I see great potential in this site to both generate traffic and attract good advertising revenue. The content already drives considerable views/hits to this page (and I do not mean the ticker tape up there,not the serious 'Investments' section.
Most common items I see here:
-Land for sale/wanted
- Cars for Sale/Wanted
- Need legal/personal/medical/financial advice (and we've actually seen a renown dermatologist pop up in the discussions)
- Need counselling (and people give it free,some with good humour which may be what was needed in the first place)
- Healthcare (diets,gym,hospitals,etc)
- Business Ideas - start ups,farming,exporting
- (drumroll) - Safaricom modems,3G cards,tariff offers,packages,t-shirts,caps,underwear,etc.
OK that last item was for nuisance value but still - please consider evolving this site - its timely to do so now.
The problem with equality is that we desire that it be with those that have more than us rather that those that have less