WIERD? FUNNY? CRAZY? In whatever way you want to describe me, for the first time ever in Wazua, here comes the Full Year 2012 Results for KOL!
Turnover up 10.38p.c to KES29.68M
Profit Bfore Tax down 15.19p.c to KES1.64M
Profit After Tax down 65.61p.c to KES0.24M
Total dividend payout KES55,000
No. of listed shares 12,868,124
Company website:
www.njorocanning.co.keCompany products;
- Relishes and Pickles
- Sauces
- Canned Vegetables
- Dehydrated Vegetables
- Frozen Vegetables
- Spices
- Jams and Marmalades
- Desserts
Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you.” ― Rashi