Which areas are these? CBD itself scares me!!!
I've seen someone mugged along Moi Avenue - opposite Nairobi Sports House - at 7:00pm. I was a couple of metres from him and by the time I reached where he was they had finished their business and left. And they were people passing by!!!
I know a lady who was surrounded by men armed with knives in the CBD [Tom Mboya near Koja Mosque] in broad daylight [3:00 pm on a weekday!] and forced to hand over her laptop, phone and handbag. They then walked with her to an alley and disappeared.
Another fellow was accosted on a Saturday, shown a gun which was then held in folded Newspaper pointing at him and forced to walk with the thugs - in town in broad daylight - to an alley where they proceeded to rob him blind!
So I guess the first place he should tell people to avoid is
Nairobi CBD before listing the other areas like Ngara, etc. etc.
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.