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citizen TV morning show polarizing
#41 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 11:36:58 AM
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alma wrote:
My friends, I don't know why asking for proof sounds like I'm for or against anyone.

Let me make this clear. I prefer to have inciters in jail. I still don't believe those who are accused in court should be running.

Now some of the best inciters are the ones who prefer not to offer any proof about anything other than "believe me, I know".

Since I don't know what was said and the basis of what was said, I prefer to wait for proof. So again I ask, for the sake of being mindful of not inciting those who did not see the show, weka rink.

If your rink and claim is credible, then by all means lets crucify them.

However, thus far, I have two points of view from online people who are anonymous.

Group 1 says she was inciting
Group 2 says she was saying the truth.

Let the people decide. Weka rink.

Sasa proof itakota wapi kama findeos have not been uploaded?
I am happy
#42 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 11:39:36 AM
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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
#43 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 11:42:57 AM
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sparkly wrote:
Watched it and my mouth was wide open with shock for a few minutes.

What she said explicitly was:

1. It is not Raila who took the Kalenjins to Hague, it is the Kikuyus who took the Kalenjin community to the Hague.
2. Uhuru is cheating the Kalenjins that he will give them 50% of the gov. A Kikuyu cannot be trusted.
3. The community that is responsible for historical injustices against the Kalenjins in the RV is the Kikuyus and the Kalenjins will always fight them.
4. The Kikuyus are also responsible for historical injustices at the coast and the communities at the coast will also fight the kikuyus.
5. Kalenjins supporting a Kikuyu now is just covering a wound that will blow up sooner than later.

The tribal vitrol was too much, coming just three days to the elections. Someone called to complain about the language but then veered off to talk about partisan URP issues.

eish! Hii ni hatari. Arrest that woman n save the nation! Mcr I don't believe you can rubbish this.
#44 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 11:53:29 AM
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The lady has received death threats and reported the same to police!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Much Know
#45 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 11:55:32 AM
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McReggae wrote:
Much Know wrote:
McReggae wrote:
@muchknow: Sang had earlier shown interest but he did not vie!!!!

....this 'small' man Sang has caused so much stir in RV????

I hope you are not celebrating but condeming this "stir", there is a limit to somethings hata kama ni wewe cord damu, you signed on the "wauzans for peace" thread, Kenya does not need clashes/war.

This I have not seen, maybe there are things which are supposed to hid under the table yet these fellows are bringing them up....the other day you posted about PEV IDPs being chased from The PM's office, why do we still have them yet we have peace in th RV through Jubilee???

No one denies there are issues, but taking advantage of issues this way is the problem. Constitutional bodies have been set up to deal with this issues, including TJRC, who gives Sang and the lady the mandate to speak on behalf of Kenyans when we have set up other systems nationally to deal with this? Why take us back when we are moving forward? You are not making sense even if it is supporting Raila to death, why support an individual inciting? Leave bows and arrows and pangas if a full out war with guns, tanks and battalions of soldiers, financial and human resources were to brake out between communities, respective leaders will be called upon at one point to sit across a table and iron out there differences, this are the systems we have set up, Raila winning is not everything till you are now justifying promotion of ethnic tensions because through narrow lenses it will benefit cord/rao.
Meru Holiness
#46 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 11:55:50 AM
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i did not watch that show but i hold it to be true that power should not be centred between two tribes i.e. Kalenjin & Kikuyu since independence. we need to rotate this thing known as presidency like it is done in Nigeria between South & North. In our case since there are several tribes we can go the way of the compass, [north, east, west, south] NEWS.. whereby each geographical side of the country will choose its best to run a 5year term and then move to the next side [not tribe]..

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#47 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 11:57:15 AM
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a few links on the background of the lady.
do a search of OGLA KARANI and see the reactions on fb. apparently, Joshua Arap Sang and Ogla Karani
were disgruntled after missing
direct nominations. That is not a reason enough to incite.




#48 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:07:35 PM
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copy pasted
If Joshua Sang and Dr Ogla Karani
were so popular as CORD wants us
to believe, they would have easily
won their respective URP
nominations, not lose miserably as
they did
#49 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:14:24 PM
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Much Know wrote:
BTW the URP man mentioned a specific Kalenjin codeword/Mantra that is used for war incitement, only that i don't know kalenjin, he said they are promoting that Mantra, some very specific kalenjin codeword for fighting others.

No, there was nothing mentioned of that nature. What Murkomen mentioned is a slogan a certain tribal grouping wanted to use against Ruto. 'Wendi Kityo' means 'he will go alone'. Which meant that Ruto will join hands with the Kenyatta group alone (without the community's support).
By the way, for those who did not watch the program, Murkomen argued soberly and exhibited nationalism and ably countered the tribal venom from the lady.
#50 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:19:45 PM
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Why were they not recruited in the Cord Think Tank from start?For impact they should have started this last year not today when most have decided.

