When I was a child, a man came to our home early in the morning.So at the gate was me,my mother and the man.So the man started reminding my mum of a debt she had given him years back and how he was so grateful and had always planned to repay my mother.YEARS!!! My mum couldn't even remember him but he remembered her. Afterwards she was still shocked because all along she thought he was asking for money. I could see she regretted not giving him his money back.But I learnt a lesson that day.
Give everything to everyone be it information,money,clothes,honesty,comfort.Just give.People have thanked me for things I didn't know I helped them with.It begins with an attitude which infects others.What I have learnt,it is better to give a shilling willingly,honestly and kindly than 1million with other motives.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go