MoG wrote: Of the two above, whose recommendations have you found to rely most in your investment/trading decisions? Kindly, Share what has worked for you and what hasn't.
NONE. I just read both and use my HEAD!
Why you may ask, its because;
- its my money and no one else is resposible for it,
- Wazua/blogs are full of hired mind, bribed to think for or against anything. E.g @the deal confessed in 2011 to have been bribed by Britak IPO to tone down on his critism.
-Wazua/blogs are full characters who will lie using numbers to favour themselves e.g @Guru267 comments on Pan Africa Insurance has changed in 12 months without sensible reasons.
- Investment banks and brokers make money by commisions, the more you trade the better their wallets.
- Wazua has guys who made investments blunders and want to hype a stock e.g @dunkang with Total (K) (24/-) and QW/Techboy with AccessKenya (20/-)
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