Hi guys,
Sometime ago,I bought a magnetic( or silver) bracelet for my mum at around 5k. The guy who sold it said it helps to balance the body ( negative and positive energy) thus removing disease.
Unfortunately it got lost and I cannot find the business card.
Does anyone know where I can get a magnetic bracelet in Kenya?
My mum claims it was really helping with the pain Does it work or is it a case of believing its working?
I learnt that in Ken Ouko's class; apparently old people have a way of believing they are sick(just to get attention) and once they are given some form of fake treatment like a water injection, they get better. Also could anyone tell me more about nano-silver therapy and its effects?We are currently on forever living (aloe vera,omega 3, pomesteen, calcium) and they are working but I like the bracelet because then she cannot forget to use it..
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