I came to the same conclusion 'the other day'. The mother - child relationship is important because it is more emotional and expressive of how 'the world' works. A positive and enjoyable relationship with the mother results in a more positive view of the world.
But motherhood gets more complex when you start tracing it beyond your most immediate experience. The earth is 'our' mother; mention earth, and the Sun comes to mind. Then you rise to cosmology.
That is, the most important ingredient to happiness is a cosmic awareness that informs you of how you relate with the rest of the universe.
Mother is culture. I am aware of the patrilineal culture, but as Wangu wa Makeri story goes, and as 'thinkers' like Cheikh Anta Diop have suggested, the Patrilineal culture is an evolutionary force that needs to be reconsidered. Picture the rising power of the female, the conflict arising, and the implications on family and state.
I wonder if there'd be war if the Country and state would be referred to as 'motherland'.
God must be both Mother and Father.