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Wazuan's Vs Investment Banks' Recommendations
#41 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2013 2:36:02 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
SittingPretty wrote:
techboy wrote:
hahhaha. this whole thread made me laugh ALLOT . please tell me who makes money listening to the broker ???who ?
surely you expect to listen to those clerks who take your order @ the brokers and make money ?
@@SittingPretty. i have no sorry for you . get a grip on your investments and yes LEARN BASIC TECHNICAL ANALYSIS . IT WORKS ! . note "BASIC"
Fore me basically if you aren't showing me a chart you are saying non-sense and better take that chatter somewhere else ....
so basically find out wheat works for you with fundamental analysis or technical analysis and stick to it !

Taken in good stride, I have been pouring over these fundamentals and technical analysis literature and its sure some work! Hopefully I would be enlightened after the 4th Mar... in the mean time am watching what a couple of guys here are upto!

I'm curious,who?
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#42 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2013 2:56:14 PM
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Joined: 6/2/2011
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@SittingPretty, you are very extremely completely wrong on 'watching what some guys around here' are doing.

Those guys have already flown out to their mother's lands or where they have duo citizenship, and will come back after we build this nation for them.

Kindly invest in BASIC knowledge, not to read the whole library, then buy when they are running scared, sell back to them when they come back to enjoy our sweat and blood.
Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you.” ― Rashi

#43 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:12:53 PM
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dunkang wrote:
Those guys have already flown out to their mother's lands or where they have duo citizenship, and will come back after we build this nation for them


We are all equal Kenyans regardless of how one became Kenyan...

I must stay in my country and cast my vote for Peter Kenneth and continue my "anti jubilee" campaign as it has been branded!

Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#44 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:22:49 PM
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Joined: 2/23/2009
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guru267 wrote:
dunkang wrote:
Those guys have already flown out to their mother's lands or where they have duo citizenship, and will come back after we build this nation for them


We are all equal Kenyans regardless of how one became Kenyan...

I must stay in my country and cast my vote for Peter Kenneth and continue my "anti jubilee" campaign as it has been branded!

At the very least you seem to care about this country and its future.I like.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#45 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:31:42 PM
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Location: -1.2107, 36.8831
guru267 wrote:
dunkang wrote:
Those guys have already flown out to their mother's lands or where they have duo citizenship, and will come back after we build this nation for them


We are all equal Kenyans regardless of how one became Kenyan...

I must stay in my country and cast my vote for Peter Kenneth and continue my "anti jubilee" campaign as it has been branded!

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Good to know u r not amongst the guys selling of HFCK and painting the market RED.

BTW, this was not meant to be a political comment. I was just trying to look for the relationship between the reported jam at the JKIA and the sell off at the NSE.
Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you.” ― Rashi

#46 Posted : Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:08:13 AM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
Pesa Nane wrote:
guru267 wrote:
dunkang wrote:
ION, On Pan Africa, the 1H2012 was almost a loss were it not for the sale of their Runda property.

Lets see what happens!! Results are about a month away..

@youcantstopusnow, add this one to your memory bank.

dunkang seems to have a better memory! Hehe!
Earnings season hasn't got out fast off the blocks this year. EABL and BBK didn't exactly blow us out of the water with their numbers. Plenty of companies to announce though. I just wish companies would give a definite date of their next earnings date in good time. I swear Friday I was waiting on those KCB numbers. I'm sure mwekezaji was too! This is what Muthaura should have on his to do list instead of leaking company news!
I gather Mumias and KK results will elicit a lot of reactions. The former had an interesting battle between sukariguru and guru267. The latter I recently lightened my position by a sizeable quantity at 14 for a circa 40pc net return. The 2H 2012 should provide a way forward. It will also be interesting to hear if Segman has anything to say on PUMA.


