Club SK
Two Trees : Life & Knowledge
Rank: Member Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 180
Ladies & gentlemen, I have often wondered amout the Adam & Eve scenario. Were there two trees that they were warned against? Eagles don't flock, you have to find them one at a time.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
Chances are, if you are taking something a lil' bit stronger than water, the tree of life multiplies What intrigues me is that Adam was there while the devil was tempting Eve, he did nothing to stop it, morever he also ate the fruit (whose origin he knew very well)... and worse of all tried to pass the bulk to Eve when busted. A true reflection of life today. If you are man, be a man! Protect your woman and house from everything. Judge everything soberly, even that which your wife brings to you. And most important you are responsible for everything that happens under your watch, whether you occasioned it or not!
Rank: Member Joined: 8/27/2012 Posts: 320
Behemoth wrote:Ladies & gentlemen, I have often wondered amout the Adam & Eve scenario.
Were there two trees that they were warned against? Only eve was deceived. Adam ate knowing what was going down.there is nothing more to add to the record. Light Bearer
Rank: Member Joined: 2/20/2009 Posts: 658
The trouble is when Eve was created she had never tasted any other tree except the one for Adam.
So when the devil appeared in Aden and showed his, it appeared superior to Adam's and caused Eve's eyes to open and started seeing things in six dimensions upon eating it.
How do you explain the fact that when she was with Adam she could only see mangoes on Adam's tree?
Eish!! talk of paradox!
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
There is so much power to 'The wages of sin is death'. We are told that in everything we do, look upon God. He seeks to protect us. Keep us INNOCENT. Think about it, once you do something thats wrong, you are never quite the same again. Example-If you've never stolen, but do steal... something changes. Loss of innocence. One can never regain that innocence again. It's what happened at the garden... maybe somewhere East of Turkey or Kuwait. The devious fallen angel satan tempted Eve by treating her as the head of the house.
Rank: Member Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 851 Location: nairobi
According to some religious sects, Eve had a twin delivery: CAIN the first and evil twin begotten from the sin of the serpent; ABEL, begotten of Adam, and latter killed by Cain.....and you are still wondering why some families in Kenya have siblings of different races?
Rank: New-farer Joined: 3/22/2013 Posts: 20
All this Trees : Life & Knowledge thing is just a fairytale, LUANDAMAGERI kind off. i still wonder how in one can believe in this in 2013!!! [i]'The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all'
Rank: Member Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 180
murenj wrote:According to some religious sects, Eve had a twin delivery: CAIN the first and evil twin begotten from the sin of the serpent; ABEL, begotten of Adam, and latter killed by Cain.....and you are still wondering why some families in Kenya have siblings of different races? @Murenj, you have brought some interesting angle. So is CAIN still alive? Eagles don't flock, you have to find them one at a time.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 180
Mukiri wrote:Chances are, if you are taking something a lil' bit stronger than water, the tree of life multiplies What intrigues me is that Adam was there while the devil was tempting Eve, he did nothing to stop it, morever he also ate the fruit (whose origin he knew very well)... and worse of all tried to pass the bulk to Eve when busted. A true reflection of life today. If you are man, be a man! Protect your woman and house from everything. Judge everything soberly, even that which your wife brings to you. And most important you are responsible for everything that happens under your watch, whether you occasioned it or not! @Mukiri, I like the lesson in ua 2nd paragraph. Eagles don't flock, you have to find them one at a time.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 180
segemia wrote:The trouble is when Eve was created she had never tasted any other tree except the one for Adam.
So when the devil appeared in Aden and showed his, it appeared superior to Adam's and caused Eve's eyes to open and started seeing things in six dimensions upon eating it.
How do you explain the fact that when she was with Adam she could only see mangoes on Adam's tree?
Eish!! talk of paradox! @ Segemia, Looking at he topic, my query was; were there two trees? Eagles don't flock, you have to find them one at a time.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 2/3/2010 Posts: 1,797 Location: Kenya
machinani wrote:All this Trees : Life & Knowledge thing is just a fairytale, LUANDAMAGERI kind off. i still wonder how in one can believe in this in 2013!!! Care to share your alternative I may be wrong..but then I could be right
Rank: Member Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 180
Mukiri wrote:There is so much power to 'The wages of sin is death'.
We are told that in everything we do, look upon God. He seeks to protect us. Keep us INNOCENT. Think about it, once you do something thats wrong, you are never quite the same again. Example-If you've never stolen, but do steal... something changes. Loss of innocence. One can never regain that innocence again.
