God does not communicate this way.
I remember when many countries were experiencing earthquakes,Dr. Owuor happened to visit dominican republic and told them to repent or be hit by an earthquake. Concidentally,Haiti was hit by a major earthquake few months later,the next thing I saw on Television and adverts in town (more visible on a electronic billboard on wallet club building) is that Dr. owuor prophesied haiti earthquake.
He prophesied earthquakes in every crusade he attended but luckly ,it has not happened. He had noted that eartquakes were common in 2008.
Now he has realised that Europe and america are experiencing a financial crunch and with the inflation in kenya,he has decided to threaten with a collapse of a bank.
This is not how God works.
"you shall know them by their actions" says the Lord.
"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it". Malcolm X