Kenya ports authority have as of 1st dec put up the price of any business at the port of Mombasa.
Today I was reading through the charges and realized that on some it's a 5 fold increase.
Example for a driver to get into the port with a truck from 200 it's now a 1000 and his entry from 20 bob is now 100.
The same applies to port charges , offloading fees , docking, pilot charges and port services.
This means to me but I maybe wrong that all imports and transport ex kilindini just to dearer.
As a net importer this maybe a valid non tariff barrier but what about the chances of loosing out to neighboring ports . Kilindini is the proffered entry point to most of East Africa, yes but will these charges not makes Tanga , Dar, Port Sudan and even Djibouti alternative entry points.