essyk wrote:Why do people cohabit?
What happened to dating and at the end of the day everybody goes to their own house?
Cook our meals,wash your socks/bras,make your bed,pay your bills etc.
Why play wife/husband when you aren't officially one?
Date without cohabiting it's easy.
@essyk I like you sometimes... Tell them
You see from my background, this come we stay thing is not an option.
If you think you are ready to raise a family, then marry.
Otherwise, stay away from this and concentrate in improving yourself.
In Islam, advice to all young men and young womenIs to get married quickly if the means to it are made possible for them.
In one of the hadiths, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:"
O youthful people, if any of you have the means to, he should get married, as it lowers the eyesight and protects the private parts.
Those who have not the ability to do so should fast, as it will be a shield for him."
Logic behind fastingFor a man, when you fast, and the whole day you're yawning, do you think the small head can rise? The answer is simple, no.
For a woman, when you fast, and by end of day you're feeling hungry, do you think the hormornes in your body can make you want a man? The answer is simple, no.
Marriage is an act of worshipThe Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said in another hadith:
Four things bring one joy: a righteous wife, a spacious house, a pious neighbor and a comfortable riding animal." (nowadays,
riding animal =