Today I was working in the house so I left a bit late. As I was leaving, I heard some kids - very young (lower primary level) having a very interesting discourse outside my house.
The kids wanted to play cops and robbers [I Didn't know they still do that!] and everyone was supposed to decide if they will be a cop or a robber. The exercise went on smoothly till they got to a certain kid. This kid decided he will be both a cop and robber! An argument ensued and he was told to decide one or the other. The kid told the others that 'nowadays' it is possible for a cop to also be a robber. They had a quick discussion and they all agreed that it happens. And the kid was allowed to be both.
Then one kid wanted to know how they will operate given that he is both a cop and a robber. This was the best part! The kid told the others that he will be friends with the robbers but he can shoot them if they disagree! He also said that those who were playing cops couldn't shoot him "just like that" because he is also a cop like them!!!
A bigger argument ensued but sadly I had to leave. I don't know how they resolved it. And these were very young kids!
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.