It's helped how I think about issues.I try to now look for more facts,different angles and interesting titbits.I'm more open to ideas,opinions and other people's thoughts.I am currently rearranging my life to be a goal oriented one.It doesn't matter whether I fulfil them or not because I now know its better to have goals and ambitions than not to.
It increased my confidence.I'm now at that stage where I believe anything is possible.Ironically,you have to be able to envision it to see it. My career and investments are melding with my hobbies and interests.This is because TED has shown me the power of being passionate.
My life purpose got redefined. I now experience life in a different way. I'm more appreciative,more into the moment to moment and not in the past or future.We tend to live life either regretting our past actions or wishing for future prosperity but there is so much joy in being in the moment.Doesn't mean you don't plan for the future or learn from your past.Just means life is going to happen with you or without you,distracted or grounded,fearful or happy.
I'm always entertained and motivated by the imaginative,creative,simple and innovative nature of TED fellows especially when it comes to IT and electronics.I also like social experiments.
Its helped me understand myself better by forcing me to reflect more on myself and the talks.I got so used to TED and other such talks that I get bored with news,small talk and such.It just doesn't excite me.Maybe its just me.All in all its different,its real,its free,its out to make a better world,its inspiring...but thats just my opinion.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go