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#1 Posted : Friday, April 26, 2013 10:02:25 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/8/2008
Posts: 1,575
Do not give class one pupils laptops because there are one million others who are not going to school. Link.. Argument on cord tv
I care!
#2 Posted : Friday, April 26, 2013 10:48:48 PM
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Joined: 4/22/2010
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thuks wrote:
Do not give class one pupils laptops because there are one million others who are not going to school. Link.. Argument on cord tv

maybe the no. isnt spot on but there are kids many of them who do not go to school...and its not truancy
possunt quia posse videntur
#3 Posted : Friday, April 26, 2013 10:56:17 PM
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Joined: 7/9/2011
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how about give them laptops to encourage those that dont go to school to come? better yet how about keep up with the programme for the next 12 years, in 2026 we will have kids that can code almost any problem, are more outward looking because they ll be more exposed to the world through the internet and not enclosed to our tribal angle of everything. They would have pushed millions of new contentent on the web, they will have created a super ready market for repairing, new comps, the assembly points that will be set up in the country, they ll share them with siblings hence increase literacy among parents too..... I can only see good things with this laptop story and I am sure better saddled analysts see alot more than I see.

Give them the laptops
our goals are best achieved indirectly
#4 Posted : Friday, April 26, 2013 11:21:20 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/8/2008
Posts: 1,575
@kite.. Very true. The fact that some are not in school should not derail the project. The other claim that there are not enough teachers is not a good reason either since this technolofy could be employed to solve some the problems affecting education. And IT jobs will be created.. And where there is no electricity.. Power will be connected or solar.. Bora mpango!
I care!
#5 Posted : Friday, April 26, 2013 11:44:47 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
Laptops will come mid to late 2nd term of UMK... Just like the new constitution was delayed. You have atleast 6-8 years of noise making.

Proverbs 19:21
#6 Posted : Saturday, April 27, 2013 12:42:49 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/7/2007
Posts: 2,182
Its good to dream.
#7 Posted : Saturday, April 27, 2013 4:07:03 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/9/2006
Posts: 1,502
I don't think it's a good idea . Giving class one kids who are 6/7 yrs is faulty misplaced idea. Instead why shouldn't they start basic computer lessons from class 4. ?? Provide a laptop for a group of eg 10. Then introduce compulsory computer lessons from form 1 . Cheap and logical
work to prosper
#8 Posted : Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:25:07 AM
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Joined: 12/2/2009
Posts: 2,458
Location: Nairobi
kiterunner wrote:
how about give them laptops to encourage those that dont go to school to come? better yet how about keep up with the programme for the next 12 years, in 2026 we will have kids that can code almost any problem, are more outward looking because they ll be more exposed to the world through the internet and not enclosed to our tribal angle of everything. They would have pushed millions of new contentent on the web, they will have created a super ready market for repairing, new comps, the assembly points that will be set up in the country, they ll share them with siblings hence increase literacy among parents too..... I can only see good things with this laptop story and I am sure better saddled analysts see alot more than I see.

Give them the laptops

I hope you are not Kaimenyi the Cabinet Secretary.... otherwise...here comes waste.
#9 Posted : Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:30:06 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/2/2009
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Location: Nairobi
thuks wrote:
@kite.. Very true. The fact that some are not in school should not derail the project. The other claim that there are not enough teachers is not a good reason either since this technolofy could be employed to solve some the problems affecting education. And IT jobs will be created.. And where there is no electricity.. Power will be connected or solar.. Bora mpango!

You must be the smartest dude in your class.. uko class 8 Blue ama 8Green?

Some nonesense i read here....sighhhh.... *smh*
#10 Posted : Sunday, April 28, 2013 9:43:13 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/8/2008
Posts: 1,575
poundfoolish wrote:
thuks wrote:
@kite.. Very true. The fact that some are not in school should not derail the project. The other claim that there are not enough teachers is not a good reason either since this technolofy could be employed to solve some the problems affecting education. And IT jobs will be created.. And where there is no electricity.. Power will be connected or solar.. Bora mpango!

You must be the smartest dude in your class.. uko class 8 Blue ama 8Green?

Some nonesense i read here....sighhhh.... *smh*

It is all wisdom oozing out of your post dear veteran. It sems you chose to dismiss the idea as unworkable and not worth a tbought. Your right of choice is guaranteed as is mine. Poundwisdom would be the best name for you though.
I care!
#11 Posted : Monday, April 29, 2013 8:02:48 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 8/27/2012
Posts: 320
Tokyo wrote:
I don't think it's a good idea . Giving class one kids who are 6/7 yrs is faulty misplaced idea. Instead why shouldn't they start basic computer lessons from class 4. ?? Provide a laptop for a group of eg 10. Then introduce compulsory computer lessons from form 1 . Cheap and logical

very logical.

kiterunner you wants to force demand to create supply in the community?
Light Bearer
#12 Posted : Monday, April 29, 2013 8:52:06 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 4/4/2007
Posts: 1,162

Logical Fallacies

Ad Hominem - Attacking the individual instead of the argument.

Example: You are so stupid your argument couldn't possibly be true.
Example: I figured that you couldn't possibly get it right, so I ignored your comment.

