Club SK
sh.1 billion tussle over rental tax system
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/14/2009 Posts: 2,057
Mr.Ngengi a KRA employee is seeking to be compensated for his innovation. Seems matters have headed to the court. What is the legal position when an employee comes up with some innovation that is beneficial to his employer? any precedents? See full story in today's Nation Smart Company If you are an eagle don't hang around with chickens; chickens don't fly....
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2012 Posts: 3,855 Location: Othumo
ok i am yet to read the story. But employees are rewarded for creativity and innovation as part of the position's job evaluation process! Thieves
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2009 Posts: 26,329 Location: Masada
vinii wrote:Mr.Ngengi a KRA employee is seeking to be compensated for his innovation. Seems matters have headed to the court. What is the legal position when an employee comes up with some innovation that is beneficial to his employer? any precedents? See full story in today's Nation Smart Company May be 5% pay increase and a thank you. Nothing much. Portfolio: Sold You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 3/26/2012 Posts: 1,182
vinii wrote:Mr.Ngengi a KRA employee is seeking to be compensated for his innovation. Seems matters have headed to the court. What is the legal position when an employee comes up with some innovation that is beneficial to his employer? any precedents? See full story in today's Nation Smart Company Haven't read the story yet but i'm just thinking, as an employer, why am i employing you? To be "uninnovative"?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/5/2010 Posts: 2,061 Location: Nairobi
I doubt he will make much progress. Its all in the fine print of most employment contracts, most innovations belong to the company as long as you are in its employ, rewards or recognition usually being awarded in the usual manner - pat on the back - or lack thereof ... and the usual salary and yearly increments. Add to the fact that KRA is not a profit making organization, therefore it can't be said that it earned income from the innovation (tax collected is different - KRA hands over monies to the Treasury and the money belongs to us all)
Rank: Member Joined: 7/17/2008 Posts: 152
The arguement is that some innovations are beyond the normal duties that one has been employed to perform and hence they should be attributed (and patented) to the innovator. That seems to be the case with ngengi because his innovation was so significant that he won international awards. KRA is not in the business of growing technovators so this was out of ngengi normal duties. But the sad thing is that some useless senior guys at KRA want to spend kshs 1B to buy the same software from "other sources" without recognising ngengi or even paying him a cent for it.
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/9/2009 Posts: 6,592 Location: Nairobi
I saw the emails these grumpy old men were sending each other to frustrate the young innovator and I was shocked. They have a perfectly working system developed by this guy but they want to tender it out for another with same specs so the guy doesn't become richer than them. Now this is the hight of jealousy. BBI will solve it :)
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/5/2010 Posts: 2,061 Location: Nairobi
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/5/2010 Posts: 2,061 Location: Nairobi
There is clear intent to commit fraud; I think the employee can claim damages for distress caused by the abrupt and pointless transfer. Despite the fact that employment contracts stipulate the employer can send you anywhere, the senior execs nefarious behavior should override that.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
Huyo kichana aripwe pesa yake!!!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Veteran Joined: 8/25/2012 Posts: 1,826
1b for a system just to line the pockets of some high ranking people - in some countries people who hold high positions resign and are investigated just for having an affair.
and we have some top guys at a top public body in kenya exchanging emails on how to waste 1b.
Rank: Member Joined: 9/2/2010 Posts: 563 Location: Embakasi
 didn't read it In a place where thought is abandoned, freedom can become a curse.
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/27/2011 Posts: 1,777
What do we get when we work hard at killing innovation instead of encouraging it? Why should things be done the other way round in Kenya when others are mobilsing alot of resources just to support innovation?
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/9/2009 Posts: 6,592 Location: Nairobi
josiah33 wrote:What do we get when we work hard at killing innovation instead of encouraging it? Why should things be done the other way round in Kenya when others are mobilsing alot of resources just to support innovation? Happens everywhere. People in the draconian age fighting for survival. BBI will solve it :)
Rank: Veteran Joined: 4/4/2007 Posts: 1,162
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:1b for a system just to line the pockets of some high ranking people - in some countries people who hold high positions resign and are investigated just for having an affair.
and we have some top guys at a top public body in kenya exchanging emails on how to waste 1b. The Company the KRA guys want to use to loot the 1b is called Geomaps, owned by the MP for Siakago.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/15/2012 Posts: 1,110
KRA should pay the tech-innovator and sack three silly idiots!  For heavens sake, the guy came up with a solution, shared it with his seniors and KRA even went ahead to collect an international award for the innovation! The three silly idiots deliberately shared the innovation to a third party, and the third party now wants to get a Kshs. 1 Billion from the tax payers money!  For what? This is a SCAAAAAAAM! Live Full Die Empty - Les Brown.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2012 Posts: 3,855 Location: Othumo
After reading the article alipwe mbeca yake, these connivingnad thieveing wazee are just too much! Let kijana enjoy the sweet of his brains - medula oblangata! Kwanza this wazee as shameless. The way he says ' raising unnecessary concern from parties like Mr. Ngengi' as all the madharau in it - shindwo! Thieves
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/17/2012 Posts: 1,461 Location: Ngong Forest
The email part alone is ground enough to terminate their services. they are engaged to help Kenya by all means nothing less!
Rank: Member Joined: 4/20/2012 Posts: 888
The bosses should just eat a humble pie, apologise to the nation and recognise the young man. In a certain public organisation, a guy was paid one million shillings some years back for a similar innovation. Put it simply, the organisation may not be in a position to pay the market value, but that appreciation is critical to an employee and to other employees. It is the high time the patents rights are refined in Law.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 12/4/2009 Posts: 1,982 Location: matano manne
MKWASI wrote:The bosses should just eat a humble pie, apologise to the nation and recognise the young man. In a certain public organisation, a guy was paid one million shillings some years back for a similar innovation. Put it simply, the organisation may not be in a position to pay the market value, but that appreciation is critical to an employee and to other employees. It is the high time the patents rights are refined in Law. When employed by any company, any development to their systems and processes belong to that company.You have no basis to claim payment for doing your job.Mr Ngengi used time(paid for by KRA) as well as their resources and knowledgebase to develop the system.All he deserves is a payrise/promotion/recognition.The KRA commisioners trying to capitalise on his innovation, should all be HANGED..
Club SK
sh.1 billion tussle over rental tax system
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