband was Kabogo? How would that fit into this woman's situation? @innairobi you've just summarized it well On the other hand, I don't beieve what @gesowan is telling us. I think she's trying to do Classis 105 stuff on Wazua. Sorry @gesowan but your two stories above contradict each other, which means they are made up 'While I have never ever chapad my woman and never ever will, with SOME women it is a really delicate balance' TRUE!! Have had same experience and i don’t think i could blame any man for raising their hand against some women I know though i won’t do it myself, i choose to walk away. [i]'The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all'
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/7/2007 Posts: 2,182
Have you checked the family she was brought up in? Kindly check it from that angle. LOVE WHAT YOU DO, DO WHAT YOU LOVE.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
Branch Manager frequently beaten to the extent of developing bruises.....how hs she kept her job all this while??? ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Member Joined: 11/6/2010 Posts: 289
Wendz wrote:girlfriend???.... beaten????.... bank manager???..... hospitalized???..... good sex after coming from hospital????..... Jesus Holy Christ! what crap is that?
@gesowan, that woman cant be helped. Unless she feels she is tired of being treated the way she's being treated, no amount of telling her will change her, unfortunately. It has to come from within the woman. Self esteem, self respect, self love. SELF LOVE.
The best you can tell her is to make sure she has a will done because her boyfriend will kill her one of these days, and you'll try to be sad at her burial. In fact, remind her, that "David"(lets call the boyfriend that), could be taking some other woman who he treats like a raw egg out for dinner while she is nursing some ugly wounds in hospital. When you pass by some nice flower shop, stop purposefully and look at the flowers, then ask her which ones she likes. Then tell her, "When David kills you, which he might with the beating he gives you, I'll buy you those ones for your wreath". It might wake her up.
if she justifies that the sex is good after the beating, then, we can safely say that she provokes the guy so that she is beaten so that she can enjoy some good sex. if she was my daughter, I'd give her some thorough whacking for being stupid!!!
There's something my mom always told us "mutumia ahuragwo wihurite"... someone translate for my brother @Mcrg. thanks so much will surely let the lady know....and thanks all in Wazua we not only get rich but gather wisdom
Rank: Member Joined: 5/19/2012 Posts: 552
Jus Blazin wrote:gesowan wrote:how i wish it was made up ...she has no issue with money ...she works as a branch manager in one of the leading banks.... Why would an intelligent bank manager allow someone to beat her? Beats me (sic). @Blazin, you'll be surprised how many of the so called well educated , doing well ladies are so insecure and what they let themselves go through in the name of love. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.... Leo Buscaglia
Rank: Member Joined: 6/25/2010 Posts: 415
gesowan wrote:Wendz wrote:girlfriend???.... beaten????.... bank manager???..... hospitalized???..... good sex after coming from hospital????..... Jesus Holy Christ! what crap is that?
@gesowan, that woman cant be helped. Unless she feels she is tired of being treated the way she's being treated, no amount of telling her will change her, unfortunately. It has to come from within the woman. Self esteem, self respect, self love. SELF LOVE.
The best you can tell her is to make sure she has a will done because her boyfriend will kill her one of these days, and you'll try to be sad at her burial. In fact, remind her, that "David"(lets call the boyfriend that), could be taking some other woman who he treats like a raw egg out for dinner while she is nursing some ugly wounds in hospital. When you pass by some nice flower shop, stop purposefully and look at the flowers, then ask her which ones she likes. Then tell her, "When David kills you, which he might with the beating he gives you, I'll buy you those ones for your wreath". It might wake her up.
if she justifies that the sex is good after the beating, then, we can safely say that she provokes the guy so that she is beaten so that she can enjoy some good sex. if she was my daughter, I'd give her some thorough whacking for being stupid!!!
There's something my mom always told us "mutumia ahuragwo wihurite"... someone translate for my brother @Mcrg. thanks so much will surely let the lady know....and thanks all in Wazua we not only get rich but gather wisdom You should actually let her go through this thread..if she doesn't change, then she is truly beyond help.. It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/1/2011 Posts: 8,804 Location: Nairobi
A man will fight when his ego is wounded.
This woman says things that really upset her man. But the man can't walk out of the relationship, because he needs her for something. Money? Swag? The man has a MWK.
But she has 'class', is 'independent', and has 'unspoken' issues, involving self blame and punishment.
She needs a cruel man. She'll always find one.
This means you are the center of the problem. You aren't sure about what to do because there are many barriers between you.
It's not what to say, but what to do.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
man god arrives!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/26/2012 Posts: 15,980
She will not change, there's this obsession of women clinging onto men, no matter what. Chill 4 the nxt incident "There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore .
Club SK
why beat your girlfriend??
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