Posted: Thursday, February 21, 2013 10:59:41 AM

mwekez@ji wrote:
Pan Africa insurance released its performance figures posting a 57% y/y rise in FY12 EPS to KES 7.27. This came below our EPS estimate of KES 9.97 mainly driven by higher than expected change in contract liabilities. Net written premium jumped 55% to KES 5.126bn. The rise in written premium was driven by both increased new business (+33%) as well as high persistency ratios in recurring businesses. Bolstered by the positive upswing in the equities market last year, other operating revenue jumped 197% y/y with fair value gains moving from a negative position of KES 896m FY11 to a positive position of KES 880m FY12. Net claims and benefits climbed 92% to KES 7.07bn, 4% higher than our estimate due to a higher than expected increase in change in contract liabilities. Claims ratio however declined to 29% FY12 from 38% FY11, as premiums raced ahead of actual benefits and claims paid. Operating expenses on a restated basis fell 14% to KES 1.6bn (actual reported expenses in 2011 were KES 1.4bn but this was restated to KES 1.8bn. Also note that other operating income in 2011 was restated from KES 665m to KES 1.1bn.) Acquisition ratio fell 500bp to 12% an indication of increased direct bookings possibly stemming from increased group life business. Underwriting expense ratio fell to 13% FY12 compare to 17% FY11 driven by a combination of strong top line growth and increased efficiency. The underwriter is in the process of implementing a new administration systems which is likely to improve efficiency further with greatest scope in staff costs. The groups reported EV increased 8% to KES 45.83 per share. The underwriter declared a first and final dividend of KES 3, 50% higher than the previous year.

Pending review of our FY13, FY14 & FY15 forecasts, we retain our Buy recommendation. We expect Pan Africa to continue to outperform the sector in premium growth going forward underpinned by increased product innovation. (Standard Investment Bank)

Cde Monomotapa
#47 Posted : Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:17:21 AM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 1/13/2011
Posts: 5,964
dunkang wrote:
@SittingPretty, you are very extremely completely wrong on 'watching what some guys around here' are doing.

Those guys have already flown out to their mother's lands or where they have duo citizenship, and will come back after we build this nation for them.

Kindly invest in BASIC knowledge, not to read the whole library, then buy when they are running scared, sell back to them when they come back to enjoy our sweat and blood.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#48 Posted : Thursday, February 21, 2013 6:21:32 PM
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Joined: 2/16/2013
Posts: 123
Location: MSA
dunkang wrote:
SittingPretty wrote:
Really new at trading, bought the following stocks( my first in Jan)CIC(4.0),SCOM 5.8, MSC5, BRITAK(6.9) and KQ10.8. Advised by my inv banker offcourse. Only two counters have stood so far.
I have gone through the fundamentals, including industry outlook but I can't get to piece through the clatter. My gut, call me a wanjiku, tells me KQ and MSCS, despite the legal farm tussles, could firm up in the long run. Whats your take Wazuans!!!!

Am just wondering what reasons your investment banker gave.
- CIC @4.0 is a NO with all information at hand,
- SCOM @5.8 for a long term investor, i.e +2 years,
- MSC @5 OK with me but +1 year,
- KQ for free, still won't be in my head,
- Britak @6.9, i just don't know, data at hand sketchy

Am offloading this CIC and MSC count my losses and wait for another day.... my gut is getting corroded!
Timely advice is as lovely as golden apples in a silver basket. Proverbs 25:11
#49 Posted : Thursday, February 21, 2013 6:53:48 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 4/19/2011
Posts: 49
Location: Nairobi
Cde Monomotapa wrote:
dunkang wrote:
@SittingPretty, you are very extremely completely wrong on 'watching what some guys around here' are doing.

Those guys have already flown out to their mother's lands or where they have duo citizenship, and will come back after we build this nation for them.

