@guru could be right.Fits my chart profile for this year problem is the volumes.
Let me explain using the below
CablesAKKengenHFCKFundamentals chose those counters.HFCK - Real Estate,AK-Data,Cables-Construction,Kengen-Energy.All very niched and appealing to me.Cables hasn't rallied as much.
There is a similar pattern to that of Olympia shown by those counters.Kre would have been there but it rallied with other counters Q1-2012.The problem with Olympia is the volumes.All these counters showed a supporting volume where you would have sneaked in without being noticed.Even SGL and Eveready but their fundamentals were not supportive compared to my other picks.They would have been great if you were accumulating them and anticipating good volume but that would have been risky getting out.
CFCCfc is also showing a beautiful pattern to me but notice at the end of 2012 and 2013 its volumes are showing signs of gaining momentum.Just might surprise people.
KPLCKPLC although not showing a similar pattern is showing signs of change and fits the same profile.
NMGSGLI had talked of media in another thread.If you look at NMG and SGL they both peaked at almost exact same time 2008.It was a political rally in my opinion.BOC has also shown significant volume rise in 2013.
When I get back I will answer any questions if any.Have a nice day people.