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Rethinking religion
#21 Posted : Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:40:07 PM
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ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster, have you ever listened to the music of the spheres?

I haven't.Have been obsessed with sound since last year.Music is math,so I've been asking myself,what music is nature playing.One of my life long dreams.By any chance are you good in arts?

I enjoy, and participate in art. I am particularly interested in music, installation art, film and theater, poetry, and criticism. I can say I am an artist.

Religion is more of art, isn't it?

In what way?

I think more of a scientist.But I'm obsessed with the beauty of art.

Religion isn't just about remembering the truth, but living it. Now imagine if truth had no beauty! No one would live it.
#22 Posted : Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:49:06 PM
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harrydre wrote:
tycho wrote:
harrydre wrote:
After watching "Zeitgeist: The Movie" I decided not to pursue further research into religion. The answers seem to be elusive.

The answers 'seem', but aren't elusive. Patience and perseverance are needed.

you see in your quest for the truth, you still have to rely on other people's work which might not necessarily be the truth. This definitely paints an image of a dog chasing it's tail.

'Might not necessarily be the truth' is not the same as, 'is never the truth'.

And if even if you resigned from seeking the truth, you'd still rely on other people's works. And this time you'd have to believe in lies and not have a way out of it.

But if you seek wisdom, she is bound to come.
#23 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 8:12:50 AM
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tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster, have you ever listened to the music of the spheres?

I haven't.Have been obsessed with sound since last year.Music is math,so I've been asking myself,what music is nature playing.One of my life long dreams.By any chance are you good in arts?

I enjoy, and participate in art. I am particularly interested in music, installation art, film and theater, poetry, and criticism. I can say I am an artist.

Religion is more of art, isn't it?

In what way?

I think more of a scientist.But I'm obsessed with the beauty of art.

Religion isn't just about remembering the truth, but living it. Now imagine if truth had no beauty! No one would live it.

I agree.Is the appreciation of life as art an acquired taste?
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#24 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 8:19:01 AM
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Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?
#25 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 8:28:59 AM
Rank: Elder

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tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#26 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 8:42:29 AM
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ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.
mjuaji wa stocks
#27 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 11:14:55 AM
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tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.

You must be a new ager - Never has anyone reasoned with God and came up sober .... God and in this case Christ is the centre of religions.

New age - keep to yourself
God gave me the power to make wealth ... Blessed the work of my hands & enabled be A SELF MADE BILLIONAIRE ...... TO GOD THE FATHER OF MY LORD JESUS CHRIST; BE THE GLORY NOW & FOREVER MORE!

#28 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 12:06:50 PM
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mjuaji wa stocks wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.

You must be a new ager - Never has anyone reasoned with God and came up sober .... God and in this case Christ is the centre of religions.

New age - keep to yourself

@Mjuaji, I am aware of the New age, and I am aware of Catholic orthodoxy. I am also aware of several other things, and while these things have affected my thoughts in a way or the other, and must have appeared in my posts, you have never appeared with 'labels'.

But now that you have come, I would like to remind you that truth, knows no parties.

You say that no one reasons with God and comes out sober.

But Isaiah 1:18, is an explicit invitation to reason with God, and states that the consequence of this is righteousness.

All the prophets have reasoned with God, Job, I reason with God.

I put it to you that you have no single proof for any of your statements.

So you only want to keep the company of those who think like you?

Anyway, are you filled with God's spirit, which is not of fear but of power, love and a sound mind? Come! Let us reason together!

#29 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 12:11:15 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.

When it comes to such issues I go back to Christ. He focused on love. He said love God and love your neighbours.If you love God you will obey the first four commandments.If you love your neighbour you will follow the next six. Now whether or not God will enforce the old testament to the letter,I don't know.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#30 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 12:32:12 PM
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ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
My studies, thought, and overall experience as a being (including prayer and revelation), have finally brought me to a point where I can define 'religion' usefully.

To me religion is the set of acts, ideas, symbols, rituals and language that is used to remind and guide one on identity, purpose and morality.