Kindly invest in BASIC knowledge, not to read the whole library, then buy when they are running scared, sell back to them when they come back to enjoy our sweat and blood.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Well, I can almost tell that Wazua has developed a great investment syllabus,from which any person thirsting for free investment knowledge can read and benefit.
#50 Posted : Wednesday, September 11, 2013 12:53:03 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 2/16/2013
Posts: 123
Location: MSA
dunkang wrote:
SittingPretty wrote:
Really new at trading, bought the following stocks( my first in Jan)CIC(4.0),SCOM 5.8, MSC5, BRITAK(6.9) and KQ10.8. Advised by my inv banker offcourse. Only two counters have stood so far.
I have gone through the fundamentals, including industry outlook but I can't get to piece through the clatter. My gut, call me a wanjiku, tells me KQ and MSCS, despite the legal farm tussles, could firm up in the long run. Whats your take Wazuans!!!!

Am just wondering what reasons your investment banker gave.
- CIC @4.0 is a NO with all information at hand,
- SCOM @5.8 for a long term investor, i.e +2 years,
- MSC @5 OK with me but +1 year,
- KQ for free, still won't be in my head,
- Britak @6.9, i just don't know, data at hand sketchy

Going back, Still holding SCOM offloaded the rest and boarded NIC at 46. smile smile .Wazua saved my money and Stomach!
Timely advice is as lovely as golden apples in a silver basket. Proverbs 25:11
#51 Posted : Wednesday, September 11, 2013 5:42:46 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 4/3/2008
Posts: 48
SittingPretty wrote:
dunkang wrote:
SittingPretty wrote:
Really new at trading, bought the following stocks( my first in Jan)CIC(4.0),SCOM 5.8, MSC5, BRITAK(6.9) and KQ10.8. Advised by my inv banker offcourse. Only two counters have stood so far.
I have gone through the fundamentals, including industry outlook but I can't get to piece through the clatter. My gut, call me a wanjiku, tells me KQ and MSCS, despite the legal farm tussles, could firm up in the long run. Whats your take Wazuans!!!!

Am just wondering what reasons your investment banker gave.
- CIC @4.0 is a NO with all information at hand,
- SCOM @5.8 for a long term investor, i.e +2 years,
- MSC @5 OK with me but +1 year,
- KQ for free, still won't be in my head,
- Britak @6.9, i just don't know, data at hand sketchy

Going back, Still holding SCOM offloaded the rest and boarded NIC at 46. smile smile .Wazua saved my money and Stomach!

@SittingPretty, I just saw this thread. Here's my two-pennies worth...

Nice to hear that you're still interested in investing after only 8 months (I think you said your first investment was in Feb 2013?)! Please take all the advice you can get (Kenyan "Investment Banks", Wazua, friends, family) and also invest time in online research. Then figure out what works best for you, but always look at the underlying nature of the companies you invest in, the industries, the economy, etc. It's your hard earned cheese, so don't let anything other than an informed decision guide you in how you invest it.

Conventional wisdom suggests that a long term investment in a well researched portfolio will always beat out a speculative short-term investment. Short term would mean holding an investment for anything less than a year, except, of course, if exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise. Getting in and out of the market the way you're suggesting puts you in the league of the speculative investor.

Please note that - in my humble opinion - there are no real indigenous investment banking houses in Kenya at the moment (assuming you would want to support a Kenyan business rather than an imported one). There are a few indigenous stockbrokers who have been given (or have bought) Investment Banking licenses, but this doesn't make them true investment banking houses.

An investment banking house makes its real money by trading on its own book, not by making commissions on its customer's account or giving transaction advice. All the indigenous investment banking houses continue to behave like stockbrokers and transaction advisors despite the hugely expensive licenses that they hold. CMA is largely to blame for this because they should specify what an investment bank does - but that's a whole other story for another time and day.

This begs the question - why not separate their stockbroking and advisory services and get separate licenses? It would be cheaper for them and they could really shine as stockbrokers, making bigger margins than as "Investment Banks"... but then again, they would not have the prestige of the moniker, eh?

Anyway, please think of building a portfolio based on the fundamentals of the target counter companies. And don't forget to diversify into debt instruments and other investment vehicles (e.g., the Kenyan favourite - property).
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