Citizens of the Virtual Republic of Wazua have some of the most imaginative minds you will find anywhere. Citizens are very brilliant and passionate.
Right now, these minds have a very high demand for politics and matters political.
Freeze politics in ClubSK and the demand for matters political goes black market since the demand is high and the suppliers are willing to supply then the two will only have to look for an alternative market place.
Matters pornographic are frowned upon here but once in a while, demand gets too high and there being willing suppliers, the black market kicks in in the form of a Wazuan dialect. This results in airports, plugs, sockets, landings et al.
Freeze politics and the brilliant Wazuan minds will fall over all themselves, nay ourselves creating a new dialect on matters politics with the added excitement of rubbing our nose at Madam Administrator.
Traffic jams on matters politic will also certainly migrate from ClubSK county to the other counties and especially stocks county for it is the second most active county after ClubSK.
Freeze politics and you will take politics in Virtual Republic of Wazua from the husband/wife relationship into the husband-wife/mpango-ya-kando territory. The fun and excitement of an illicit affair.
Want to freeze politics, knock yourself out. Politics will change into a new and exciting ballgame altogether. I invite you to try, for actions have consequences.