To cut a long story short, I have decided to embrace a religion that embraces all religions.

I will pray and worship like a Muslim, upholding the straight path, meditate like Buddha, and live the Man God.

My religion must also include indiscriminate conversation and love, and a candid pursuit of truth.

Ah,tycho.I came to the same conclusion too. In my opinion no religion advocates for hate and injustices but truth and love.

@tycho and @ChessMaster I congratulate you!!! Applause Applause Applause
Religion is way of life. It is not just remembering truth or claiming truth, but living that truth!

Let's touch base later...
In the meantime, I pray to Allah to guide you right.

@harrydre always seek the truth. Nobody is an expert of knowledge. Seek knowledge from trusted sources. But the idea of being paranoid about everything is will only make you valnarable to emotinal manipulation.
That's why you see some followers closing their minds, following things, even when those things are against their common sense, they don't question.

God says in the Quran (NB - these are not exact words):
I've given you the brain to think, to differentiate you from animals.
#31 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 12:47:40 PM
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Thank you @Alph Doti. Great is Allah!
#32 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 12:48:28 PM
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AlphDoti wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
My studies, thought, and overall experience as a being (including prayer and revelation), have finally brought me to a point where I can define 'religion' usefully.

To me religion is the set of acts, ideas, symbols, rituals and language that is used to remind and guide one on identity, purpose and morality.

To cut a long story short, I have decided to embrace a religion that embraces all religions.

I will pray and worship like a Muslim, upholding the straight path, meditate like Buddha, and live the Man God.

My religion must also include indiscriminate conversation and love, and a candid pursuit of truth.

Ah,tycho.I came to the same conclusion too. In my opinion no religion advocates for hate and injustices but truth and love.

@tycho and @ChessMaster I congratulate you!!! Applause Applause Applause
Religion is way of life. It is not just remembering truth or claiming truth, but living that truth!

Let's touch base later...
In the meantime, I pray to Allah to guide you right.

@harrydre always seek the truth. Nobody is an expert of knowledge. Seek knowledge from trusted sources. But the idea of being paranoid about everything is will only make you valnarable to emotinal manipulation.
That's why you see some followers closing their minds, following things, even when those things are against their common sense, they don't question.

God says in the Quran (NB - these are not exact words):
I've given you the brain to think, to differentiate you from animals.

Thank you.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#33 Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2013 4:07:32 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
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Location: Nairobi
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.

When it comes to such issues I go back to Christ. He focused on love. He said love God and love your neighbours.If you love God you will obey the first four commandments.If you love your neighbour you will follow the next six. Now whether or not God will enforce the old testament to the letter,I don't know.

My findings:

1. All the Commandments have a scientific basis, and are essentially one as Christ postulated in 'Love thy God with all your heart and mind, and thy neighbor as thy self'.

2. Enforcement of the Law remains consistent.

3. The 'jealousy' of God is an expression of this consistency of enforcement.

4. It can be shown that breaking the Laws spreads even to the third generation, logically.

5. Islamic art is more faithful to these laws than Christian art.

6. Christian art has shown and supported the spiritual evolution of Man more than Islamic art.

7. The way forward in the upholding of the commandments is the creation of live and interactive digital art.
#34 Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:01:45 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.

When it comes to such issues I go back to Christ. He focused on love. He said love God and love your neighbours.If you love God you will obey the first four commandments.If you love your neighbour you will follow the next six. Now whether or not God will enforce the old testament to the letter,I don't know.

My findings:

1. All the Commandments have a scientific basis, and are essentially one as Christ postulated in 'Love thy God with all your heart and mind, and thy neighbor as thy self'.

2. Enforcement of the Law remains consistent.

3. The 'jealousy' of God is an expression of this consistency of enforcement.

4. It can be shown that breaking the Laws spreads even to the third generation, logically.

5. Islamic art is more faithful to these laws than Christian art.

6. Christian art has shown and supported the spiritual evolution of Man more than Islamic art.

7. The way forward in the upholding of the commandments is the creation of live and interactive digital art.

Could you care to explain the scientific basis.

