The kiwi (New Zealand $ - NZD) looks strongest of all the ccys vs the KES.
But as @guru says, as long as USDKES rate is not spiking like last year, the stability is very much welcome from the fiscal indiscipline I've seen since last year when I called the USDKES to hit 90/- (surpassed to 107...?!?) -;m=156136#post156136
However I expect the yen to perform miserably in 2013 as it loses vs all major 10 ccys and this should be music to those who deal with Japanese goods and those
firms with yen forex loans. From the look of things the JPYKES rate might slide to KES 70 - 80 range. Importers of jap stuff will have a field day. For forex players, the trick is to identify which ccy will gain the most vs the yen. Will it be the € or $ or £ (the beast)? I like the beast, though caution when trading this cross. Outsize gains = outsize losses too if the bet goes bonkers.
Happy holidays
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!