Uhuru told us to expect alot in this final days...........this is exactly what he meant.Lakini tusitishike.

I hope Kibunjia was watching and I await his comments/action.

Wapeleke frustration zao mbali na peace loving kaleos.
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#51 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:23:34 PM
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kenmac wrote:
copy pasted
If Joshua Sang and Dr Ogla Karani
were so popular as CORD wants us
to believe, they would have easily
won their respective URP
nominations, not lose miserably as
they did

Sour grapes: And if they had won those seats, they would be the ones screaming themselves hoarse about Jubilee. ABK !

I am happy
Much Know
#52 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:24:04 PM
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Caveman wrote:
Much Know wrote:
BTW the URP man mentioned a specific Kalenjin codeword/Mantra that is used for war incitement, only that i don't know kalenjin, he said they are promoting that Mantra, some very specific kalenjin codeword for fighting others.

No, there was nothing mentioned of that nature. What Murkomen mentioned is a slogan a certain tribal grouping wanted to use against Ruto. 'Wendi Kityo' means 'he will go alone'. Which meant that Ruto will join hands with the Kenyatta group alone (without the community's support).
By the way, for those who did not watch the program, Murkomen argued soberly and exhibited nationalism and ably countered the tribal venom from the lady.

I agree, murkomen was visibly disgusted by that inciter lady
Meru Holiness
#53 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:25:11 PM
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McReggae wrote:
The lady has received death threats and reported the same to police!!!!

No one has threatened a venom spitting woman. She is bitter about not winning or being nominated. ABK!
I am happy
#54 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:34:53 PM
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Death threats! From who? Another propaganda.Looking for sympathy.

Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#55 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:39:26 PM
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If the lady mentioned what has been listed here.. then i think Kibunja should start working or just go eat yams....

talking about it doesn't help also.. Me thinks its a well orchestrated move to raise emotions in Jubilee zones.. so if you understand politics, washaneni na hiyo story.. don't give it mileage... let it die after Kapkatet today..
If Uhuruto speak about it today.. they would have fallen for the bait...
Sang is to Jubilee as Miguna is to CORD
#56 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:42:54 PM
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poundfoolish wrote:
If the lady mentioned what has been listed here.. then i think Kibunja should start working or just go eat yams....

talking about it doesn't help also.. Me thinks its a well orchestrated move to raise emotions in Jubilee zones.. so if you understand politics, washaneni na hiyo story.. don't give it mileage... let it die after Kapkatet today..
If Uhuruto speak about it today.. they would have fallen for the bait...
Sang is to Jubilee as Miguna is to CORD

I am happy
#57 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:48:06 PM
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Amores wrote:
poundfoolish wrote:
If the lady mentioned what has been listed here.. then i think Kibunja should start working or just go eat yams....

talking about it doesn't help also.. Me thinks its a well orchestrated move to raise emotions in Jubilee zones.. so if you understand politics, washaneni na hiyo story.. don't give it mileage... let it die after Kapkatet today..
If Uhuruto speak about it today.. they would have fallen for the bait...
Sang is to Jubilee as Miguna is to CORD



#58 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:48:47 PM
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My friends, those of us who are not kales,luos,luhyas,kikuyus or kambas are we part of Kenya? Are these tribes the only ones in this our Kenya? When you are all throwing vitriol back and forth how are the rest of us expected to fit in this equation known as Kenya?
#59 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:49:02 PM
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Did the lady say she was represented CORD?Answer:No she wasnt,those bringing CORD in this are worse than the woman herself,what strategy are youvtalking about? sad as it is,let her be judged as an individual coz she was there representing herself not any party...why do we like lying to ourselves,just coz am from a particular tribe shouldnt mean that we keep quiet and sweep things under the rag,if historical injustices occured which we all are in agreement that they did its all in the past for those that we can correct like land let us correct them the others let us forget about them...we can only move forward if we treat each others as equal,no one is better than the other.
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#60 Posted : Friday, March 01, 2013 12:51:13 PM
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poundfoolish wrote:
Amores wrote:
poundfoolish wrote:
If the lady mentioned what has been listed here.. then i think Kibunja should start working or just go eat yams....

talking about it doesn't help also.. Me thinks its a well orchestrated move to raise emotions in Jubilee zones.. so if you understand politics, washaneni na hiyo story.. don't give it mileage... let it die after Kapkatet today..
If Uhuruto speak about it today.. they would have fallen for the bait...
Sang is to Jubilee as Miguna is to CORD



Was agreeing with this, but mostly the part in mblue
I am happy
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