Needless to say,the power situation here in Kenya is pretty poor with nation-wide rationing of electricity. There is no water in the dams,and coupled with the fact that there is very little forest cover,it seems that this situation will continue to persist even if it suddenly began raining torrentially tomorrow.
So,in the spirit of being 'green' and doing my bit for the environment,I am proposing an adopt-an-led business. LEDs (light emitting diodes) are a form of energy saving lights - they consume something like 50%(?) less power than conventional lights and last 5 times longer. Now,while they are too expensive to install in homes,maybe following Ms. Passaris's lead and starting a program to adopt LEDs could work profitably.
I don't think city councils have such an initiative,and adopting LEDs could help reduce power consumption in the long run.... Or do streetlights already use energy saving lightbulbs? Personally I don't think so,but I could be mistaken.
Food for thought? One caveat though - are LEDs more efficient than flourescent bulbs?