essyk wrote:Do you approve? Is it okay?
How does it feel like?
My opinion,it hurts me so bad. I know some kids are 'tough' but I feel terrible anytime I see or hear a child cry as a result of kichapo from a girl.
Can such a kid learn any lesson from the girl or will they rebel?
First things first
1. you are the mother in the house
2. the housegal is your assitant
3. you set the rules in the house
4. you ensure that the rules are followed.
A housegal, being your assistant has to know her position. Disciplining the children is not her work. That is the parents work. The first thing the housegals know when they come to my house is that my children are my business when it comes to disciplining. I do respect them and demand that the kids respect them but absolutely no beating them. If they have a problem, i go home every evening and that's when they should be tell me. Of course this is spelt out to them in the nicesest way possible and they feel like they have a "authority" but very limited.... so the most they do is threaten the kids that they will report their mischief. I also do take it seriously when the housegal reports the mischief but i determine whether it warrants spanking or a round table discussion - and of course thank the housegal for reporting it and encourage her to report any future mischief she spots. Whichever way, it gives the housegal satisfaction that it was dealt with and therefore the incentive to report it next time and the kids know there is an eye even when parents are way.
However, if housegal takes it upon herself to discipline the kids, it's a sure ticket to let her "step aside" to let me handle my business. Hapo hakuna mkate nusu.....