Appeal to Force - Telling the hearer that something bad will happen to him if he does not accept the argument.

Example: If you don't want to get beaten up, you will agree with what I say.
Example: Convert or die.

Appeal to Pity - Urging the hearer to accept the argument based upon an appeal to emotions, sympathy, etc.

Example: You owe me big time because I really stuck my neck out for you.
Example: Oh come on, I've been sick. That's why I missed the deadline.

Appeal to the Popular - Urging the hearer to accept a position because a majority of people hold to it.

Example: The majority of people like soda. Therefore, soda is good.
Example: Everyone else is doing it. Why shouldn't you?

Appeal to Tradition - Trying to get someone to accept something because it has been done or believed for a long time.

Example: This is the way we've always done it. Therefore, it is the right way.
Example: The Catholic church's tradition demonstrates that this doctrine is true.

Begging the Question - Assuming the thing to be true that you are trying to prove. It is circular.

Example: God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is inspired. Therefore, we know that God exists.
Example: I am a good worker because Frank says so. How can we trust Frank? Simple: I will vouch for him.

Cause and Effect - Assuming that the effect is related to a cause because the events occur together.

Example: When the rooster crows, the sun rises. Therefore, the rooster causes the sun to rise.
Example: When the fuel light goes on in my car, I soon run out of gas. Therefore, the fuel light causes my car to run out of gas.

Circular Argument - See Begging the Question
Fallacy of Division - Assuming that what is true of the whole is true for the parts.

Example: That car is blue. Therefore, its engine is blue.
Example: Your family is weird. That means that you are weird too.

Fallacy of Equivocation - Using the same term in an argument in different places but the word has different meanings.

Example: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Therefore, a bird is worth more than President Bush.
Example: Evolution states that one species can change into another. We see that cars have evolved into different styles. Therefore, since evolution is a fact in cars, it is true in species.

False Dilemma - Giving two choices when in actuality there could be more choices possible.

Example: You either did knock the glass over or you did not. Which is it? (Someone else could have knocked the glass over)
Example: Do you still beat your wife?

Genetic Fallacy - Attempting to endorse or disqualify a claim because of the origin or irrelevant history of the claim.

Example: The Nazi regime developed the Volkswagen Beetle. Therefore, you should not buy a VW Beetle because of who started it.
Example: Frank just got out of jail last year; since it was his idea to start the hardware store, I can't trust him.

Guilt by Association - Rejecting an argument or claim because the person proposing it likes someone whom is disliked by another.

Example: Hitler liked dogs. Therefore dogs are bad.
Example: Your friend is a thief. Therefore, I cannot trust you.

Non Sequitur - Comments or information that do not logically follow from a premise or the conclusion.

Example: We know why it rained today: because I washed my car.
Example: I don't care what you say. We don't need any more bookshelves. As long as the carpet is clean, we are fine.

Poisoning the Well - Presenting negative information about a person before he/she speaks so as to discredit the person's argument.

Example: Frank is pompous, arrogant, and thinks he knows everything. So, let's hear what Frank has to say about the subject.
Example: Don't listen to him because he is a loser.

Red Herring - Introducing a topic not related to the subject at hand.

Example: I know your car isn't working right. But, if you had gone to the store one day earlier, you'd not be having problems.
Example: I know I forgot to deposit the check into the bank yesterday. But, nothing I do pleases you.

Special Pleading (double standard) - Applying a standard to another that is different from a standard applied to oneself.

Example: You can't possibly understand menopause because you are a man.
Example: Those rules don't apply to me since I am older than you.

Straw Man Argument - Producing an argument about a weaker representation of the truth and attacking it.

Example: The government doesn't take care of the poor because it doesn't have a tax specifically to support the poor.
Example: We know that evolution is false because we did not evolve from monkeys.

Category Mistake - Attributing a property to something that could not possibly have that property. Attributing facts of one kind are attributed to another kind. Attributing to one category that which can only be properly attributed to another.

Example: Blue sleeps faster than Wednesday.
Example: Saying logic is transcendental is like saying cars would exist if matter didn't
#13 Posted : Monday, April 29, 2013 9:09:14 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/7/2007
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Location: Nairobi
majimaji wrote:

Circular Argument - See Begging the Question
Fallacy of Division - Assuming that what is true of the whole is true for the parts.

Example: That car is blue. Therefore, its engine is blue.

Fallacy of Equivocation - Using the same term in an argument in different places but the word has different meanings.

Example: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Therefore, a bird is worth more than President Bush.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly .....The writer was obviously not American.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#14 Posted : Monday, April 29, 2013 1:57:15 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/8/2008
Posts: 1,575
The one in wazua: you cannot criticize the govt of today if you voted for the individuals therein
I care!
#15 Posted : Monday, April 29, 2013 2:00:05 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/8/2008
Posts: 1,575
Govts do not fulfil promises made during elections, threfore, no promises made during eleections will be fulfilled
I care!
#16 Posted : Monday, April 29, 2013 9:43:13 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 3/19/2013
Posts: 2,552
@majimaji - Knowingly or unknowingly you've just made arguments on Wazua difficultsmile
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