It's what happened at the garden... maybe somewhere East of Turkey or Kuwait. The devious fallen angel satan tempted Eve by treating her as the head of the house. @ Mukiri, Your have brought some deep suggestations. Yes the garden of Eden is mentioned. Was this Garden of Eden physical here on earth? Me doubt. Eagles don't flock, you have to find them one at a time.
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/26/2008 Posts: 2,097
These "two people" had they not eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge, maybe we would all be walking naked. And whom did Cain marry when he was banished as a fugitive to the land of Nod??? His sister??? "Never regret, if its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience."
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/19/2013 Posts: 2,552
I have many thoughts and opinions about this one.Let me think about it.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/19/2013 Posts: 2,552
It was one tree that man was warned about.What we gained from it was knowledge of good and evil.I actually don't think there was anything special with the tree but the prohibition is what made it special.From sinning it became significant and we gained knowledge of good and evil.Why didn't man just eat from the fruit of life and then from the forbidden fruit.That way they wouldn't have died.It seems such evil desires and thoughts were brought about by sin.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/23/2009 Posts: 8,083 Location: Enk are Nyirobi
Behemoth wrote:segemia wrote:The trouble is when Eve was created she had never tasted any other tree except the one for Adam.
So when the devil appeared in Aden and showed his, it appeared superior to Adam's and caused Eve's eyes to open and started seeing things in six dimensions upon eating it.
How do you explain the fact that when she was with Adam she could only see mangoes on Adam's tree?
Eish!! talk of paradox! @ Segemia, Looking at he topic, my query was; were there two trees? There were many trees including pines. Adam and Eve were allowed to eat from all the trees apart from the tree of knowledge. God had told them that they would die, but actually the tree allowed them to see the difference between right and wrong. Only God knew right from wrong, though it seems that even the devil knew so. God banished the two from the garden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life and placed cherubim and a flaming sword to guard the garden. God punished Adam and Eve for disobedience which led them to know the difference between right and wrong. By knowing right from wrong, they were only one step away from God, which is eternal life. He then took severe measures to make sure that tne two did not obtain the only thing separating them from God status, the fruit of the tree of life. There is no indication that the two had not eaten from the tree of life in their ignorant bliss, for it had not been forbidden. Life is short. Live passionately.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
Behemoth wrote:Mukiri wrote:There is so much power to 'The wages of sin is death'.
We are told that in everything we do, look upon God. He seeks to protect us. Keep us INNOCENT. Think about it, once you do something thats wrong, you are never quite the same again. Example-If you've never stolen, but do steal... something changes. Loss of innocence. One can never regain that innocence again.
It's what happened at the garden... maybe somewhere East of Turkey or Kuwait. The devious fallen angel satan tempted Eve by treating her as the head of the house. @ Mukiri, Your have brought some deep suggestations. Yes the garden of Eden is mentioned. Was this Garden of Eden physical here on earth? Me doubt. Doubt?  Are you saying that the Bible happened in another planet... or worse that its fictitious? Shunga sana, the ulimi is a very powerful tool. Genesis mentions 4 rivers, 2 of them are in the mentioned places. Professionals have gone into great lengths to try and locate the garden... It just might have been there. Please watch David Powson's Unlocking the Bible. You'll be surprised. Eg When Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac, how old do you think Isaac was? In his 30's!! Would you, in your mid-age, lay down on a pile of twigs and have your old father cut your throat for God? Think about Isaac's faith
Rank: Member Joined: 8/27/2012 Posts: 320
mukiri, tell me more about isaac. why do you say he was in his 30s? Light Bearer
Rank: Member Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 851 Location: nairobi
Behemoth wrote:murenj wrote:According to some religious sects, Eve had a twin delivery: CAIN the first and evil twin begotten from the sin of the serpent; ABEL, begotten of Adam, and latter killed by Cain.....and you are still wondering why some families in Kenya have siblings of different races? @Murenj, you have brought some interesting angle. So is CAIN still alive? his descendants are still here with us
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/26/2008 Posts: 2,097
murenj wrote:Behemoth wrote:murenj wrote:According to some religious sects, Eve had a twin delivery: CAIN the first and evil twin begotten from the sin of the serpent; ABEL, begotten of Adam, and latter killed by Cain.....and you are still wondering why some families in Kenya have siblings of different races? @Murenj, you have brought some interesting angle. So is CAIN still alive? his descendants are still here with us Whom did Cain marry if there was only one First family by then(Adam and his wife Eve)??? "Never regret, if its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience."
Club SK
Two Trees : Life & Knowledge
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