incognito wrote:I am weighing my options about taking up an MSC in energy eng/technology. This could either be in JKUAT or UON.
1. What is the total cost of such a course
2. Between UON and JKUAT,which offers the best MSC programs
3. Duration: Their website quotes 1year to 1.5 years. Is this realistic?
It's great to hear about a Wazuan who is interested in this field. I have been working on 'energics' for a while and I have seen so much promise in it. I have been working on ideas about subtle energy forms and their interactions, systems design and the like.
I work as an independent researcher, and have been doing so all my life, so I can't tell you how much institutions charge. But apart from that, I can say that costs are energic and can only be determined if we can sketch your personal energic system and the transactions involved. That is, you can find the cost if you can engineer your system from the start.
Your question about who is offering the best package also depends on your energy requirements and design. For example, how does your personality contrast with the personalities of the institutions.
Finally, 1 year can have many other time zones in it. There are many applications that can be used to amplify time. So one year is realistic.