When it comes to that I like to remind myself that God can bless you 100fold.

The tenth commandment is surely under threat when it comes to digital life.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#35 Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:47:04 AM
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Joined: 12/9/2009
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Matthew 17:20
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

I don't know how to explain it but I have seen great things and my unselfish prayers have all been answered and exceeded all my expectations. Try a little faith and see. Test Jesus with your questions. Raise your expectations.

Do you know how small a mustard seed is?

BBI will solve it
#36 Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:53:28 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
2012 wrote:
Matthew 17:20
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

I don't know how to explain it but I have seen great things and my unselfish prayers have all been answered and exceeded all my expectations. Try a little faith and see. Test Jesus with your questions. Raise your expectations.

Do you know how small a mustard seed is?

This too has been my experience.I appreciate your kind words.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#37 Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:07:33 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
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Location: Nairobi
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.

When it comes to such issues I go back to Christ. He focused on love. He said love God and love your neighbours.If you love God you will obey the first four commandments.If you love your neighbour you will follow the next six. Now whether or not God will enforce the old testament to the letter,I don't know.

My findings:

1. All the Commandments have a scientific basis, and are essentially one as Christ postulated in 'Love thy God with all your heart and mind, and thy neighbor as thy self'.

2. Enforcement of the Law remains consistent.

3. The 'jealousy' of God is an expression of this consistency of enforcement.

4. It can be shown that breaking the Laws spreads even to the third generation, logically.

5. Islamic art is more faithful to these laws than Christian art.

6. Christian art has shown and supported the spiritual evolution of Man more than Islamic art.

7. The way forward in the upholding of the commandments is the creation of live and interactive digital art.

Could you care to explain the scientific basis.

When it comes to that I like to remind myself that God can bless you 100fold.

The tenth commandment is surely under threat when it comes to digital life.

You remind me of Fermat's last theorem.

The proof for your question is too long to fit wazua's margins.

But if you start from cosmology to how the brain is connected to spirituality you shall surely find the proof.

All commandments are intact and strong, in fact the digital age will be more God fearing than any other age.
#38 Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2013 12:15:04 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
tycho wrote:
Let us find the truth about how religion and art ought to relate, and how they have related.

For example, why does it seem like Christianity has negated the law against 'graven images'?

Can you give an example.Don't exactly get that.

Exodus 20: 4 - 6.

'Primitive' man religion and art. Generally, religion and art.

When it comes to such issues I go back to Christ. He focused on love. He said love God and love your neighbours.If you love God you will obey the first four commandments.If you love your neighbour you will follow the next six. Now whether or not God will enforce the old testament to the letter,I don't know.

My findings:

1. All the Commandments have a scientific basis, and are essentially one as Christ postulated in 'Love thy God with all your heart and mind, and thy neighbor as thy self'.

2. Enforcement of the Law remains consistent.

3. The 'jealousy' of God is an expression of this consistency of enforcement.

4. It can be shown that breaking the Laws spreads even to the third generation, logically.

5. Islamic art is more faithful to these laws than Christian art.

6. Christian art has shown and supported the spiritual evolution of Man more than Islamic art.

7. The way forward in the upholding of the commandments is the creation of live and interactive digital art.

Could you care to explain the scientific basis.

When it comes to that I like to remind myself that God can bless you 100fold.

The tenth commandment is surely under threat when it comes to digital life.

You remind me of Fermat's last theorem.

The proof for your question is too long to fit wazua's margins.

But if you start from cosmology to how the brain is connected to spirituality you shall surely find the proof.

All commandments are intact and strong, in fact the digital age will be more God fearing than any other age.

Now you've given me something to think about.

I hope to see that.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#39 Posted : Monday, March 04, 2013 6:14:22 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
I'm watching Life of Pi,feels like we were reviewing the movie
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#40 Posted : Monday, March 04, 2013 6:53:02 PM
Rank: Elder

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ChessMaster wrote:
I'm watching Life of Pi,feels like we were reviewing the movie

New thoughts?
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